“The only known Razzashi lizards in the wild were kept in Zul’Gurub under the tutelage of Mandokir the Bloodlord. This breed has not been seen for many years.” This mount can now only be seen at Madam Goya’s Black Market. Rare mounts are becoming increasingly common, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire them; they cost quite a lot, and the chance of redemption will also become a difficult job; many players will try to knock the bet in their favour. Many collectors are hunting for rarities, and this mount will not be an exception. Our professionals will carefully monitor Black Market Madam Goya and try to win a bet in your favour; you will receive a unique and quite rare mount in your collection and will be able to enjoy riding it with great pleasure; this is a very fast and agile raptor. Our services work for you around the clock, without breaks or weekends.

Service Includes

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: Flexible.

Additional Options

500,000 Gold — In addition to the unique Swift Razzashi Raptor mount, we will also send 500,000 Gold to your character;
Stream — Our experienced player will stream on Twitch or YouTube, you will be able to follow the process of obtaining a very rare Swift Razzashi Raptor mount for your collection.


Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

How it Works

Unfortunately, many things are changing in the game, and some items and mounts are no longer available for regular farming. They used Black Market Madam Goya, where you can track down many scarce and cool items, including mounts. Our professional team will get a rare raptor into your collection, and you won’t waste your resources and guess your luck. Enjoy horseback riding on an excellent mount. We have prepared brief instructions for you to familiarize yourself with the process of the service provided:

  1. Select the additional options you want to purchase, then place your order. Pay for your order using a payment method convenient for you;
  2. In 3 – 7 minutes, our customer support manager will contact you to create a schedule convenient for you and to discuss other important details of the boosting system;
  3. Please provide your login information. Our experienced professional will log in to your character and will perform the boost service that you have purchased. Our booster will use all security measures for account sharing and provide you with a personal stream;
  4. Our experienced player will be mining the Swift Razzashi Raptor at Madam Goya’s Black Market for your collection;
  5. When the service is completed, our manager will contact you and inform you that your order is complete. We will also congratulate you on receiving the rare and cool Swift Razzashi Raptor mount.

Please leave an honest review of our Swift Razzashi Raptor Boost. Your feedback helps us improve, and our experienced and united team is always ready to provide fast, high-quality services to our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Swift Razzashi Raptor mount no longer available in the game?

Unfortunately, the Zul’Gurub dungeon has changed its difficulty level once and for all. Previously, this was a raid for 20 players, where you could get a couple of cool mounts with a slight chance, but with the release of patch 4.0.3, this raid turned into a dungeon with a heroic difficulty level for 5 players, and the loot system changed in the same way, now there is a knockout possibility of other mounts. With the release of patch 6.0.2, getting the Swift Razzashi Raptor became possible. To do this, you need to track the Black Market Madam Goya, where this raptor will appear periodically, but the price will be very high. Using our service, we will help you without any effort or spending extra gold, track and win bets, and you will receive this unique mount to your collection. Our main goal is to achieve success and delight you with fast and high-quality services.

How rare is the Swift Razzashi Raptor mount?

Since it is no longer possible to obtain it primarily, only 3% of players have this mount in their collection, indicating the great rarity of obtaining this raptor. Epiccarry will allow you to become the proud owner of a rare item.

  • Additional Options:
