WoW SoD Tier 3 Set Boost

Buy WoW Classic Season of Discovery Tier 3 Set Boost and get rid of your green gear. Farming this set pieces is time-consuming simply because they don’t even pop up half the time. We are not even talking about Naxxramas raiding, which is something that more than half players cannot simply do. So, what’s stopping you? Is it the ‘joy’ of wiping in Naxxramas trash for the 50th time with PUGs? We’ll get you Full Tier 3 Set within the nearest time. For you this also means you can be better in both PvE and PvP.

We offer you an opportunity to enjoy your life. Even if your life is outside Azeroth, which is kinda weird, but okay. You’ve already spent too much time chasing loot that never drops. Stop being the punchline when your guild starts making “no set guy” jokes? Either way, it’s time to change the game and grab that WoW SoD Tier 3 Set Boosting service!

Check out the FAQ Section below to find out which set you will get!

Service Includes

  • Guaranteed 8/8 Tier 3 Set Pieces for your class and spec;
  • A lot of Naxxramas Raid runs;
  • Naxxramas raid bosses killed multiple times;
  • All the resources and gold dropped during the run.

You can choose either WoW SoD Tier 3 Set BoostSelf-Play or WoW SoD Tier 3 Set BoostPiloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 30 – 60 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time:

  • Normal – up to 45 days;
  • Express – up to 31 days 12 hours;
  • Super Express – up to 24 days 18 hours.

Additional Options

Naxxramas Attunement– our boosters will get you Argent Dawn faction reputation and complete the Attunement quest to enter Naxxramas;
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.


Active World of Warcraft subscription
Level 60 character. Use our Season of Discovery leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Naxxramas Attunement

How It Works

Are you ready to finally equip all 8 Tier 3 pieces from Naxxramas? With our WoW SoD Tier 3 Set farming service, you can say goodbye to RNG bulling game throws at you. Here’s how WoW SoD Tier 3 Set carry service goes down:

  1. Choose your region. We’ve got boosters everywhere;
  2. Pick your boost method. Play together with the pros or let us do everything. The choice is yours!
  3. Pick the speed. Normal, Express, or Super Express;
  4. Our service guarantees you 8/8 Tier 3, but you may also loot any other tasty drops along the way;
  5. Need Naxxramas attunement or live stream? Add those extras to your order;
  6. Place your order & check out. You’re almost there now;
  7. Wait for the manager to reach out to go over some details;
  8. We’ll make sure everything works with your timeline and discuss any extra details like your password, if you choose piloted mode;
  9. Your scheduled Naxxramas Raid Runs will start then, and we’ll keep you updated throughout the process;
  10. Once we’re done with 8/8 Tier 3 Set pieces we’ll hand your account back safe and sound!

Now that you’ve got the play-by-play, what are you waiting for? Go full-on Naxxramas pro style! This service will make your life easier. With guaranteed Tier 3 set pieces, you won’t have to cross your fingers and hope for better luck. Best of all, the service is customizable. Time to get those 8/8 pieces is now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Tier 3 Set Do I Need for My Class in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

Picking the right set for your class is crucial because it’s what separates the noobs from the neckbeards! So, what set do YOU need for YOUR class? It’s pretty straightforward:

Class Set
Druid Dreamwalker Raiment
Hunter Cryptstalker Armor
Mage Frostfire Regalia
Paladin Redemption Armor
Priest Vestments of Faith
Rogue Bonescythe Armor
Shaman The Earthshatterer
Warlock Plagueheart Raiment
Warrior Dreadnaught’s Battlegear

Long story short: pick the Tier 3 set that makes your class OP and gives your role bonuses. When you have that full Tier 3 set, it’s practically the same as screaming, “I’ve seen things in Naxx, man. I’ve seen things…”.

Disclaimer: This Set will be reworked and expanded in the nearest future. Players will be able to not only get Tier 3 set for their class but they will get a chance to choose between spec-based variations of it. Stay tuned, we will update this information soon.

