WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Guide + Boss tactics | AQ40 Season of Discovery Loot table

By: friolt
20 min read
Aq40 Quest Rewards Wow Season Of Discovery

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, or AQ40, has opened up in WoW SoD, and it’s a big deal for any adventurer looking for a challenge! Here’s what you’ll find inside this iconic raid:

  • What is AQ40 in WoW SoD?
  • What makes AQ40 different from the original WoW Classic version?
  • Where to find the AQ40 entrance?
  • The best raid setup to take on these tough bosses.
  • Key boss abilities to watch out for – miss these, and it’s game over!
  • Winning strategies to beat C’Thun and his minions.
  • The rare loot and epic rewards waiting for you in AQ40.

Ready to face C’Thun and save Azeroth? AQ40 is calling!

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WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Overview

Wow Season Of Discovery Best Aq40 Strategies

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) is a 40-player raid located in Silithus for a Wow SoD. Players enter after completing the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort, a world event that opens the gates and signals the rise of an Old God. This raid features nine bosses, three of which are optional, and is home to challenging mechanics, stacking debuffs, and nature resistance requirements. Players can gain reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu, earn Tier 2.5 gear, and collect mounts for use within the temple. No attunement is required, but this raid is known for its tough encounters and loot.

LocationSilithus, southern part; entrance near Scarab Wall
Entrance RequirementsAhn’Qiraj War Effort must be completed by the entire server to open gates
Raid Size40 players
Boss Count9 bosses total; 6 main and 3 optional
Final BossOld God, C’Thun
Reputation FactionBrood of Nozdormu
Special DropsTier 2.5 gear, Qiraji mounts (temple-only), unique enchanting recipes
Weekly ResetShares reset with Molten Core and Blackwing Lair
Notable QuestsEye of C’Thun quest for powerful item choices; various quests for reputation and gear upgrades
MountsQiraji Resonating Crystals; usable only within Ahn’Qiraj

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AQ40 is a raid packed with strategy, teamwork, and rewards, making it a key part of WoW’s classic experience.

WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Entrance

Wow Sod Aq40 Boss Phases Explained

To reach the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40), head to Silithus and fly to Cenarion Hold. From there, travel south until you reach the Scarab Wall. Once there, take the right path, and ride up the stairs to find the entrance of AQ40. Coordinates for the entrance area in Silithus are approximately [27, 93].

AllianceFly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus, ride south to the Scarab Wall, then turn right and go up the stairs.
HordeFly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus, travel south to the Scarab Wall, take the right path, and ascend the stairs.

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WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Mounts

Aq40 Wow Sod How To Dodge Tentacles

In WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, you can find special Qiraji Resonating Crystals. They come in different colors but only work inside the temple. These mounts drop from bosses in AQ40, making it faster to move through the raid. The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal was a rare reward for players who helped open the gates during the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort event.

Mount NameHow to Get
Red Qiraji Resonating CrystalDrops from AQ40 bosses; only usable in the temple.
Green Qiraji Resonating CrystalFound on AQ40 bosses; use only inside AQ40.
Blue Qiraji Resonating CrystalDrops in AQ40; works only in the temple.
Yellow Qiraji Resonating CrystalFound in AQ40; only usable inside the temple.
Black Qiraji Resonating CrystalGiven during the original War Effort event.

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These resonating crystals help speed up your raid. Grab them when you see them to move faster in the WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj!

WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Raid composition

Top Mounts In Aq40 Wow Classic

In WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, you need a balanced raid composition to handle tough boss encounters, stacking debuffs, and heavy damage. The raid team should include a mix of tanks, healers, and DPS to manage the different boss mechanics and challenges. Here’s a basic setup:

RoleAmountRecommended Classes/Specs
Tanks4Warrior (Prot), Druid (Bear)
Healers8Priest (Holy), Druid (Resto), Shaman (Resto), Paladin (Holy)
Melee DPS12Rogue, Warrior (Arms/Fury), Shaman (Enhance)
Ranged DPS16Mage, Hunter, Warlock, Priest (Shadow)

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This setup helps your raid group manage both physical and magic damage, incoming healing needs, and control over difficult mechanics in the WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.

WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Boss tactics

Wow Sod C'Thun Phase Mechanics

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj bosses in WoW’s Season of Discovery bring big challenges and surprises. Each boss has unique tricks—some mind control players, others spin wildly, and some need freezing or smashing. The whole raid group has to work together to handle stacking debuffs, nature damage, and giant tentacles. Keep it simple: follow tactics, stay alert, and get ready to dodge or attack fast! These bosses are tricky but rewarding, and each fight needs the whole team’s focus.

  1. The Prophet Skeram — Mind Control Chaos;
  2. Battleguard Sartura — Spin to Win;
  3. Fankriss the Unyielding — Worm Friendlies;
  4. Princess Huhuran — Nature Res Needed;
  5. Twin Emperors — Yin-Yang Twins;
  6. C’Thun — Tentacle Trouble;
  7. Bug Trio — Three’s Company;
  8. Viscidus — Freeze and Smash;
  9. Ouro — Surprise Attack.

WoW SoD 6 The Prophet Skeram boss guide

Guide To Twin Emperors Boss Aq40

The Prophet Skeram is a tricky boss with illusions and big explosions. Every 25%, he splits into copies, so your raid needs to be ready to handle multiple Skerams at once! Watch out for mind control—it’ll make your friend hit like a truck! Tanks, interrupts, and crowd control (CC) are the stars of this fight. If you can keep Skeram and his copies under control, you’re on your way to victory.

AbilityFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Arcane ExplosionDPS & TanksKickInterrupt fast! Deals high magic damage.
Earth ShockTanksSoakOnly cast if no one’s meleeing—always keep a tank in range.
BlinkTanksRepositionTeleports Skeram, resets threat. Have a tank ready on each platform.
True FulfillmentHealers & DPSCCMind controls a player. Polymorph or stun them immediately!
SplitEntire RaidFocus/KillAt 75%, 50%, and 25%, kill clones quickly—watch for abilities.

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This boss encounter is all about timing, positioning, and lots of crowd control. Good luck in the WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj!

WoW SoD 6 Battleguard Sartura boss guide

Wow Sod Aq40 Rare Loot Drops

Battleguard Sartura loves to spin—literally. She and her Royal Guards do wild Whirlwinds that can hit anyone close by. Tanks and melee should be ready for some serious chaos as Sartura randomly resets aggro and charges at random raid members. Keep her controlled, or your raid may find itself in a tornado of damage!

AbilityFocusWhat to DoCommentary
WhirlwindDPS & TanksStay AwayMajor damage to anyone nearby. Keep your distance during spins!
Sundering CleaveTanksSoakHits hard and reduces armor. Only tanks should be close for this.
Aggro ResetTanks & DPSTaunt/StunSartura or her guards will charge random players—quickly regain control!
EnrageEntire RaidBurst DamageHappens at 20% health. Use cooldowns to finish her off fast!
Hard EnrageEntire RaidKill or WipeAfter 10 minutes, she goes berserk. Get her down before this!

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The key to this fight is keeping Sartura and her guards under control.

WoW SoD 6 Fankriss the Unyielding boss guide

Fankriss the Unyielding is a classic “bug boss” who loves to mess with tanks using his Mortal Wound debuff and spawn extra bugs for added chaos. Tanks need to be on their toes, rotating when debuffs get too high, and the whole raid has to keep an eye out for nasty bug adds that spawn and try to ruin everyone’s day. Remember, if the bugs live too long, they go berserk and start hitting way too hard—don’t let that happen!

AbilityFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Mortal WoundTanksRotateLowers healing received, so tanks must swap often.
EntangleHealersHeal/FreedomWebs a player near the bug tunnels. Heal them up fast!
Summon WormDPS & TanksKill ASAPSpawns bug adds. These need to die quick, or they’ll go berserk!
Vekniss DronesOff-Tanks & DPSAOE KillGather them up and AOE down; leave none behind!

This boss encounter is all about managing the bug adds and keeping tanks rotated

WoW SoD 6 Princess Huhuran boss guide

Princess Huhuran loves poison—lots of poison. She hits melee with nasty poison bolts, sleeps people with Wyvern Sting, and goes wild when she hits 30% health, tossing poison everywhere! So, be ready with Nature Resistance gear and some good timing on heals and damage. The final phase is a mad rush—bring her down before she fills the room with poison!

