How to Unlock and Get Original Story + God Roll – Destiny 2 Guide

Destiny 2
By: friolt
9 min read
How To Get Original Story

Guess what? The Final Shape is coming soon, and it’s bringing back lots of cool guns, including the awesome Original Story! Here’s what you can get excited about:

  1. Original Story has 12 cool new things it can do!
  2. There’s a fun new game to play where you can get Original Story in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
  3. Learn about the very best setup for Original Story in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
  4. Find out all about the 12 new things Original Story can do in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.

Get ready for some super fun times with our guide to Original Story in Destiny 2: The Final Shape! You’re going to learn how to be the best, play the coolest games, and have the most fun with your new Original Story gun!


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Original Story Overview

Original Story Subclass

Wow, the Original Story auto rifle is super cool in The Final Shape! It’s like a shiny new toy with 12 awesome perks that make it super strong. Whether you’re fighting big battles in PvE or showing off in PvP, this gun is your new best friend. It’s really special because it’s part of the cool Strand Edition, making it one of the neatest guns in Destiny 2. Want to have the most fun in the game? Grab the Original Story and see how amazing it is with all its new tricks!

TypeAuto Rifle
EditionStrand Edition
Perks in Columns 3 & 412
PvE FocusHigh, with strong perks for PvE scenarios
PvP OptionsAvailable, though PvE is primary focus
Unique PerkSlice – the only auto rifle in the game able to roll this perk
Other Notable PerksExplosive Payload, Outlaw, Rampage
Recommended BuildSuited for both PvE and PvP builds
Origin TraitIncluding perks like Strategist, Air Trigger, and To the Pain
Special EditionPart of The Final Shape update, featuring new perks and improved handling characteristics


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How to Get Original Story in Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Original Story New Perks

Want the cool Original Story auto rifle? Get ready for fun! You’ve got to play some crazy new games in The Final Shape. Think of fighting loads of enemies and taking on big challenges. You’ll need to earn lots of points from Lord Shaxx, our favorite game leader. Do great, and he’ll give you the Original Story rifle. It’s super strong and works great in all game types, with cool upgrades like Explosive Payload, Outlaw, and Rampage. Excited to play? Let’s go get that Original Story!

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How to Get Original Story

Original Story Stasis
ActivitiesDive into the new activities in The Final Shape
Reputation PointsEarn rep points with Lord Shaxx by kicking butt
ObjectivesSmash enemies and nail those crazy challenges
RewardOriginal Story auto rifle
PvE and PvPPerfect for both PvE and PvP with perks like Explosive Payload, Outlaw, and Rampage

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Differences Between Original Destiny 2 Original Story vs Destiny: The Final Shape Original Story

Original Story Weapon Traits

In the old days, Original Story was a really strong gun that could shoot really fast and hit hard, making it awesome for fighting in both team battles and alone against the game’s challenges. It had some neat tricks like Explosive Payload, which makes your shots boom and hurts everyone nearby, and Outlaw, which lets you reload super-duper fast after you’ve been really accurate and hit the bad guys just right.

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Original Destiny 2 Original Story

Original Story Origin Trait

The original Original Story was a beloved auto rifle among Guardians for its high damage output and versatile perks, making it a staple in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Key perks included Explosive Payload and Outlaw, which allowed players to clear enemies quickly and reload efficiently after precision kills.

Destiny: The Final Shape Original Story

Original Story Air Trigger

Now, in The Final Shape, they’ve given Original Story a brand-new shiny upgrade. It’s got something called the Strand edition, which means it’s extra fancy with a whole bunch of new tricks—12 new perks, like Slice, Strategist, and Air Trigger. These perks help you do things like shoot better when you’re jumping around, get your special abilities back faster, and even make your gun steadier when you’re running and gunning.

FeatureOriginal Destiny 2 Original StoryDestiny: The Final Shape Original Story
EditionStandard EditionStrand Edition
PerksExplosive Payload, Outlaw, RampageExplosive Payload, Outlaw, Rampage, Slice, Strategist, Air Trigger
Columns 3 & 4 PerksFewer options12 new options
PvE PerformanceHighEven higher with new perks
PvP PerformanceReliableEnhanced with new perks
Unique PerkNoneSlice – only auto rifle with this perk
Handling and StabilityStandardImproved
Weapon TraitsStandardEnhanced with new origin traits
AcquisitionRandom drops, vendorsEarned through activities and reputation with Lord Shaxx
VisualsClassic lookUpdated visuals with strand edition
BuildsVersatile in both PvE and PvPMore build options with new perks
Subclass SynergyStandardBetter synergy with strand subclass

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Whether you’re a fan of the original or looking forward to the new and improved version, the Original Story auto rifle in The Final Shape offers a fresh take on a classic favorite, perfect for both PvE and PvP enthusiasts.

Destiny 2: TFP Original Story Perks

Destiny 2 Legendary Weapons

The Original Story auto rifle in Destiny 2 is super cool! It has 12 amazing perks that make it awesome for both fighting in games (PvE) and playing against others (PvP). Whether you like to zap away bad guys or hit perfect shots in matches, this rifle is for you. Let’s check out all the cool stuff Original Story has to help you play better!

This guide will show you the best perks to make your Original Story even better, like Explosive Payload for big booms, Rampage to make it stronger as you keep fighting, and Air Trigger to shoot super fast in the air. It’s perfect for any adventure in Destiny 2, whether you’re new or have been playing a lot.

