Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Boost

Equipping your Titan in Meta armor and weapon is a very difficult task that requires a lot of time, searching, and farming. You will need to choose what build you want for your Guardian and then start farming Destiny 2 activities. You can skip this boring process and rely on us.

Save your time and effort just buy Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Boost and let our pro players complete all the hard work for you. We have a lot of experience in the game activities and we know the most powerful builds and will help to equip your Titan with one of them as fast as possible.

Le service comprend

  • Meta weapons for all slots from the chosen Build;
  • An Exotic Armor piece that fits the chosen Build perfectly;
  • Tout l'équipement et les ressources supplémentaires qui tombent au cours de l'achèvement ;
  • Expérience pour votre abonnement de saison et votre niveau d'artefact.

Ce coup de pouce sera complété en Piloté mode.

Informations sur la livraison

Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 10-140 hours.

Options supplémentaires

Prismatic Synthoceps PvE Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Strength;
  • Synthoceps Exotic Gauntlets – a fantastic armor piece that increases your Super and melee damage when you are surrounded. It also improves the handling and reload speed of your weapons;
  • The Call Sidearm – a Strand gun with a rare Rocket-Assisted frame that devastates Major targets;
  • Zaouli’s Bane Hand Cannon – a great weapon with an Adaptive frame and incredible PvE perk pool;
  • Pro Memoria Machine Gun – a 600 RPM death machine perfect to increase your DPS;
  • Chance to get other loot from the Pale Heart and King’s Fall Raid.

Solar Wormgod Caress PvE Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Wormgod Caress Exotic Gauntlets – an outstanding piece that boosts your melee and weapon damage after defeating a target with a melee or a finisher;
  • Wastelander M5 Shotgun – one of the best Shotguns for Kinetic slot;
  • Zaouli’s Bane Hand Cannon – a great weapon with an Adaptive frame and incredible PvE perk pool;
  • Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle – a fast gun to deal tons of damage to Bosses;
  • Chance to get other loot from Dares of Eternity, King’s Fall Raid, and Vow of the Disciple Raid.

Solar Synthoceps PvE Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Synthoceps Exotic Gauntlets – an exceptionally useful piece that excels at clearing hordes of minions, increasing your melee and Super damage when you are surrounded;
  • Wastelander M5 Shotgun – one of the best Shotguns for Kinetic slot;
  • Zaouli’s Bane Hand Cannon – a great weapon with an Adaptive frame and incredible PvE perk pool;
  • Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle – a fast gun to deal tons of damage to Bosses;
  • Chance to get other loot from Dares of Eternity, King’s Fall Raid, and Vow of the Disciple Raid.

Void Dunemarchers PvP Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Dunemarchers Exotic Leg Armor – sprinting with this piece builds up a charge that chain damages nearby enemies;
  • Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun – a unique double-barrelled shotgun that deals both Solar and Stasis damage;
  • Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon – an insane gun from Trials of Osiris that will help you annihilate enemy Guardians;
  • Cataphract GL3 Grenade Launcher – one of the best GLs in the game to dominate in Crucible;
  • Chance to get other loot from Root of Nightmares Raid and Trials of Osiris.

Arc Peacekeepers PvP Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Peacekeepers Exotic Leg Armor – a meta piece to use with any Submachine Gun that improves handling, movement, airborne effectiveness, and reloads stowed SMGs;
  • Unending Tempest Submachine Gun – an outstanding gun to dominate your enemies in Crucible;
  • Found Verdict Shotgun – a reliable weapon with an insanely useful pool of perks;
  • Cataphract GL3 Grenade Launcher – one of the best GLs in the game to dominate in Crucible;
  • Chance to get other loot from Crucible, Vault of Glass Raid, and Trials of Osiris.

Stasis Icefall Mantle PvE Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Icefall Mantle Exotic Gauntlets – this unique piece  creates a burst around you that slows enemies, making it perfect for any tanking-oriented build;
  • Wicked Implement Exotic Scout Rifle – an outstanding gun for any Stasis build that slows your enemies after rapid Precision hits and creates Stasis shards that recharge the magazine after Precision final blows;
  • Indebted Kindness Sidearm – a solid weapon to destroy Major enemies in any activity;
  • Commemoration Machine Gun – an evergreen tool of death that will shred your targets into pieces;
  • Chance to get other loot from Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon and Deep Stone Crypt Raid.