AbilityFocusWhat to DoCommentary
FrenzyHuntersTranquilizing ShotUse ASAP to keep her calm. Avoid extra Poison Bolts!
Poison BoltMeleeSoakHits closest 15 players—melee with Nature Resist gear should take this.
Acid SpitTanksRotateStacks on main tank—switch tanks when it’s too high.
Wyvern StingHealersDispel Tanks OnlySleep effect—dispel only tanks to avoid big damage from cleansing.
Noxious PoisonRangedSpread OutSilences targets; stay spread to avoid silencing too many healers.
BerserkEntire RaidBurn BossAt 30%, she speeds up! Pop cooldowns and finish her fast.

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WoW SoD 6 Twin Emperors boss guide

How To Complete Ahn'Qiraj War Effort

In this WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj guide, we meet the Twin Emperors, Vek’lor and Vek’nilash, two wicked servants who make up one of the optional bosses. They’re immune to different damage types—Vek’lor resists physical attacks, and Vek’nilash shrugs off magic. The entire fight relies on keeping them separated in the mighty lair of the Ahn’Qiraj temple to avoid their extremely dangerous Heal Brother ability. Both have a shared health pool, so any damage dealt to one lowers the health pool of both.

The warrior tank handles incoming damage on Vek’nilash while other heroes tackle Vek’lor, using fastest weapons to keep the stacking debuff under control. They’ll also deal with dark glare, eye beam, and unbalancing strike from Vek’nilash, which is tricky as it lowers defense. Nightmare grove open and the Twin Teleport every 35 seconds make raid members reposition fast. With their regional resets and damage output, this discovery phase feels like it might never end, but smart moves mean better loot.

AbilityFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Heal BrotherTanksKeep ApartKeep them separated, or they’ll heal each other!
Twin TeleportTanks/DPSSwap SidesEvery 35 seconds they swap places, so tanks and DPS need to switch quickly.
Shared Health PoolEntire RaidDamage BothDamage one, and both lose health—no need to balance HP.
BerserkEntire RaidBurn BossAt 15 minutes, both go berserk. Defeat them before this!
Shadow BoltWarlock TankSoakWarlock tanks on Vek’lor need Shadow Resist for this.
Arcane BurstMeleeAvoidKnockback on Vek’lor—stay out of melee unless tanking.
BlizzardRangedMove OutRandom AOE—move fast if it targets you!
Explode BugEntire RaidAvoid BugsBugs swell up and explode—get out of range!
Magic ImmunityCaster DPSTarget Vek’lorVek’nilash is immune to magic; only hit Vek’lor if you’re a caster.
Unbalancing StrikeHealersHeal TankVek’nilash’s hit lowers tank defense; heal them up quick!
Mutate BugRanged DPSKill BugsMutated bugs go berserk; kill them ASAP before they swarm!

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WoW SoD 6 C’Thun boss guide

Aq40 Raid Best Class Roles

C’Thun, the god stirs kind of boss who really doesn’t want visitors in his wretched lair. He has some extremely deadly tricks in his shifting sands questline, so keep your warrior tank and raid members on their toes. Between giant eye beams and flesh tentacles ready to knock you around, this fight’s a real party. Remember, when C’Thun’s ground rupture gets rough, it might be time to immediately leave the danger zone. But if you’re here for the quest rewards, gear up, hold tight, and be ready to dance around those beams!

Ability NameFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Eye BeamEntire RaidSpread OutAvoid double damage by keeping spread with a crowd controlled.
Dark GlareEntire RaidRotate RoomThe laser is instant death—keep moving!
Eye TentacleDPSKillFocus these to avoid slowdowns in movement.
Claw TentacleTank/DPSKill/FocusThey hurt—get them down ASAP.
Giant Claw TentacleTank/DPSBurst DownBig damage threat from a giant claw tentacle; tank must grab it fast for each raid member.
Giant Eye TentacleDPSKill QuicklyBeware Eye Beam—these must go down quick.
DevourDevoured PlayerEscapeHead for launch pad if sent to stomach.
Digestive AcidDevoured PlayerEscape at 10 StacksExit before acid stacks too high.
Flesh TentacleDPS (Inside)KillKnock these out to lower C’Thun’s shield.

This wow sod temple of ahn’qiraj guide has you set for C’Thun, with strategies for entire fight mechanics, heroes turn coordination, and tips for dealing with flesh tentacles. It’s time to challenge C’thun’s wrath in wow classic style and score that better loot for the auction house!

