WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Boost

The updated Horrific Visions returned to WoW in patch 11.1.5 and are now more associated with the bronze dragons than Wrathion. Due to this, the method of Horrific Visions Unlock has also changed, but they are still quests, albeit different ones. Some people do not like to do quests, and Epiccarry is ready to help with this. Buy WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Boost, and get rid of the need to do boring quests. Our professional boosters will quickly complete the new quest line and get access to the updated activity. If you have any questions about our Horrific Visions Unlock Carry, you can always contact our customer support. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and are always ready to help you.

Der Service umfasst

  • Access to the TWW version of Horrific Visions;
  • Horrific Visions Revisited questline completed;
  • Die gesamte Beute wurde während der Beendigung des Dienstes erhalten.

Dieser Boost wird im Pilotenmodus durchgeführt.

Infos zur Lieferung

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: 1-2 days.

Zusätzliche Optionen

  • Add Gold — While working on World of Warcraft Horrific Visions Unlock Carry, we will send the chosen amount of gold to your account, which will make your future game more comfortable;
  • Stream — We will provide you with a personal stream on Twitch or YouTube. You will be able to monitor the progress of the Horrific Visions Unlock Boosting Service and make sure that we use all the precautions for account sharing.


Aktives World of Warcraft Abonnement.
Charakter Stufe 80. Nutzen Sie unseren The War Within Leveling Boost Service, wenn Sie diese Voraussetzung nicht erfüllen.

Wie es funktioniert

WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Boost from Epiccaery is a unique method that will help you get access to the returned activity. Our professional gamers will complete all the necessary quests for your character, and you will be able to conquer the TWW version of Horrific Visions with a bunch of cool rewards and equipment. Epiccarry has been helping players achieve their desired in-game results for more than 12 years, and during this time, it has received many positive reviews from satisfied customers. We have prepared a short step-by-step instruction; read it and learn about the entire process before purchasing the service:

  1. Wählen Sie weitere Optionen aus, die Sie interessieren, und geben Sie Ihre Bestellung auf. Schließen Sie die Zahlung für Ihre Bestellung mit einer der verfügbaren Methoden ab, die für Sie am bequemsten ist. Wir garantieren einen sicheren Zahlungsvorgang;
  2. After 3-7 minutes of waiting, our customer support representative will write to you via online chat. Together, you will choose a convenient time to work on WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Carry and discuss the issues that concern you;
  3. Please provide your account details. Our professional gamer will log in to your game character at the selected time and start working on the purchased order. We will provide you with a personal stream on YouTube or Twitch so you can make sure that your WoW account is in good hands;
  4. Our experienced booster will complete all the necessary quests for you and gain access to TWW Horrific Visions;
  5. Once the WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Boost is completed, our customer support representative will write to you again. We will congratulate you on gaining access to the returned activity and the opportunity to earn many new rewards.

Please leave an honest review about our WoW Horrific Visions Unlock Boosting Service. We are constantly trying to improve. Your feedback helps us improve the quality of our services and motivates our team. Our main goal is to please our customers with the best services on the market. Thank you for choosing Epiccarry.

  • Additional Options



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Stern Stern Stern Stern Stern
Kaufte eine Menge ihrer WoW-Dienste
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Darren S, 1 day ago

How do I access the TWW version of Horrific Visions?

To gain access to TWW Horrific Visions, you need to complete the Horrific Visions Revisited questline. It consists of 6 quests and starts at Soridormi. Below, you can see the full list of required quests:

  1. Seeking Knowledge of the Past;
  2. Truly Horrific to Behold;
  3. Into the Darkest Memories;
  4. A Collection of Variables;
  5. Echoing Lessons;
  6. Remembering Again and Again.

With our World of Warcraft Horrific Visions Unlock Carry, you don’t have to waste your time on quests. Our boosters are always ready to provide you with fast and quality help.

Where is the entrance to TWW Horrific Visions?

The updated portal to Horrific Visions can be found in Dornogal. There will be many bronze dragons around it that will open it for you.

Do you need Ashjra’kamas to enter TWW Horrific Visions?

No, in the updated version of Horrific Visions, you will not need the legendary cloak. Instead, you will use the Hourglass of Horrific Visions, which unlocks all the necessary buffs.