Strand Wishful Ignorance PvE Build:

  • A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
  • Wishful Ignorance Exotic Gauntlets – one of the new TFS armor pieces that greatly improve your Frenzied Blade, giving you an extra charge, increasing damage, and granting you melee energy for healing your allies with Banner of War;
  • Monte Carlo Exotic Auto Rifle – a unique weapon, that reduces the cooldown of your melee ability. The Catalyst lets you use this gun’s bayonet to recharge the melee instantly;
  • Techeun Force Fusion Rifle – a solid weapon to destroy Major enemies in any activity;
  • Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle – a fast gun to deal tons of damage to Bosses;
  • Chance to get other loot from Vow of the Disciple Raid and Last Wish Raid.

Pinnacle Cap – we will raise your Power Level to Pinnacle Cap (2000).
– you can watch Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Boost online via a personal stream link.


Destiny 2 account with all DLCs.
1990+ Light Level. If you want to increase your current Power Level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?

Farming the powerful armor and weapons for your Guardian will be a difficult and time-consuming task. You will know what builds the best and where to find every piece of armor for your Titan. Be ready to spend a lot of time reading the guides and farming activities to equip your character with every item.  If you don’t have enough free time or just want to skip the boring farming, buy Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Carry and let us take care of everything. We provide our services for all platforms, but if you are a PS or Xbox player, you will need to turn on the Cross Save function, and this will let our PC booster take your order and start farming the activities faster. Follow the step-by-step instructions on how to place the order below:

  • Select your platform, the desired Titan build, and an additional option on the right side of the page.
  • The Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Boosting Service can be completed only in Piloted mode. Use the account sharing and give access to your account data to one of our reliable gamers, and he will proceed with the instrctuions for you. If you want to watch the boosting process online, you can add the stream options to your order, and we will send you the personal stream link.
  • We will use the VPN of your country during this service to keep your data safe.
  • Push the Buy Now button and make a transaction using one of the convenient payment methods to place the order.
  • Within 3-10 minutes after placing the order, our support customer team will get in touch with you to speak about service details and set a perfect schedule for the boost. You also can ask us all your questions now, or feel free to write in our online site chat or Discord server, we work 24/7 and are ready to assist you. 
  • When all the requirements are completed, you will get a notification on your email and can go into the game. It would be nice if you would share your opinion and experience and leave a review about our service.
  • Congratulations! Now, you can log in to the game, equip Titan with all the new teams, and go to your favorite game activity to test them.

If you have some problems or questions, you can always write in our online site chat or Discord Server, our support staff works around the clock, and they are ready to help and assist you at any time.

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  • Platform

    Desired Build:

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Strength)
    – Synthoceps
    The Call
    Zaouli's Bane
    Pro Memoria

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Strength)
    – Synthoceps
    Wastelander M5
    Zaouli's Bane

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Strength)
    – Dunemarchers
    Conditional Finality
    Igneous Hammer
    Cataphract GL3

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Discipline)
    – Peacekeepers
    Unending Tempest
    Found Verdict
    Cataphract GL3

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Discipline)
    Icefall Mantle
    Wicked Implement
    Indebted Kindness

    This build includes:

    – 2x100 Stat Armor (Resilience and Discipline)
    Wishful Ignorance
    – Monte Carlo
    Techeun Force




