Tusks of Mannoroth

Buy Tusks of Mannoroth to feed your inner warchief. Garrosh did nothing wrong! Well, yes, this guy really turned Theramore into a scenic wasteland. Some may call it overkill, but we call it commitment. If you want to Buy Tusks of Mannoroth everyone will understand that. It’s so Garrosh alike to take what’s yours. Less than a 0.5% drop rate? Pfft, not a problem for us!

Garrosh might have been a bit extreme, but hey, if you want to wear these legendary shoulderpads, you’re not here for half measures either. Just promise us one thing – if someone challenges you to Mak’gora, you keep it old school: axe, honor, and no thunderbolts. (Yeah, mr. Thrall?)

Service Includes

  • Tusks of Mannoroth added to your collection;
  • Guaranteed BMAH Buyout or Raid Farming option;
  • You keep all your gold and resources.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: Flexible. Depends on current BMAH condition.

Additional Options

500 000 Gold — After completing the service, we will send the gold to your account;
Stream — We will provide a personal stream on YouTube or Twitch, where you can see the whole process of Tusks of Mannoroth.


Level 80 character. Use our TWW leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

How it Works

Ordering your very own Tusks of Mannoroth? Good choice! No more RNG, because out our pro boosters will handle all the details of the Black Market Auction House trading. We offer BMAH monitoring and guaranteed buyout system so you can enjoy the spoils of war with minimal effort. But let’s get into the details of how this process works:

  1. We operate across several regions, so first things first, make sure to select your correct in-game region;
  2. We start monitoring the BMAH for your Tusks within 15-30 minutes after placing your order;
  3. Depending on the availability and competition for the item, it could take some time;
  4. Want to watch us work our magic? Opt for our stream service and see everything live;
  5. Once your order’s confirmed, our team will reach you out;
  6. We will go over specifics with you, like timing, preferred methods of contact, and any extra info we need to help you secure those glorious shoulders;
  7. We’ll need your account details to log in and buyout the item directly;
  8. Once everything is scheduled you can chill while we do all the hard work;
  9. Want to be kept in the loop? Our team will keep you updated as things progress…or not;
  10. Once we’ve secured the Tusks, we’ll notify you. You’ll get back into the game and flex those Mannoroth shoulders with pride. Your friends won’t believe their eyes!

We know how valuable both your time and gold are, which is why we’ve made this process as straightforward as possible. You basically need to do nothing. When it’s all over, you’ll have your character looking better than ever. Remember, patience is key with the BMAH.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get the Tusks of Mannoroth?

Want to show everyone that you wreck Pit Lords for breakfast, eh? Well… The Tusks of Mannoroth drop from none other than Garrosh Hellscream, the final boss of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. Now, before you think you’ll just farm this and be done by the weekend, we’ve got some news. Drop rate is 0.5% chance.

But hey, if you’re tired of the grind there’s always the Black Market Auction House. Just be ready to throw some gold at it like you’re making it rain in Goldshire, because it’s not gonna come cheap. Oh, and make sure you’ve got plate-wearing classes ready, because otherwise… yeah, it’ll be a sad day.

Are Tusks of Mannoroth plate only?

In true Blizzard fashion, these shoulder plates are a big ol’ middle finger to anyone who doesn’t wear plate. So, if you’re a cloth-wearing mage thinking you’ll get these bad boys, think again. Plate only! Warriors, Death Knights, and Paladins. You’re the chosen ones. For the rest of you? Sorry, better luck next expansion.

But hey, you can still admire them from afar! Maybe tell your warrior buddy how nice they look while you sit there in your flimsy robes. Or, just roll a plate class and the problem solved! Seriously though, these are as plate-exclusive as it gets, so if you’re not sporting heavy armor, you can forget about it.

Do Tusks of Mannoroth still drop?

There indeed was a rumor. People have been saying that the Tusks were removed from the game, probably because they’ve run Siege of Orgrimmar more times than they can count and have nothing to show for it. Well, guess what? They still drop! That’s right, Garrosh is still hoarding those tusks like a dragon sitting on treasure, and yes, you can still pry them off his cold, dead body.

What is the Tusks of Mannoroth lore?

It all started when Grom Hellscream decided he was done being a puppet for the Burning Legion and went full Hulk on Mannoroth, the demon who had enslaved the orcs. In one epic clash, Grom took down Mannoroth, ending the demonic enslavement and earning a spot in orc history. To commemorate this, Thrall slapped Mannoroth’s skull on a memorial in Orgrimmar like it was a trophy from a big game hunt.

Fast forward to Grom’s kid, Garrosh Hellscream. Junior decides to take dad’s trophy for himself and carves up the skull, turning the tusks into his shoulder plates. Because why not, right? Gotta show off that you’re the boss somehow. So now, you get the chance to loot the very same tusks from Garrosh’s fashion-forward shoulders when you face him in Siege of Orgrimmar.

How rare are Tusks of Mannoroth?

Oh boy, where do we start? The Tusks of Mannoroth are rare. Like, winning-the-lottery-while-getting-struck-by-lightning rare. With a measly 0.5% drop rate from Garrosh, it’s safe to say you’re going to be spending more time in Siege of Orgrimmar than you’d care to admit. Some players report doing over a thousand runs, without ever seeing these drop. Yep, you read that right. Welcome to the grind.

But don’t lose hope entirely! If you’ve got gold burning a hole in your pocket, you might find these beauties on the Black Market Auction House. Or simply hit up a boosting service like Epiccarry.

Can you get Tusks of Mannoroth from LFR?

Nice try, but Blizzard saw that loophole coming from a mile away. While LFR might seem like the easy ticket to farm those Tusks of Mannoroth, the devs were one step ahead. They knew players would be queuing endlessly and cheesing the system, so they shut it down. Garrosh doesn’t drop the Tusks in LFR mode.

So, if you thought you were going to be the smartest player in Azeroth by spamming LFR to collect Tusks, think again. You’ll have to brave normal, heroic, or mythic difficulty to have a shot at those spiky trophies. 

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