Where Does Tier 3 Set Drop in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

You’re gonna need to enter deep into the dreaded halls of Naxxramas. Yep, the spooky floating fortress of death, decay, and a few too many spiders. Inside, you’ll find your precious Tier 3 tokens, which drop from the bosses.

Farming Naxx for Tier 3 gear is basically a massive scavenger hunt in a haunted house. You’ll be piecing together your set from different wings of the raid, and each boss fight. But once you have that full set, you won’t regret all the effort you put in it.

Do I Need Attunement to Enter Naxxramas Raid in Season of Discovery?

Attunement, attunement, attunement. In classic WoW, it was the bane of our existence. And in Season of Discovery, nothing has changed. Yes, you still need attunement to get into Naxxramas. What, you thought you could just fly in there on your fancy flying mountain? Rofl… Nah, Classic Naxx is way too exclusive for that. It is the same as a VIP section of a nightclub. But no velvet ropes, there are only…plague and undead horrors.

You’ll need to head over to Archmage Angela Dosantos, located in the Eastern Plaguelands at Light’s Hope Chapel. She’s your plug for getting attuned.

Here’s what you need:

  1. Honored reputation with the Argent Dawn. Not too bad, just grind some quests and run a few dungeons like Stratholme or Scholomance until you’re besties with the Dawn. Build a friendship over shared trauma!
  2. Arcane Crystals. Mining is your to go, or buy them off the AH if you’re rich.
  3. Nexus Crystals. These drop from disenchanting epic gear.
  4. Righteous Orbs. These come from Stratholme, and yes, you’ll need to run that dungeon to collect them. Great for grinding rep at the same time, though.

Once you’ve got all your stuff, head back to Angela Dosantos, and she’ll give you the Attunement to Naxxramas. Now you’re ready for looting thoseTier 3 tokens!

Where is the Naxxramas Entrance in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

Grab some plague remedies because the entrance to Naxxramas is perched in the wastelands of Eastern Plaguelands. Specifically, it’s hovering above Stratholme like some creepy, gothic UFO. Look up, and you’ll see the ominous necropolis floating above the landscape, reminding everyone that death is only a boss fight away.

Now, it’s not like you can just fly up there. Oh no, no, no. To get into Naxxramas, you have to use a special teleportation device. Step on it, and you’ll be teleported right into the thick of Naxx, ready to face abominations, death knights, and a mountain of repair bills.

And remember, before you even think about setting foot on that teleport pad, you need to be attuned. If you’re not attuned, the only thing you’ll be raiding is the Light’s Hope Chapel gift shop.

How Many Bosses are there in Naxxramas?

So, you’re wondering just how many poor souls you’ll have to vanquish in Naxxramas, huh? Well, grab your raid team and a few extra flasks, because Naxxramas isn’t exactly a casual stroll through the park. This place is packed to the brim with 15 bosses, and each one is nastier than the last. Naxx isn’t just a raid; it’s a marathon of pain, sweat, and loot rolls that will have you second-guessing your raid lead’s strategies.

Let’s break it down by wing:

The Arachnid Quarter has 3 bosses. If you hate spiders, well… good luck.

  1. Anub’Rekhan
  2. Grand Widow Faerlina
  3. Maexxna.

The Plague Quarter is home to 3 bosses. Bring your plague resist and maybe some extra soap.

  1. Noth the Plaguebringer
  2. Heigan the Unclean
  3. Loatheb

The Military Quarter has 3 bosses. This wing will test your coordination and sanity.

  1. Instructor Razuvious
  2. Gothik the Harvester
  3. Four Horsemen

The Construct Quarter is where things get ugly, with 4 bosses. Patchwerk alone will have your tanks crying for heals and your DPS sweating bullets.

  1. Patchwerk
  2. Grobbulus
  3. Gluth
  4. Thaddius

Finally, in the Frostwyrm Lair, you’ll face the final 2 bosses:

  1. Sapphiron
  2. Kel’Thuzad

That’s 15 bosses of pure agony, excitement, and more loot drama than you’ve ever seen.

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