The War Within Season 1 is ending, and there is very little time left to claim Season 1 rewards. After the release of The War Within Season 2, many cool rewards will no longer be available. We have prepared “must-have” S1 features you probably wouldn’t want to miss. It includes all the seasonal feats of strengths, achievements, mounts, titles, and gear that will be removed. You shouldn’t waste this little time before the new expansion starts. Allow our boosters to get these ultimate seasonal rewards in the shortest terms with a 10% discount. Just choose the preferable options and enjoy your boost!
The War Within Season 2 release date at the late February 2025.
The duration of each service is different; please contact our support team for precise timing.
Service Includes
- You will receive rewards from selected Last Chance Offers in the first season of The War Within:
- Keystone Master Bundle:
- Keystone Hero Bundle:
- Elite PvP Set Bundle:
- Elite PvP Season 1 Transmogrification set;
- 1800 Arena rating;
- Honor gear in each slot;
- Gladiator Bundle:
- Legend Bundle:
- Plunderstorm Bundle:
- 40000 Plunder currency to purchase all new event rewards;
- Ahead of the Curve Bundle:
- Cutting Edge Bundle:
- Zekvir Challenge Bundle:
- You will receive rewards from selected Pre-order Offers in the second season of The War Within:
- Mythic 0 Bundle:
- 8/8 Mythic 0 dungeons in TWW season 2;
- 3+1 Mythic+10 Bundle
- 3+1 Mythic+10 keys completed in TWW season 2;
- Some Mythic Plus Rating;
- Elite PvP Set S2 Bundle:
- Elite PvP Season 2 Transmogrification set;
- 1800 Arena rating;
- Keystone Legend Bundle:
- Undermine Campaign Bundle:
- Full Undermine Campaign completed;
- Some reputation with goblin cartels;
- D.R.I.V.E. Bundle:
- Obtaining a unique D.R.I.V.E. ground mount;
- Increasing your Cartel reputation;
- Access to new cosmetic items;
- Underpin Challenge Bundle:
- Skyrocketer Bundle:
- Warband Campsite Bundle:
- Cultists’ Quay and some progress in the second season of Delver’s Journey;
- Freywold Spring and All That Khaz meta-achievement;
- Gallagio Grand Gallery and Going Goblin Mode meta-achievement.
You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.
Some options cannot be performed in Self-Play mode. Please check with our managers.
Delivery Info
Estimated Start Time: 30-60 minutes, depending on chosen options.
Estimated Completion Time: depends on the chosen options.
Additional Options
- 500,000 Gold — we will provide you with 500000 gold coins in bulk for more comfortable playing;
- Stream – we’ll provide you with a personal stream of your boosting service (please request it before it starts).
Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
For the Zekvir Challenge Bundle, you must have 610 ilvl gear, the Сhallenge Tier unlocked, and 40+ Brann Bronzebeard Level.
How It Works
We have prepared a short guide to clarify the dungeon boost process:
- After you’ve picked out your preferred service options and made the payment, please check your email for a confirmation of payment receipt from Epiccary.
- In 3-10 minutes after your purchase, an Epiccary support agent will contact you to clarify each detail of your order and assign a veteran World of Warcraft player from our dedicated team to your dungeon boost.
- Depends on the chosen boosting mode:
- For the Self Play option we will ask you to be ready for your boost in the scheduled time;
- For the Piloted option, we will need your WoW account information. Please have it ready in advance.
- We’ll coordinate the timing of the playthrough to avoid interfering with your schedule and ensure that you gain the true game experience.
- If you wish, we can arrange a private broadcast of the run for you so that you can enjoy watching your hero complete his boosting adventure.
- Once Epiccary’s booster completes your services, a customer support team will contact you using your preferred method so that you can log back into your account and familiarize yourself with the boost results.
- Congratulations on the fantastic loot, title, mounts, or achievements rewards.
If you enjoyed The War Within Preparation Bundle, please feel free to leave an honest review about all the fun time you spent with us!