TWW Season 1 – Priory of the Sacred Flame Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

By: friolt
8 min read
Warcraft Dungeon Timer Tips

New Warcraft. New dungeons. The first Mythic season for World of Warcraft: The War Within. What now? Let’s make our easy WoW TWW Season 1 Priory of the Sacred Flame Mythic+ guide. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Quick overview of Priory of the Sacred Flame.
  • How to find the entrance and meeting stone.
  • Simple tips for beating bosses.
  • Timer for high keys in +3.
  • Loot you can get in Priory of the Sacred Flame.
  • A little about the story, if you’re interested.

Now, let’s fall into Priory of the Sacred Flame with this easy guide!

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Overview

Most Challenging Bosses In Wow Tww Season 1

The Priory of the Sacred Flame is a dungeon in The War Within where players fight three bosses. It’s located in Hallowfall, within the city of Mereldar. The dungeon has two parts: the outside area called Sanctified Grounds and the inside of the Priory. Players start outside and work their way inside to face the final boss. This Priory of the Sacred Flame guide helps you understand the basic layout and what to expect.

Key FeatureDetails
Dungeon NamePriory of the Sacred Flame
LocationHallowfall, Mereldar
Bosses3 (Captain Dailcry, Baron Braunpyke, Prioress Murrpray)
Key AreasSanctified Grounds, Inner Priory
Main ObjectiveDefeat all bosses
Related GuidesPriory of the Sacred Flame Mythic guide, Priory of the Sacred Flame M+ guide
Important MechanicsPriory of the Sacred Flame timer, Strength in Numbers (bosses)

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Entrance

How To Maximize Loot Drops In Wow Tww Season 1

To get to the Priory of the Sacred Flame in The War Within, head to Hallowfall in the city of Mereldar. The dungeon entrance is at a high point, around coordinates /way 42.0 50.0. Look for a dock where dirigibles are parked. This Priory of the Sacred Flame guide will help you find your way easily.

FactionRoute to Priory of the Sacred Flame
AllianceStart at Mereldar’s Flight Point (approx /way 42.0 53.8), then head north to the high docks where the Priory of the Sacred Flame is located. Look for the entrance near the dirigibles.
HordeBegin at the same Mereldar Flight Point (approx /way 42.0 53.8), and follow the same path north to the high docks. The Priory of the Sacred Flame entrance is right there near the dirigibles.

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Timer

Wow Dungeon Guides For Beginners

The Priory of the Sacred Flame isn’t part of the Mythic+ dungeon rotation for WoW TWW Season 1, so there’s no Priory of the Sacred Flame timer to worry about this time around. You won’t find it on the list of active dungeons for the season, so save those strategies for later!

Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | MDT routes

Best Classes For Priory Of The Sacred Flame Mythic+

In this Priory of the Sacred Flame guide, we’ll show you simple routes to follow in the Priory of the Sacred Flame Mythic+ dungeon. These routes help you get through the dungeon efficiently and avoid unnecessary fights. Check out the table below for the best MDT Priory of the Sacred Flame routes.

Route TypeDescription
Standard RouteThis route is the simplest. Follow the path through Sanctified Grounds, defeat Captain Dailcry, and head straight into the Priory.
Fast RouteSkip unnecessary mobs by sticking to the left side in the Sanctified Grounds. Engage only the key mobs leading up to Captain Dailcry.
Safe RouteTake your time clearing all mobs in the Sanctified Grounds before moving inside the Priory. This route minimizes risks but takes longer.

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Bosses

How To Handle Adds In Priory Of The Sacred Flame

You’ll face three bosses in the Priory of the Sacred Flame Mythic+ dungeon. Each boss has its own set of abilities and challenges. Here’s a quick introduction to each one.

This Priory of the Sacred Flame Mythic guide gives you a simple overview of what to expect from each boss.

Captain Dailcry boss guide

Healing Tips For Priory Of The Sacred Flame Dungeon

Captain Dailcry is like that overly strict gym coach who won’t stop yelling at you, except he’s got a giant spear and a fiery mount. This guy thinks he’s invincible with his guards around, but you can show him who’s boss with the right moves.


  • DPS — Break Captain’s shield, avoid spear, burn him down.
  • Healer — Heal through Savage Mauling, dodge spear, keep everyone alive.
  • Tank — Mitigate Pierce Armor, kite if needed, keep the guards away.
Boss Ability NameWipe PotentialWho Must Focus AbilityWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Savage MaulingHighHealerHeal“Ember’s mad! Heal fast!”
Battle CryModerateDPSKick“Shut him up before he gets too loud!”
Hurl SpearHighAllDodge“Duck and roll, that spear hurts!”
Pierce ArmorHighTankMitigate“Ouch! Brace yourself, Tank.”
Strength in NumbersHighAllKill“Break up the party, those guards hit hard!”

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Baron Braunpyke boss guide

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Baron Braunpyke is like that grumpy uncle who’s always ready to throw something at you when you’re not looking. He’s got a big shield, a lot of holy light, and a temper that only gets worse as the fight goes on. But don’t worry, just dodge his tantrums, and you’ll be fine!


