Defenders of the Dream Campaign Boost

The Defenders of the Dream Campaign in World of Warcraft is a narrative-driven questline introduced in patch 10.2 the Dragonflight expansion. This campaign revolves around a series of quests and activities that players must complete to progress through the story. The campaign’s content includes exploring new areas, battling unique enemies, and uncovering the lore and secrets of the Dragon Isles and the Emerald Dream.

The 10.2 Campaign focuses on protecting or restoring the Emerald Dream, a mystical, ethereal dimension that mirrors Azeroth’s natural landscapes and is closely tied to the druidic lore and the Green Dragonflight. Throughout the campaign, you will engage in quests that involve safeguarding the new World Tree from invasion, assisting iconic characters associated with the Dream, and delving into the mysteries and challenges within this realm.

The Defenders of the Dream Campaign includes new mechanics, rewards (like gear, mounts, or achievements), and story developments that deepen the lore of the Dragon Isles and the Emerald Dream.

Some parts of the campaign can be a bit of a headache, especially if you’re going solo. Our team at Epiccarry has the skills and know-how to smooth out those rough patches. Our Defenders of the Dream campaign completion service is the most time-efficient way to make sure you’re not missing out on any of the fun stuff or those brag-worthy achievements!

Product Includes

  • Up to 7 chapters of Dragonflight patch 10.2 storyline;
  • Defenders of the Dream achievement and a Flourishing Whimsydrake for the full campaign completion;
  • Access to the Emerald Dream world quests;
  • The seventh type of Dragonriding mounts;
  • Some Renown with the new 10.2 faction, the Dream Wardens;
  • All gold, collectibles, gear, and other loot that we get during the boost.

This boost will be completed in Defenders Of The Dream Campaign Boost | Buy BoostPiloted mode.

Additional Options

The Emerald Dream side quests — our player will complete all side quests in the new 10.2 zone.

Dream Wardens renown — in addition to campaign completion, our player will boost your renown with the Dream Wardens faction to a maximum of 20.

Add Emerald Dream Dragon Glyphs — in addition to the campaign, our player will collect all 8 new Emerald Dream Dragon Glyphs required to gain access to 3 new traits of your Dragonriding talent tree.


The boost takes 15 – 30 days.


Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

WoW Guardians of the Dream Campaign Boost Overview

The WoW Guardians of the Dream Campaign Boost is your gateway to exploring the mystical and vibrant world of the Emerald Dream. As you delve into this enchanting realm, you’ll join forces with the Dream Wardens, a faction dedicated to protecting the sanctity of the dream. Our boost service covers everything from the Emerald Dream side quests to uncovering the ancient dragon glyphs, ensuring you gain every bit of renown and experience this patch has to offer. With the Guardians of the Dream boost, you’ll not only aid the wardens but also unlock exclusive Dragonriding talents and appearances, enhancing your gaming experience.

Our service takes care of all the details, from the start time to the completion of each quest. Whether you’re looking to explore new content, battle alongside the wild gods, or just enjoy the scenic beauty of the Emerald Dream, our team is here to help. We offer a remote control mode for those who want to watch their character’s progress without the grind. Plus, with every step of the campaign, you’ll gather more power, reputation, and even a new dragonriding mount. Check our website for additional information or contact us directly to start your journey with the Guardians of the Dream and immerse yourself in the life and lore of this captivating location.

Epiccarry’s Edge: Fast, Reliable, and Rewarding Campaign Completion

Our Defenders of the Dream Campaign boost is all about experiencing it in the best way possible. At Epiccarry, we pride ourselves on delivering a service that’s not only fast but also reliable and deeply rewarding.

Our team of seasoned WoW veterans understands the ins and outs of the campaign, ensuring that your journey through the Dragon Isles is smooth, efficient, and filled with the rich lore and rewards the game has to offer.

We don’t just rush you through the content; we ensure that every moment is an opportunity to enhance your WoW experience. Unlock the full potential of your gameplay, collecting all the achievements, gear, and stories that come with completing a campaign with Epiccarry!

    Select Your Current and Desired Chapter