SlidewaysSliding partially reloads this weapon’s magazine and temporarily boosts handling and stability.
DemolitionistKills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.
Hip-Fire GripIncreases accuracy, stability, and precision hit targeting when firing from the hip.
Zen MomentCausing damage with this weapon increases its stability.
DiscordFinal blows with this weapon generate energy for your equipped class ability.
Attrition OrbsOrbs of Light generated by you give additional Super energy.
Feeding FrenzyEach rapid kill with this weapon progressively increases reload speed for a short time.
Keep AwayIncreases range, accuracy, and movement speed when no enemies are in close proximity.
Threat DetectorIncreased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity.
Fragile FocusIncreases accuracy and range until the wielder takes damage.
Dynamic Sway ReductionImproves accuracy and stability while continuously holding down the trigger.
StrategistFinal blows generate class ability energy. Activating class ability briefly improves weapon stability.
SnapshotFaster time to aim down sights.
SwashbucklerThis weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
Target LockSustained fire increases precision damage.
Kinetic TremorsConsecutive hits generate a tremor that damages nearby enemies.
OnslaughtThis weapon deals increased precision damage after a kill.
Gutshot StraightIncreases body shot damage at the cost of precision shot damage.
Eye of the StormThis weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
High GroundImproved performance when attacking from above.
SurroundedIncreased damage when surrounded by enemies.
PugilistMelee kills increase the reload speed and handling of this weapon for a short time.
HarmonyFinal blows with other weapons improve this weapon’s damage and performance for a short duration.
RampageKills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks up to three times.

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These perks make Original Story in The Final Shape a versatile and deadly option for any Guardian looking to dominate in both PvE and PvP.

Destiny 2: TFP Original Story God Roll

Original Story To The Pain

If you want to make the Original Story auto rifle really awesome in The Final Shape, you gotta find the best mix of perks. This means getting the god rolls that make it super strong for both fighting lots of enemies (PvE) and battling other players (PvP). This gun can become a beast if you set it up right! For fighting lots of enemies, pick perks that make it hit harder and easier to handle. When fighting other players, you want perks that make the rifle super accurate and fast. Here are some top tips to make your Original Story the best it can be!

ModeColumn 3 PerkColumn 4 PerkDescription
PvEDemolitionistRampageDemolitionist generates grenade energy on kills, while Rampage boosts damage after each kill.
PvEStrategistOnslaughtStrategist generates class ability energy, and Onslaught increases precision damage after a kill.
PvEKinetic TremorsHigh GroundKinetic Tremors damages nearby enemies with consecutive hits, while High Ground improves performance when attacking from above.
PvPSnapshotRampageSnapshot allows faster aiming, and Rampage increases damage with each kill.
PvPThreat DetectorTarget LockThreat Detector boosts handling and stability when enemies are close, and Target Lock increases precision damage with sustained fire.
PvPGutshot StraightHarmonyGutshot Straight increases body shot damage, while Harmony boosts damage after final blows with other weapons.


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These god rolls will make your Original Story an absolute powerhouse, whether you’re tearing through enemies in PvE or dominating the competition in PvP.


The Original Story auto rifle in The Final Shape is now super cool! It’s got a shiny new look called the Strand Edition and is packed with 12 awesome new perks. This means it’s super good for fighting in games or battles, whether you’re blasting away bad guys or showing off in the Crucible.


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This auto rifle has some old favorites like Explosive Payload and Outlaw, and some neat new perks like Slice, Strategist, and Air Trigger to make it even better. No matter how you like to play, this gun is ready for anything. Just hop into the game, do some cool missions, and impress Lord Shaxx to earn this powerful weapon. With the best perks, the Original Story will be your favorite gun in Destiny 2!

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What is Original Story?

Original Story is a super cool auto rifle in Destiny 2’s Final Shape. It’s got 12 awesome new perks and works great for both fighting enemies (PvE) and battling other players (PvP). It’s perfect for any Guardian who wants to have fun and look cool!

How do I get Original Story in The Final Shape?

To get this cool gun, just play the new Final Shape activities, beat lots of enemies, and complete fun challenges to earn points with Lord Shaxx. When you have enough points, he’ll give you the Original Story auto rifle.

What are the best perks for Original Story?

For fighting lots of enemies (PvE), use Explosive Payload and Rampage. For battling players (PvP), try Outlaw and To the Pain. The perks you pick depend on how you like to play!

What’s special about Original Story in The Final Shape?

It has a unique perk called Slice that makes energy bursts when you hit targets just right. This helps damage other nearby enemies too!

Is Original Story good for PvE?

Yes, it’s awesome for PvE! It has perks like Explosive Payload and Rampage that help you handle lots of enemies really well.

Is Original Story good for PvP?

Totally! It’s great for PvP because of perks like Outlaw and To the Pain, which make it shoot faster and more accurately.

How many new perks does Original Story have in The Final Shape?

It has 12 new perks, which means you can really make it fit your style of playing.

Can I use Original Story with Strand builds?

Yes, you can! Its Strand Edition is perfect for using with Strand builds, especially because of the Slice perk that works really well with Strand abilities.

What are some good builds for Original Story?

For PvE, mix Explosive Payload with Rampage. For PvP, try Outlaw and To the Pain. These combinations will help you be super effective in fights.

How does Original Story compare to other auto rifles?

Original Story is one of the best because it has so many great perks and really good damage. It’s a top choice among all the auto rifles in Destiny 2.

Why should I get Original Story in The Final Shape?

With its cool new perks, amazing power, and the fun Strand Edition, Original Story is a must-have auto rifle for having a great time and doing well in both PvE and PvP in Destiny 2.