  • DPS — Avoid the shield, dodge detonation, focus on burning him down fast.
  • Healer — Heal through Burning Light, watch out for the shield and detonation.
  • Tank — Mitigate Vindictive Wrath, keep the Baron focused on you, and manage Sacred Pyre.
Boss Ability NameWipe PotentialWho Must Focus AbilityWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Vindictive WrathHighTankMitigate“He’s angry! Brace yourself, Tank.”
Castigator’s ShieldHighAllDodge“Heads up! Shields are flying!”
Castigator’s DetonationHighAllDodge“Boom! Move away before it explodes!”
Burning LightHighHealerHeal“Ouch! Get ready for some serious healing.”
Sacred PyreModerateTankManage“Watch out! Don’t step on those fire traps.”
Hammer of PurityModerateAllDodge“Dodge the hammers, or get smacked!”

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Prioress Murrpray boss guide

Fastest Way To Complete Priory Of The Sacred Flame

Prioress Murrpray is like that teacher who insists on shining a bright light in your face until you confess all your secrets. She’s got a serious obsession with holy light and isn’t afraid to use it. But don’t let her blinding tactics scare you off—you’ve got this!


  • DPS — Break the Barrier of Light, avoid Holy Flame, focus on interrupts.
  • Healer — Heal through Embrace the Light, dispel Holy Flame, stay alert.
  • Tank — Mitigate Inner Light, keep her attention, and manage adds.
Boss Ability NameWipe PotentialWho Must Focus AbilityWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Barrier of LightHighDPSBreak“Break the shield before she gets stronger!”
Embrace the LightHighAllInterrupt“Stop her before we all fry!”
Holy FlameModerateAllDodge“Move out of the fire, or you’ll get burnt!”
Purifying LightHighHealerHeal“It’s getting hot in here, heal fast!”
Inner LightHighTankMitigate“Tank, hold strong, her light’s burning bright!”

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Lore

Priory Of The Sacred Flame Dungeon Walkthrough

The Priory of the Sacred Flame is an old, mysterious place built by worshippers to understand the emperor’s vision by studying the sacred star, Beledar. Over time, the people in the Priory became secretive and distanced themselves from the city of Mereldar. Prioress Murrpray, the leader of the Priory, discovered powerful secrets in the Sacred Flame that she believes will help them win against their enemies. Now, the Priory is a fortress filled with holy fire, guarding its secrets from anyone who dares to enter.

Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Loot table

Best Trinkets From Priory Of The Sacred Flame

In the Priory of the Sacred Flame, you can get some pretty sweet loot, including powerful weapons, shiny armor, and trinkets that give you a nice boost in battle. Whether you’re looking to gear up for tougher fights or just want to show off some cool new gear, this dungeon has plenty of treasures waiting for you after each boss takedown!

Signet of the PrioryTrinket
Tome of Light’s DevotionTrinket
Bursting LightshardTrinket
Glorious Defender’s PoleaxePolearm
Sanctified Priory WallShield
Flameforged ArmguardPlate Armor
Holybound GripsMail Armor
Stalwart Guardian’s BootsLeather Armor
Honorbound Retainer’s SashCloth Armor
Hand of BeledarOne-Handed Mace
Devoted Plate WalkersPlate Armor
Consecrated Baron’s BindingsMail Armor
Helm of the Righteous CrusadeLeather Armor
Zealous Warden’s RaimentCloth Armor
Emberbrand ZweihanderTwo-Handed Sword
Starforged Seraph’s MaceOne-Handed Mace
Divine PyrewalkersMail Armor
Seraphic Wraps of the OrdainedLeather Armor
Elysian Flame CrownCloth Armor
Radiant Necromancer’s BandRing
Reanimator’s Pyreforged ShouldersPlate Armor

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Achievements

How To Avoid Traps In Priory Of The Sacred Flame

In the Priory of the Sacred Flame, you can earn some cool achievements by defeating bosses and completing the dungeon on higher difficulties. Here’s a simple breakdown of what you need to do to get them.

Achievement NameWhat to Do (Informal)
Priory of the Sacred FlameDefeat Prioress Murrpray on any difficulty.
Heroic: Priory of the Sacred FlameBeat Prioress Murrpray on Heroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Priory of the Sacred FlameDefeat Prioress Murrpray on Mythic or Mythic+ difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Priory of the Sacred FlameComplete the dungeon on Mythic+ Level 10 or higher within the time limit.

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Priory of the Sacred Flame dungeon | Conclusion

Wow Tww Season 1 Loot Table

The Priory of the Sacred Flame is a dungeon with three tough bosses. It’s located in Hallowfall, Mereldar. You will fight your way through Sanctified Grounds and inside the Priory to face these powerful enemies.

Even though this dungeon is not part of the Mythic+ rotation for this season, it still offers great rewards. You can find powerful loot like weapons, armor, and trinkets to make your character stronger. There are also achievements you can earn by defeating the bosses and completing the dungeon.

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Where is the Priory of the Sacred Flame located?

The Priory of the Sacred Flame is located in Hallowfall, within the city of Mereldar.

How many bosses are in this dungeon?

There are three bosses: Captain Dailcry, Baron Braunpyke, and Prioress Murrpray.

Is this dungeon part of the Mythic+ rotation for Season 1?

No, the Priory of the Sacred Flame is not in the Mythic+ rotation for Season 1.

What kind of loot can I get from this dungeon?

You can get powerful weapons, shiny armor, and trinkets that boost your character’s abilities.

Are there any achievements I can earn here?

Yes, you can earn achievements by defeating the bosses and completing the dungeon on higher difficulties.

How do I find the entrance to the Priory of the Sacred Flame?

Head to Hallowfall in Mereldar. The entrance is at a high point near the docks where dirigibles are parked.

What should I expect from the bosses?

Each boss has unique abilities and challenges. You’ll need to be prepared to dodge attacks, break shields, and manage adds.