WoW SoD 6 Bug Trio boss guide

How To Prepare For Aq40 Raid Wow Sod

These bugs aren’t just creepy—they’re full of tricks. In this wow sod temple of ahn’qiraj guide, you’ll face Lord Kri, Vem, and Princess Yauj, each with abilities that can turn your raid members into bug chow if you’re not careful. Spread out, follow the kill order, and keep your eyes peeled for poison clouds and berserk bugs. Ready to squash some bugs and maybe grab some loot? Let’s do it!

Ability NameFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Toxic VolleyHealersCleanseLord Kri’s poison hits hard—healers, keep it off!
CleaveMeleeStay BehindAvoid getting cleaved! Only tank in front.
FearTanksBreak FreeKeep Princess Yauj in check or she’ll heal.
Great HealDPSInterruptDon’t let her heal; stop this cast fast!
Berserker ChargeTank/DPSRepositionVem likes to charge—pull him back.
Knock AwayTankBraceVem’s knockback—stand against a wall if tanking.
Summon Poison CloudMeleeAvoid AreaRun when Kri dies; avoid his poison cloud.
VengeanceTanksPlan Kill OrderIf Vem dies early, others get buffed—watch out!

The war effort ends here with the Bug Trio, the boss found that challenges the shifting sands questline. Avoid Kri’s frost damage by using melee range positioning, and remember, when land falls in that Poison Cloud, it’s time to immediately leave the area.

WoW SoD 6 Viscidus boss guide

Viscidus is all about freezing and smashing! You’ll need frost weapons, fast attacks, and a lot of poison cleansing for this slimy fight. In this wow sod temple of ahn’qiraj guide, healers, keep poison off everyone as Viscidus loves a Poison Bolt Volley. DPS? Bring frost damage or hang out until he’s frozen solid! This boss is really just ice and dice.

Ability NameFocusWhat to DoCommentary
Poison Bolt VolleyHealersCleanseHealers, keep spam-cleansing; it’s a poison party!
Toxin CloudEveryoneMove OutDodge the toxic cloud—don’t stand in the slime!
Freeze PhaseDPSFrost AttackFrost damage only! Don’t hold back with icy moves.
Shatter PhaseDPSAuto-attackHit him hard and fast—equip your fastest weapon.
Glob of ViscidusDPSKill GlobsA mob fest—watch out for them reforming in center.

With each release date reset, you’ll contribute materials to the victory here. Don’t let Viscidus outlast you! Get those raid members and frost attacks ready!

WoW SoD 6 Ouro boss guide

Ouro is one cranky worm who hates staying in one place! He pops up, smacks you around, then hides underground like a coward. When he’s up, he’ll sweep, blast, and knock you out of your socks. When he goes down, watch out for quakes and scarabs popping up to say hello. Get ready for his Berserk phase at the end—he’ll go wild and faster than ever. This guy keeps the raid on its toes!

Ability NameFocusWhat to DoCommentary
SweepTankHold positionHits hard—tanks, be ready to intercept back in.
Sand BlastTankTake overOnly the main tank should get hit; swap tanks if stunned.
QuakeEveryoneAvoidSpread out when Ouro’s underground to dodge the quake.
Ground RuptureEveryoneMove AwayStep out of his spawn area when he emerges.
Summon Ouro ScarabsDPSAOE themPop some AOE on these guys; Sapper Charges help here.
BerserkAll DPSFull burnTime to blow cooldowns and end it before he ends you!

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This guide will keep you solid for each release date reset—contribute materials to victory over this sand-blasting boss!

WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Plot

Aq40 Sod Bug Trio Boss Tactics

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, hidden in the Silithus desert, holds an ancient enemy. A long time ago, a dark power called C’Thun, an Old God, was trapped here by strong forces. C’Thun’s army, the insect-like Qiraji and Silithid, serve him and wait to spread chaos.

For years, the Qiraji were held behind the Scarab Wall, kept back by the Shifting Sands. But as C’Thun’s power grew, the wall weakened, and the Qiraji threat returned. The Alliance and Horde worked together in the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort to gather supplies, battle the Qiraji, and open the temple gates. With the wall gone, heroes could enter the temple.

Inside, heroes face dangerous bosses, trash mobs, and giant claw tentacles that must be killed asap. The raid faces stacking debuffs, magic damage, and physical damage from nearby targets. At the end lies C’Thun himself, a god who deals damage and corrupts everything he touches. This fight requires all raid members to focus to stop C’Thun from spreading his evil across the entire world.

