
Night sabers are an integral part of the Kaldorei army: they are both mounts and powerful weapons. It’s a cute creature with a 5% chance of extraction. This is a particularly low chance, but you will still have to spend many days to extract this wild predator. Our Cheap Umber Nightsaber Boosting Service will provide you with fast and high-quality work; you will not guess at luck and endlessly kill Athil Dewfire or Moxo the Beheader because those who want to defeat him and get a mount from them are many, our skilled players will get the desired result for you, and you will become the happy owner of great rarities. Our services work around the clock, without breaks and weekends. Our customer support managers are ready to answer any questions you may have.

Der Service umfasst

Guaranteed to add a unique and cute Umber Nightsaber mount to your collection.

Dieser Boost wird im Pilotenmodus durchgeführt.

Infos zur Lieferung

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: Flexible.

Zusätzliche Optionen

  • Add Gold — While we work on the World of Warcraft Umber Nightsaber Carry, we will also send the selected amount of gold to your account;
  • Stream — Our experienced booster will stream on Twitch or YouTube, and you will be able to follow all the attempts to get the Umber Nightsaber for your collection.


Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Wie es funktioniert

Such a predatory creature will emphasize your perfect look and create a great impression of you but do not forget about the respawn time of a rare boss and cooldown on loot. Unfortunately, some have not yet received the mount, and even ardent collectors are hunting for it. By using our World of Warcraft Umber Nightsaber Carry service, you can become one of the rare owners and you will become a great role model for many collectors and players. We have prepared a short instruction for you to familiarize yourself with before the upcoming boosting service:

  1. Select the additional options that interest you, then place an order. Pay for the order using a convenient payment method;
  2. Warten Sie 3 - 7 Minuten; unser Kundenbetreuer wird Sie kontaktieren. Gemeinsam erstellen Sie einen für Sie passenden Zeitplan und besprechen weitere wichtige Details zu diesem Service;
  3. Please provide your account details. Our experienced player will log in to your account and will perform the boost service you purchased. Our booster will use all security measures when sharing an account and will provide you with a personal stream; we do not use third-party programs;
  4. Depending on your faction, our booster will defeat Athil Dewfire or Moxo the Beheader until you get Umber Nightsaber;
  5. When the World of Warcraft Umber Nightsaber Boosting Service is completed, our customer support manager will contact you and inform you about the completion of the service and congratulate you on receiving a cool predator in your collection of mounts.

Please leave an honest review of our WoW Umber Nightsaber Boost. Our goal is to provide fast and high-quality services to our customers, and your feedback helps us become the best and motivates our working and close-knit team.



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Darren S, 1 day ago

How can I get the Umber Nightsaber mount for my mount collection?

You can get a swift predator for your collection by fighting Athil Dewfire or Moxo the Beheader on Darkshore with a 5% chance. You can purchase our World of Warcraft Umber Nightsaber Carry service and become a happy owner of great rarities without worries and wasting time.

How rare is the Umber Nightsaber mount?

Only 27% of players have acquired this unique mount for their collection. Become a cool owner of this cool mount, thanks to Epiccarry.