Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Bundle Boost

Getting any Exotic weapon from the Dungeon is always a time-consuming process that will need a lot of attempts to finally unlock the desired Exotic weapons. Be ready to farm killing final bosses to add the desired weapon to your collection, but you also can get the completed triumphs, dungeon weapons, and armor set pieces during the farm. 

You can save your time and effort, all you need is to buy Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Weapon Bundle Boost and let our pro player complete all the hard work for you. We have many years of experience in Destiny 2 dungeons and killing strong enemies, so we will unlock the desired Exotics to your Guardian as fast as possible.

Der Service umfasst

  • Exotic Power Rocket LauncherGjallarhorn;
  • Exotic Power Machine GunXenophage;
  • Exotic Kinetic Combat BowWish-Ender;
  • Exotic Power SwordHeartshadow;
  • Exotic Energy Combat BowHierarchy of Needs;
  • Exotic Trace RifleThe Navigator;
  • Exotic Energy SidearmBuried Bloodline;
  • Exotic Energy Sniper RifleIce Breaker;
  • Exotic Linear Power Fusion RifleFinality’s Auger;
  • Lots of the last boss kills from every dungeon;
  • Lots of Legendary weapons and armor from every dungeon;
  • Receive Pinnacle gear for the first clear of the week;
  • Alle zusätzlichen Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Ressourcen , die während dieses Abschlusses fallen;
  • Erfahrung für deinen Saisonpass und deine Artefaktstufe.

Dieser Aufschwung wird in den folgenden Jahren abgeschlossen sein Gesteuert Modus.

Infos zur Lieferung

Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 20-180 hours.

Zusätzliche Optionen

Stream – you can watch Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Weapon Bundle Boost online via a personal stream link.


Access to every dungeon from the bundle
If you want to increase your current Power Level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.

Wie es funktioniert

Getting Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 has never been an easy task, you will need to farm the Dungeons bosses until the desired Exotic weapon is finally dropped. Be ready to spend some of your free time on this if you want to add the Dungeon Exotic weapons to your collection, but it is worth it. If you don’t have enough free time or just don’t want to farm the Dungeon Exotic weapons personally, you can always buy Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Weapon Bundle Carry and rely on us, we will complete all the requirements for you. We provide our services on all platforms, but if you play on the PS or Xbox, you will need to turn on the Cross Save function and let our PC boosters start working on your order faster. Our service is the best way to save your time and effort. Follow the detailed instructions on how to place the order below:

  • Wählen Sie Ihre Plattform und weitere Optionen auf der rechten Seite des Bildschirms.
  • The Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Weapon Bundle Boosting Service can be done only in Piloted mode. You will need to use the account sharing and give your account details to one of our verified gamers, who will perform the boost on your behalf. Choosing this mode will let you go straight to enjoying the exclusive rewards without spending your personal time, we will complete all the hard work for you. Also, you can add the stream option and watch the boosting progress online via a personal stream link.
  • In this service we will use the VPN of your country to provide more security to your account data.
  • Click on the Buy Now button and pay for the service using one of the available payment methods to place the order.
  • In 3-10 minutes after payment, our customer support team will get in touch with you to speak about service details and set a perfect schedule in advance. Also, now you can ask any of your questions, or feel free to write in our online site chat, we work 24/7.
  • When all the instructions and Dungeon Exotic Bundle are completed, and the desired weapons will appear in your collection, you will get the notification on your email and can enjoy your rewards. It would be great if you could share your impressions and emotions and leave a review about our work.
  • Congratulations, now you can log in to your account, equip your Guardian with a new Exotic weapon, and play your favorite game activity to test it.

If you have some troubles or have questions, write on our online site or Discord server. Our support staff works around the clock, and they are ready to help and assist you at any time.

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Allen, 2 weeks ago
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Ich liebe den Epiccarry-Service
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How to obtain the dungeon Exotic weapons in Destiny 2?

Players will need to farm the Dungeons and kill bosses to unlock the desired Exotic weapons. The drop chance is low, so you will need to have some patience and time for farming.

What Exotic weapons can I obtain from dungeons in Destiny 2?

Players can farm the Warlord’s Ruin, Ghosts of the Deep, Vesper’s Host, and other dungeons to unlock the Buried Bloodline, Gjallarhorn, Xenophage, Wish-Ender, Heartshadow, Hierarchy of Needs, The Navigator, Ice Breaker, Finality’s Auger exotic weapons.

What is needed for D2 Dungeon Exotic Weapon Bundle Boost?

Firstly, you will need to select the platform and extra options that you want us to complete. Next, click on the Buy Now button and make a transaction using one of the convenient payment methods to place the order. Within 3-10 minutes after payment, our customer team will get in touch with you to speak about all the details and find out the most convenient schedule. After these steps, our pro booster will start boosting. When all the instructions and the Dungeon Exotic Bundle are completed, and the desired exotics appear in your Guardian collection, you will get the notification and can finally go into the game to enjoy your rewards. Don’t hesitate to buy Destiny 2 Dungeon Exotic Bundle Service and let our pro boosters complete all the requirements for you to obtain any desired rewards without hassle. With us, you can go straight to enjoy your rewards and save time and effort. You can also add the stream option to watch the boosting process online via the personal stream link. Don’t forget to leave a review about our work and share your emotions and experiences.

Can I use my account during the D2 Dungeon Exotic Bundle Service?

Yes, after you place the order, our team will contact you to discuss all the details and find the most convenient schedule. Then, you will know the exact date and time when our team will proceed with the boosting, and you can continue playing your favorite game activities as always. 

Where can I reach the support team?

You can contact us through any of these channels: our online site, Discord Server, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Telegram. Our support team works around the clock, so you can get help and assistance at any time. 

Was ist ein gemeinsames Konto?

Account sharing is a part of the Piloted mode, here, you don’t need to play personally to obtain the desired rewards. Just use the account sharing and give your account details to one of our verified players, and he will complete all the requirements for you. 

What is the difference between the Sherpa and Recovery modes?

With Sherpa or Self Play mode, players will participate in our pro team, complete the dungeon together, and enjoy the process. In the Recovery or Piloted mode, you will need to use the account sharing and give access to your account data to one of our verified players, and he will complete the requirements without your participation. When all the instructions are completed, you will get a notification in your email.