In the WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, heroes don’t just fight for loot. They fight to save Azeroth from this ancient and powerful enemy.

WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | loot table

Tips For Aq40 Wow Sod Raid

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj has special loot that drops from bosses and trash mobs. This includes powerful weapons, armor, and special items like Qiraji Resonating Crystals (mounts) and Tier 2.5 gear pieces. Bosses also drop tokens, scarabs, and idols that raid members can use to craft their own armor sets. Some loot items give extra magic damage, help with nature resistance, or boost attack speed, which is useful against the strong enemies inside.

FormulEnchant Gloves – ThreatEnchanting Formula
FormulEnchant Cloak – SubtletyEnchanting Formula
Idol of the Sun HunterMageRogueWarriorQuest
Idol of Night MageRogueWarlockWarriorQuest
Idol of Death MagePriestWarlockWarriorQuest
Idol of the Sage MagePaladinPriestShamanWarlockQuest
Idol of Rebirth DruidPaladinPriestShamanWarlockQuest
Idol of Life DruidHunterPaladinPriestShamanQuest
Idol of Strife DruidHunterPaladinRogueShamanQuest
Idol of War DruidHunterRogueWarriorQuest
Vek’nilash’s Circlet MagePriestWarlockWarriorQuest
Ouro’s Intact Hide MagePriestRogueWarriorQuest
Qiraji Bindings of Command HunterPriestRogueWarriorQuest
Carapace of the Old God HunterPaladinRogueShamanWarriorQuest
Vek’lor’s Diadem DruidHunterPaladinRogueShamanQuest
Skin of the Great Sandworm DruidHunterPaladinShamanWarlockQuest
Qiraji Bindings of Dominance DruidMagePaladinShamanWarlockQuest
Husk of the Old God DruidMagePriestWarlockQuest
Death’s StingDagger
Staff of the Qiraji ProphetsStaff
Dark Edge of InsanityTwo-Handed Axe
Blue Qiraji Resonating CrystalMount
Eye of C’ThunQuest
Imperial Qiraji ArmamentsQuest
Imperial Qiraji RegaliaQuest
Red Qiraji Resonating CrystalMount
Green Qiraji Resonating CrystalMount
Yellow Qiraji Resonating CrystalMount
Vanquished Tentacle of C’ThunTrinket
Gauntlets of AnnihilationPlate Armor
Grasp of the Old GodCloth Armor
Cloak of ClarityCloak
Dark Storm GauntletsCloth Armor
Belt of Never-ending AgonyLeather Armor
Ring of the GodslayerRing
Royal Scepter of Vek’lorOff-hand Frill
Royal Qiraji BeltPlate Armor
Vek’lor’s Gloves of DevastationMail Armor
Boots of EpiphanyCloth Armor
Ring of Emperor Vek’lorRing
Qiraji Execution BracersLeather Armor
Wand of Qiraji NobilityWand
Bracelets of Royal RedemptionCloth Armor
Gloves of the Hidden TempleLeather Armor
Belt of the Fallen EmperorPlate Armor
Grasp of the Fallen EmperorMail Armor
Amulet of Vek’nilashAmulet
Regenerating Belt of Vek’nilashLeather Armor
Wormscale BlockerShield
Burrower BracersCloth Armor
Don Rigoberto’s Lost HatCloth Armor
Huhuran’s StingerBow
Wasphide GauntletsLeather Armor
Hive Defiler WristguardsPlate Armor
Gloves of the MessiahCloth Armor
Ring of the MartyrRing
Cloak of the Golden HiveCloak
Sharpened Silithid FemurOne-Handed Sword
Gauntlets of the Righteous ChampionPlate Armor
Gauntlets of KalimdorMail Armor
Scarab BroochTrinket
Slime-coated LeggingsMail Armor
Cloak of Untold SecretsCloak
Barb of the Sand ReaverPolearm
Pauldrons of the UnrelentingPlate Armor
Hive Tunneler’s BootsLeather Armor
Fetish of the Sand ReaverTrinket
Recomposed BootsCloth Armor
Ancient Qiraji RipperOne-Handed Sword
Scaled Sand Reaver LeggingsMail Armor
Silithid Carapace ChestguardPlate Armor
Robes of the Guardian SaintCloth Armor
Barbed ChokerAmulet
Mantle of Wicked RevengeLeather Armor
Sartura’s MightOff-hand Frill
Legplates of Blazing LightPlate Armor
Scaled Leggings of Qiraji FuryMail Armor
Creeping Vine HelmLeather Armor
Badge of the SwarmguardTrinket
Robes of the BattleguardCloth Armor
Gloves of EnforcementLeather Armor
Silithid ClawFist Weapon
Gauntlets of Steadfast DeterminationPlate Armor
Thick Qirajihide BeltLeather Armor
Leggings of the Festering SwarmCloth Armor
Ring of the Qiraji FuryRing
Necklace of PurityAmulet
Kalimdor’s RevengeTwo-Handed Sword
Vest of Swift ExecutionLeather Armor
Ring of the DevouredRing
Bile-Covered GauntletsLeather Armor
Mantle of the Desert CrusadePlate Armor
Mantle of the Desert’s FuryMail Armor
Petrified ScarabTrinket
Mantle of Phrenic PowerCloth Armor
Ukko’s Ring of DarknessRing
Boots of the Fallen HeroPlate Armor
Gloves of EbruLeather Armor
Angelista’s CharmAmulet
Ooze-ridden GauntletsPlate Armor
Triad GirdlePlate Armor
Guise of the DevourerLeather Armor
Ternary MantleCloth Armor
Angelista’s TouchRing
Robes of the TriumvirateCloth Armor
Cape of the TrinityCloak
Leggings of ImmersionLeather Armor
Barrage ShouldersMail Armor
Pendant of the Qiraji GuardianAmulet
Cloak of Concentrated HatredCloak
Amulet of Foul WardingAmulet
Hammer of Ji’zhiTwo-Handed Mace
Boots of the Redeemed ProphecyPlate Armor
Boots of the Fallen ProphetMail Armor
Boots of the Unwavering WillPlate Armor
Ring of Swarming ThoughtRing
Beetle Scaled WristguardsLeather Armor
Breastplate of AnnihilationPlate Armor
Ritssyn’s Ring of ChaosRing
Anubisath WarhammerOne-Handed Mace
Garb of Royal AscensionCloth Armor
Scepter of the False ProphetOne-Handed Mace
Neretzek, The Blood DrinkerTwo-Handed Axe
Gloves of the ImmortalCloth Armor
Gloves of the Redeemed Prophecy PaladinPlate Armor
Shard of the Fallen StarTrinket
Plans: Thick Obsidian BreastplateBlacksmithing Plans
Totem of LifeTotem
Idol of HealthIdol
Libram of GraceLibram
Eyestalk Waist CordCloth Armor
Cloak of the DevouredCloak
Mark of C’ThunAmulet
Larvae of the Great WormGun
The Burrower’s ShellTrinket
Jom GabbarTrinket

