WoW Arena Coaching

WoW Arena coaching by Epiccarry will be a beneficial purchase for those who dream of becoming a Pro PvP player and conquering new heights in the Arena. During a coaching session, our professional PvP coaches will teach you the basics of arena games, show you various tactics and tricks, give advice on talents, and do many other useful things for you. The service is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We will select the best coach to reveal your character’s class from the new side.

Service Includes

  • 1-10 hours of playing 2v2 or 3v3 arena with coach;
  • Some Honor and Conquest points;
  • PvP Great Vault rewards progress.

This boost will be completed in Self-Play mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: 1-10 hours.

Additional Options

Rank 1 Player – Your coach will be an experienced player who has already reached Rank 1 in the current expansion;
Tournament Player – Your PvP arena coach will be one of the tournament players;
Celebrity Player – Arena PvP coaching will be conducted by a PvP player known among the World of Warcraft community;
500,000 gold – After completing Arena Coaching, we will send the gold to your account.


Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Voice communication. Arena coaching must take place via voice communication. You will receive personalized guidance for PvP Arenas from Epiccarry’s professionals. We will use Discord, Skype or Teamspeak.

How it Works

By purchasing our Arena coaching service, you get a powerful boost to your PvP experience thanks to Epiccarry’s professional WoW arena coaches. Read the instructions that we have prepared for you and make sure that our service is reliable and safe:

  1. Select the amount of coaching time and desired additional options. Pay for your order using the most convenient method available;
  2. After 3-7 minutes, our support team representative will write to you and discuss the WoW arena coaching schedule and other details;
  3. Epiccarry will match you with a coach based on your class, arena experience, current rating, and the additional options selected. You contact him through a voice communication convenient for you (Discord, Skype or TeamSpeak), and your PvP coaching will begin;
  4. You will spend a chosen number of hours with our coaches, learning your class’s PvP capabilities, existing tactics and strategies, and playing 2v2 or 3v3 bracket;
  5. After you complete WoW arena coaching, our support team representative will contact you to congratulate you on completing the training and receiving the associated rewards.

Please honestly evaluate the quality of our WoW arena coaching. Your feedback helps us improve because our primary goal is to provide our clients with the highest quality services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services should I look for after completing Arena Coaching?

After completing WoW Arena coaching, we can offer you three path options, depending on the chosen arena brackets:

  • WoW 2v2 Arena Boost – if you have chosen the 2v2 Arena and want to increase your rating in this PvP mode further;
  • WoW 3v3 Arena Boost – if you have chosen the 3v3 Arena and want to increase your rating in this PvP mode further;
  • Road to Gladiator – if you have chosen the 3v3 Arena and want to gain even more experience and knowledge and feel the path to one of the rarest and most prestigious titles with the help of our PvP professionals.

Epiccarry provides the highest quality services, as evidenced by the many positive reviews from our customers. Any of these options will be an excellent purchase for you.

Can I sometimes be AFK during coaching sessions?

Yes, you can take short breaks during coaching sessions. However, these are included in the allotted training time. We advise you to be AFK for as little time as possible. Spending time AFK may deprive you of some of the experience and knowledge you could gain during training.

Which arena mode should I choose for PvP coaching, 2v2 or 3v3 bracket?

Your choice will depend on your preferences in the game, your ability to find good teammates, and the desired rewards. Rewards for the 2v2 Arena are an achievement, and in the 3v3 Arena, you can earn a prestigious title and mount.

What does a beginner need at the start of his PvP journey?

A beginner’s game begins with a theoretical part. First of all, you need to study the games’ classes; this is necessary to understand your opponents’ capabilities and abilities. Next, it’s worth watching how the experienced players play. This will give you ideas for future strategies. Finding good teammates is also essential; their class will help level out your character’s shortcomings. And, of course, the practical part. Gain experience in the arenas and equip yourself in PvP gear. These are all the necessary tips for a beginner.

What rewards will the best PvP players receive?

The most prestigious rewards are found in 3v3 arena modes and Solo Shuffle. A small percentage of the best players in the 3v3 bracket will receive the Draconic Gladiator title and the Draconic Gladiator’s Drake mount on their way to the top of the ladder. The most vital players in the Solo Shuffle mode receive the Draconic Legend title.

  • Select Bracket:

    How many hours?

    How many hours?

  • Additional Options:


Final total