Eternal Phalynx of Humility

Obtaining the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount can be challenging, as it requires the Learning from the Master’s achievement and 2500 Reservoir Anima to purchase it from the vendor. But with our boosting service, you can leave the hard work to us and enjoy your new mount in no time.

Eternal Phalynx of Humility Mount Boost Service includes

  • Completion of the Learning from the Masters achievement
  • Purchase and delivery of the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount to your character
  • Professional and experienced boosters which will complete the achievement and farming efficiently
  • Affordable prices for high-quality boosting services
  • Safe and secure service, with your account information, kept confidential

This boost will be completed in Eternal Phalynx Of Humility | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


Mount Farming takes 2-3 weeks

Eternal Phalynx of Humility Boost Requirements

Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

 How to get the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount

Players will need to follow a few steps to obtain the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount in World of Warcraft. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get the mount:

  1. Obtain the “Learning from the Masters” Achievement: The first requirement for obtaining the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount is to acquire the “Learning from the Masters” achievement. This achievement requires players to Defeat Kalisthene and Athanos in the Trial of Wisdom using different followers. To access Trial of Wisdom, you must build Path of Ascension first.
  2. Obtain 2500 Reservoir Anima: The Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount can be purchased from Binkiros for 2500 Reservoir Anima. Reservoir Anima is a currency earned by completing various activities in Shadowlands, including world quests, dungeons and raids, and other daily activities.
  3. Purchase the Mount: Once you have the “Learning from the Masters” achievement and 2500 Reservoir Anima, you can purchase the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount from Binkiros. Binkiros is located in Elysian Hold in the Bastion zone of Shadowlands. Simply visit the vendor and purchase the mount for the required amount of Reservoir Anima.

Please note that to earn the Learning from the Master’s achievement and purchase the Eternal Phalynx of Humility mount from Binkiros, players must first join the Kyrian covenant.