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WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Quests

After defeating the first boss, The Prophet Skeram, three quest NPCs appear at the temple entrance: Andorgos, Kandrostrasz, and Vethsera. They each offer quests that grant reputation, special gear, and items for raid members to tackle challenging mechanics in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. Collect specific items dropped by bosses to complete these quests and unlock various rewards like Tier 2.5 armor sets, special weapons, and the choice between healing, DPS, or spell damage items. Here’s a summary of each quest:

Quest NameQuest RewardWhat to Do
Mortal Champions500 Rep with Brood of Nozdormu, 250 Rep with Cenarion CircleLoot Qiraji Lord’s Insignia from any boss in Ahn’Qiraj and return to Kandrostrasz for reputation rewards.
Qiraji Battle GearCraftable AQ40 Tier 2.5 set, specific to classCollect tokens, idols, and scarabs throughout the raid to create your Tier 2.5 set. Each class has a unique armor set.
C’Thun’s LegacyChoice of Amulet, Cloak, or Ring of the Fallen God, 1,000 Rep with Brood of Nozdormu, 500 Rep with Cenarion CircleLoot the Eye of C’Thun, start the quest, speak with Caelestrasz, then Anachronos in Tanaris to complete the questline.
Imperial Qiraji ArmamentsChoice of Blessed Qiraji War Axe, Musket, Pugio, or BulwarkGather Imperial Qiraji Armaments from specified bosses in Ahn’Qiraj and Elementium Ore from Blackwing Lair to complete the quest.
Imperial Qiraji RegaliaChoice of Blessed Qiraji Acolyte Staff, Augur Staff, or War HammerCollect Imperial Qiraji Regalia and Elementium Ore from specified sources, then turn in to Merithra of the Dream for rewards.