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Une bonne gestion dans l'ensemble
Les commandes sont passées à temps et le personnel est très serviable en cas de problème. Je n'ai jamais eu de...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
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Meilleure interface utilisateur et paiement
Meilleure interface utilisateur et traitement des commandes incroyablement rapide. Il y a toujours place à l'amélioration, mais ils sont au top !
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Ashton L, 3 days ago
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Les meilleurs joueurs fournissent d'excellents services de boosting dans WoW.
Jimbolajt, 4 days ago
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Bon service de boosting
Le site web est facile à naviguer et le service clientèle est excellent.
Christian A, 5 days ago
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Des gens étonnants
Une équipe formidable ! Toujours rapide à répondre et impeccable dans l'exécution des commandes.
Brandon S, 6 days ago
étoile étoile étoile étoile étoile
Excellente expérience !
J'ai travaillé avec un pro qui m'a aidé à terminer quelque chose très rapidement. J'adore travailler avec Epiccarry !
Stephen W, 6 days ago
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Meilleur service à la clientèle, plus amusant, meilleures récompenses
Epiccarry offre les meilleurs services, répond à vos demandes et rend le processus agréable.
George G, 1 week ago
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J'ai acheté un grand nombre de leurs services WoW
Je n'ai jamais eu de mauvaise expérience. Le service est rapide, sauf si le RNG se met en travers du chemin. Très fiable !
Jeanne M, 1 week ago
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Superbe et surtout sûr.
Je travaille avec Epiccarry depuis 2022, et ils ont toujours été à la hauteur. Excellente communication et boosters sympathiques.
Grits, 1 week ago
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Un service toujours excellent
Je ne sais plus combien de fois j'ai fait appel à Epiccarry. Un service toujours excellent à chaque fois. Merci pour...
Spectre, 2 weeks ago
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Dépasse les attentes
Chaque fois que j'utilise Epiccarry, je me dis qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire mieux - et pourtant, ils me surprennent toujours...
Allen, 2 weeks ago
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J'adore le service Epiccarry
En tant que joueur solo, Epiccarry me permet de profiter de Destiny sans les inconvénients du LFG. Leur service...
Dominick R, 2 weeks ago
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Très poli et professionnel
Service très poli et professionnel ! Je vais certainement commander à nouveau et recommander à des amis. 😎
Lunerva, 3 weeks ago
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Livraison parfaite à chaque fois. Je les ai utilisés plusieurs fois et j'ai toujours été satisfait.
Paolo M, 3 weeks ago
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La meilleure expérience que j'aie jamais eue dans les services de jeux
J'ai eu besoin d'une aide urgente pour un événement de 24 heures. Ils ont livré rapidement, ont personnalisé l'expérience et ont même donné...
Matt Peoples, 3 weeks ago
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Services Premium World of Warcraft
Excellent site avec un service rapide, des prix justes et une équipe sympathique qui vous tient au courant sur Discord.
Robert, 3 weeks ago
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Je suis un novice sur Epiccarry.
Première fois avec Epiccarry - service incroyable ! Rapide et facile. Je reviendrai certainement. 🔥
Darren S, 1 day ago

What Meta Titan Build should I choose?

At first, you will need to understand for what game activity you will need to get the gear, will you play in PvP or PvE activities? After this, you will need to read carefully about the features of each build that we provide.

What is needed for D2 Meta Titan Build Boost?

The first that you will need to do is pick your platform, the desired Titan build, and the additional option that you want us to complete. In 3-10 minutes, our support team will get in touch with you to speak about service details and set a perfect schedule for the boost. After these steps, our boosters will start working on your order, and when all the instructions are completed and the desired items appear in your collection, you will get the notification on your email and can log in to the account and enjoy the rewards. Don’t hesitate to buy Destiny 2 Meta Titan Build Boost and rely on us, our pro team will complete all the hard work to unlock the desired rewards for you. Our service is the best way to save your time and effort and add some new rewards to your Guardians collection.

Can I use my account during the D2 Meta Titan Build Service?

Sure, when your order is placed, our support customer team will get in touch with you to speak about all the details and set a perfect schedule. So you will know the exact date and time when our professional team will proceed with the boost, and at the other time, you can play your favorite game activity as always.

Where can I reach the support team?

Customers can reach our support team via online site chat, Telegram, Discord server, WhatsApp, or Facebook. We work around the clock, so you can write us at any convenient time and we are ready to help and assist you with any questions or problems.

Qu'est-ce qu'un partage de compte ?

Account sharing is a function that players will use if they choose the Piloted mode. You will need access to your account data from one of our verified gamers who will perform the boost for you to unlock the desired rewards.