Vicious Sabertooth

Keep in mind that Vicious mounts are not account-wide. The character that will be boosted has to own a Vicious Moonbeast to be able to buy any other Vicious Mount.

Vicious Sabertooth Description


We will help you to reach 1000 rating in Arena 3v3 bracket. After that, we will win enough PvP matches to fill the progress bar. As a result, you will get the Vicious Saddle;

the boost takes approximately 5 – 7 days. However, there may be a 1-2 day queue prior to the start of the boost for Self-Play orders.

This boost will be completed in Self-Play mode.


This service takes 1-3 weeks.


Level 80 character. Use our TWW leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Your average gear level has to be 400+ . You can use our PvP gear boost if you don't meet this requirement.

    Current Progress:


Out of stock