These quests aid raid members in preparing for more challenging mechanics and difficult boss encounters in the mighty Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.


Wow Sod Prophet Skeram Boss Mechanics

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj is a big 40-player raid in WoW SoD, located in the Silithus desert. Players enter this dangerous temple after opening the gates through the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort, a huge event that the whole server completes together. Inside, there are nine bosses, including the final boss, C’Thun, who is a very powerful enemy.

As players defeat bosses, they earn rare loot, like Tier 2.5 gear, special Qiraji mounts to use in the temple, and items that help boost damage and defense. There are also quests that give more rewards, like powerful items for healing, attacking, or using magic. Players can also gain reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu as they clear the temple.

Each boss in Ahn’Qiraj has special abilities and needs the team to work together. For example, C’Thun has deadly eye beams, the Twin Emperors need to be separated, and the Bug Trio needs to be defeated in a specific order. These fights need tanks, healers, and DPS to do their jobs and stick to the plan.

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Where is the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj located?

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) is located in Silithus, at the southern part of the map. Players can reach it by flying to Cenarion Hold and heading south toward the Scarab Wall.

How do you enter the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj?

The Temple becomes accessible after the entire server completes the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort event, opening the gates. This effort involves gathering resources and materials to contribute to the event.

How many players can join the AQ40 raid?

AQ40 is a 40-player raid, meaning it requires a large, coordinated group to tackle its challenges.

How many bosses are there in AQ40, and who is the final boss?

AQ40 has a total of nine bosses, with six main bosses and three optional ones. The final boss is the Old God, C’Thun.

What makes AQ40 unique in terms of loot?

AQ40 features special loot like Tier 2.5 armor pieces, Qiraji Resonating Crystals (mounts that work only within AQ40), and unique enchanting formulas. It also drops tokens and idols that can be used to craft custom gear.

What reputation is gained in AQ40, and how does it work?

Players gain reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu as they progress through AQ40. Reputation is essential for accessing special quest rewards and crafting Tier 2.5 gear.

Are there any attunement requirements for AQ40?

No attunement is needed to enter AQ40, but the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort must be completed to open the gates for the server.

What type of raid composition is recommended for AQ40?

A balanced setup includes 4 tanks, 8 healers, 12 melee DPS, and 16 ranged DPS to manage the variety of boss mechanics and stacking debuffs in the raid.

Are there any special mounts in AQ40?

Yes, AQ40 contains Qiraji Resonating Crystals in red, blue, green, and yellow colors. These mounts work only within the raid. The rare Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal was a reward for players who participated in opening the gates during the War Effort event.

What special quests are available in AQ40?

Key quests include the Eye of C’Thun quest, which rewards powerful items, and other class-specific quests for crafting Tier 2.5 armor pieces. Quest items and specific drops from bosses are needed to complete these quests.

What kind of gear and items are useful in AQ40?

Nature resistance gear is helpful, especially for bosses like Princess Huhuran. Certain consumables like Greater Nature Protection Potions and poison-cleansing items are essential due to the poison-heavy mechanics in several fights.

How does the AQ40 weekly reset work?

AQ40 shares its reset timer with other classic raids like Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. This allows players to plan their raid schedule accordingly.

How are the bosses in AQ40 different?

Each boss in AQ40 has unique mechanics, such as The Prophet Skeram’s mind control, Princess Huhuran’s poison abilities, and C’Thun’s deadly eye beam and tentacles. Strategies vary per boss, requiring coordination, timing, and positioning.

Can you choose the order of the optional bosses?

Yes, the three optional bosses can be engaged in any order. Killing each one can give access to different loot tables, which may influence the raid’s strategy and kill order.

What should players know about C’Thun, the final boss?

C’Thun is one of the most challenging encounters in AQ40, featuring dangerous abilities like Eye Beam and Dark Glare. The fight requires spread-out positioning, careful coordination, and quick reactions to avoid instant-death mechanics.

Why is AQ40 an important part of WoW Classic?

AQ40 offers some of the most difficult, rewarding, and iconic content in WoW Classic. It’s a raid that tests skill, coordination, and teamwork, while also offering unique loot, reputation, and intense battles with some of Azeroth’s deadliest enemies.
