WoW Focused Affix Guide: Explore How to Deal With

By: friolt
6 min read
Focused Affix

When the War Within comes to us, all is completely changed. No more old-fashioned affixes, like the WoW TWW Fortified or WoW TWW Tyrannical affixes, but completely new challenges, new affixes, which completely change the rules of playing the Mythic+ keys, and diversify the meta classes and specs for each week, not each season. And one of those affixes is the World of Warcraft: Focused affix, and we’ve created a specific WoW focused affix guide for newbies and veterans, which uncovers:

  1. How to deal with that affix?
  2. Which routes to choose for that affix?
  3. Which group to collect for the WoW TWW focused affix?
  4. How to trick that affix in really high keys?

And much more useful and helpful information about the World of Warcraft: Focused affix. So fall deeper into this comprehensive guide, and learn all about the new M+ in one place!

We’re Also Have Guides For Other New Affixes In The World Of Warcraft: The War Within:

What is Focused affix in the World of Warcraft: The War Within

Focused Affix Wow

The Focused affix in WoW’s The War Within expansion makes non-boss enemies with mana attack faster (30% increased Haste), but they also become more vulnerable to Frost and Fire damage, taking 10% extra damage from these types of spells.

How to play World of Warcraft: the War Within Focused Affix?

Wow Focused

Dealing with the Focused affix in WoW is all about using the right spells and classes. Non-boss enemies with mana are faster, but they take extra damage from Frost and Fire spells. So, make sure you have Mages and Warlocks who can spam those spells.

ClassSpecSpell NameInformal Commentary
MageFireFireballBig damage, especially when enemies take extra Fire damage.
MageFrostFrostboltSlows enemies down and takes advantage of extra Frost damage.
WarlockDestructionChaos BoltHits like a truck, especially with the Fire damage boost.
WarlockDestructionImmolateSets enemies on fire, perfect for the Focused affix.
Elemental ShamanElementalLava BurstGreat burst damage with the Fire bonus.
Elemental ShamanElementalFrost ShockQuick and effective, takes advantage of the extra Frost damage.
Balance DruidBalanceSunfireAdds consistent Fire damage, good for keeping the pressure on.

Mages and Warlocks are your go-to for this affix because they have strong Frost and Fire spells.

MDT routes for the WoW TWW — Focused affix?

Wow Focused Affix

When running dungeons with the Focused affix in WoW TWW, it’s like trying to outrun—fast, furious, and a whole lot of fun. Enemies are speedy but weak to Frost and Fire, so hit ’em hard and laugh as they fall.

DungeonRoute Explanation
Ara-Kara, City of EchoesStick to the main roads, baby! Dodge those big fights like you’re dodging your ex at a party. Use those Frost and Fire spells, and remember, no wandering off like it’s an open house!
City of ThreadsAlright, target those mana users first. Herd that crowd like you’re the world’s best cat herder. Focus on the tough ones like it’s spell dodgeball time!
The DawnbreakerClean methodically, my friend. Watch for those speedy enemies like you’re watching for cops on a highway. Use your cooldowns like you’re popping open a soda on a hot day. Slow and steady wins the loot!
The StonevaultManage those mobs like a cat on a secret mission. Let your ranged friends do the heavy lifting from afar. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work—no solo play here!

Best classes for the WoW TWW focused affix?

Focused Wow Affix

Dealing with the Focused affix in WoW’s The War Within is like trying to tame a hyperactive squirrel hopped up on energy drinks. Enemies are speedy, but they hate Frost and Fire, so let’s bring out the big guns and roast ’em good.


Keep the chaos under control with these tough cookies. They’ll make sure enemies stay focused on them while your team does the heavy lifting.

  • Blood Death Knight — Tough as nails, like a bouncer at a rough bar.
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter — Agile and loves handling crowds, like a ninja at a rave.
  • Brewmaster Monk — Manages damage like a pro, keeping everything smooth and steady.

Melee DPS

These brawlers get up close and personal, dealing hefty damage and showing those speedy enemies who’s boss.

  • Frost Death Knight — Slows enemies and smashes them with Frost, like Jack Frost on steroids.
  • Havoc Demon Hunter — Quick and deadly, slicing through enemies like a blender on high speed.
  • Survival Hunter — Versatile and tricky, setting traps and going wild with melee attacks.
  • Windwalker Monk — High mobility and swift strikes, like a kung-fu master in a martial arts flick.
  • Retribution Paladin — Smashes enemies with holy power and self-heals, like a divine warrior.
  • Enhancement Shaman — Mixes melee with elemental attacks, bringing the thunder and the pain.


These magic maestros are your MVPs, raining down Frost and Fire spells from a distance.

  • Augmentation Evoker — Buffs the team and zaps enemies, like a magical coach.
  • Devastation Evoker — Delivers high burst damage, leaving enemies toasted and roasted.
  • Fire Mage — Burns enemies to a crisp, turning the battlefield into a BBQ.
  • Frost Mage — Freezes enemies and then shatters them, like an icy wrecking ball.
  • Elemental Shaman — Versatile with Frost and Fire spells, bringing both heat and chill.
  • Demonology Warlock — Summons demons to do the dirty work, like a boss with minions.
  • Destruction Warlock — Blasts enemies with Fire spells, leaving nothing but ashes.
TanksBlood Death KnightVengeance Demon HunterBrewmaster Monk
MeleeFrost Death KnightHavoc Demon HunterSurvival Hunter, Windwalker Monk, Retribution Paladin, Enhancement Shaman
CastersFire Mage, Frost Mage, Elemental Shaman, Demonology Warlock, Destruction WarlockAugmentation Evoker, Devastation Evoker


Focused Affix Macro

In The War Within expansion for WoW, the Focused affix changes everything. Forget the old affixes like Fortified and Tyrannical—this new affix brings fresh challenges every week. The Focused affix speeds up non-boss enemies with mana but makes them more vulnerable to Frost and Fire damage. Our guide helps both newbies and veterans tackle this affix effectively.

To deal with the Focused affix, bring Mages and Warlocks who can spam Frost and Fire spells. Use the right routes and focus on controlling the chaos with proper crowd management. Each dungeon has its own strategy, and knowing the best routes can make a huge difference.

Building the right group is crucial. Tanks like Blood Death Knights, Vengeance Demon Hunters, and Brewmaster Monks are great for keeping the enemies in check. Melee DPS such as Frost Death Knights, Havoc Demon Hunters, and Windwalker Monks bring the pain up close. Casters like Fire Mages, Frost Mages, and Destruction Warlocks rain down powerful spells from a distance.

Focused Macro Wow

This comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to conquer the Focused affix in WoW TWW, from dealing with the affix itself to choosing the best routes and forming the perfect group. Dive in and master the new M+ challenges with ease!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What is the Focused affix in WoW: The War Within?

The Focused affix makes non-boss enemies with mana faster by increasing their Haste by 30%. However, they take 10% extra damage from Frost and Fire spells, making these types of damage particularly effective.

Which classes are best for the Focused affix?

Mages and Warlocks are top picks due to their strong Frost and Fire spells. Elemental Shamans and Balance Druids also excel by exploiting the increased damage vulnerability of enemies.

How should I handle the Focused affix in high keys?

In high keys, burst damage is crucial. Coordinate with your team to focus fire on enemies quickly. Use crowd control to manage groups and maintain a steady stream of Frost and Fire damage.

What group composition is ideal for the Focused affix?

A balanced group with strong tanks like Blood Death Knights, Vengeance Demon Hunters, and Brewmaster Monks, combined with DPS who excel in Frost and Fire damage, such as Frost Mages, Fire Mages, and Destruction Warlocks.
