The Final Shape Bounty Preparation

Make your Guardian ready for the new expansion with our The Final Shape Bounty Preparation Boost. Gain lots of EX for the season pass within the first days of the Final Shape DLC release! All bounties will be completed with our help of the ongoing season, but you will claim their rewards with the new expansion coming out date! Buy Final Shape Bounty prep to make your guardian stronger among others straight.

Service Includes

  • At least x12 Weekly Bounties;
  • At least x32 Daily Bounties;
  • Vendor Reputation;
  • A lot of EXP at the new season starts;
  • All items and resources that might drop during this service.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-6 hours.
Estimated Completion time:

  • Normal: 2-5 days;
  • Express: 2-4 days;
  • Super Express: 1-3 days.

Estimated delivery time may increase if your order includes some additional options.

Additional Options

Number of Guardians – select the number of guardians you wish to receive the service.
5 Ascendant Shards – we will acquire 5 Ascendant Shards that can be used for armor masterwork.
25 Enhancement Prisms –we will farm 25 enhancement Prisms materials that can be used for the masterwork.
240 Spoils of Conquest – we will farm 240 Spoils of Conquest, which can be used in raids and Monument of the Lost to buy additional loot and 
5 Ascendant Alloys – we will obtain 5 Ascendant Alloys, which you can exchange for other Destiny 2 game currency.
Stream – watch the Final Shape Bounty prep completion live.


Space for at least 44 bounties in your inventory.
If you want to improve your Light Level, order our Power Leveling service in advance.

How It Works

Your Guardian must be ready to meet the Final Shape DLC. The best option to make it real is to complete all the bounties we have in the current season. However, it will require a lot of time to spend to gain all their rewards. We won’t claim them, so you can get the most of the XP for your Season Pass doing that on your own when the Final Shape is released. Buy The Final Shape Bounty Preparation boost and our pro players will get your Guardian ready for the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion. Here is a small guide on how to place the order:

  1. Customise the service with additional options for better rewards.
  2. The service is available only in Piloted mode. It means you will need to make an account sharring with our verified player who will complete all bounties for you as well as farm other resources if any additional options were chosen.
  3. There are a few payment methods to use to place the order. Selec the convenient one for you and proceed to payment.
  4. Our Customer Support will reach you out via email within 3-10 minutes to disscuss the order details and schedule the boost start.
  5. Once all is done, you will get an email notification. Please log in to your acount to check the result. We would be grateful if you share your thoughts of our services and leave a review.
  6. Congratulations, your Guardian is now ready for the most awaited Final Shape expansion!

Customer Support is here for you 24/7. If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you!

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