Fast Full 100 – 120 Gear

This is a BfA version of the product. Check our Gear Upgrade to buy gear for the current expansion.

We have noticed that the concept of Level Squish confuses some customers. Please refer to this table to learn how squished gear corresponds to old pre-squish items.


Here you can buy World of Warcraft (WoW) boost.

Boost will be done via farming Normal, Heroic or Mythic dungeons (depends on chosen options);

We will farm for you Warfronts, Mythic dungeons, Mythic+ or other activities till you will get average 440-465 item lvl (depends on chosen options);

Group will be formed mostly from members of same armor type (to trade the items to your character);

You will get 100 -120 average item lvl of your character;

In case Self Play option you will be playing your character during the boost;

In case Gear 100 Item Lvl option, you will get average 100 item lvl of your character (ETA 3-4 days) (will be completed via Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm);

In case Gear 105 Item Lvl option, you will get average 105 item lvl of your character (ETA 6-8 days) (will be completed via NWC Normal, NWC Heroic, WQ, Warfronts, Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm);

In case Gear 110 Item Lvl option, you will get average 110 item lvl of your character (ETA 7-10 days) (will be completed via NWC Normal, NWC Heroic, WQ, Warfronts, Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm);

In case Gear 115 Item Lvl option, you will get average 115 item lvl of your character (ETA 10-15 days) (will be completed via NWC Normal, NWC Heroic, WQ, Warfronts, Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm);

In case Gear 120 Item Lvl option, you will get average 120 item lvl of your character (ETA 10-15 days) (will be completed via NWC Normal, NWC Heroic, WQ, Warfronts, Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm);

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.


  • Attention! If Gear 115 or 120 Item Lvl option selected you will have to complete the Nazjatar questline to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth artifact once it becomes available to you and upgrade your artifact to level 70; a legendary cloak is required for this option.
  • Attention! In order to provide full gear service you need to complete quest chain for necklace ilvl upgrade.
  • Attention! All guaranteed time counts from the moment when booster logged on your account. In case Self Play mode, you must understand and accept the fact that you will be required to play non-stop in preferable for boosters time frames, in case lags, bad connection or no possibility to play in required time, we will not be able to guarantee that boost will be completed for the chosen amount of hours. Thank you for understanding!
  • Attention! Will be completed via NWC Normal, NWC Heroic, World Quests, Warfronts, Mythic dungeons or Mythic+ farm, means boosters will choose the fastest method they prefer from mentioned above to get your chosen item lvl with guaranteed time frames;
  • Attention! Item LVL Gear services include only boost to average item lvl, means some items may be higher Item LVL and some lower Item LVL but you will get the average according to the chosen option.

How does old gear level correspond to new?

As you probably know, Shadowlands pre-patch introduced level squish to the game. This concept affected gear levels as well as character levels. Here’s how they correspond:

Pre-Squish item levels
(BfA and older)
Squished item levels
(Shadowlands and onwards)
























Level 80 character. Use our TWW leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Some gold to buy consumables.

Additional requirements apply if you select Self-Play mode:

You will have to complete the Nazjatar questline to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth artifact once it becomes available to you and upgrade your artifact to level 70.

Additional requirements apply if you select Piloted mode:

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.








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