If you play on Warlock and want to get the best gear that will be perfect for your Guardian but don’t know what will be perfect for you, our boost is the answer. Be ready to spend a lot of time reading the guides and farming the activities to unlock the powerful gear. Or choose the easiest way and pick the Destiny 2 Meta Warlock Build Boost.
Our professional team has a lot of experience, and they know how to get the best meta build items for your character as fast as possible.
Der Service umfasst
- Meta weapons for all slots from the chosen Build;
- An Exotic Armor piece that fits the chosen Build perfectly;
- Alle zusätzlichen Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Ressourcen, die während dieses Abschlusses fallen;
- Erfahrung für deinen Saisonpass und deine Artefaktstufe.
Dieser Aufschwung wird in den folgenden Jahren abgeschlossen sein
Gesteuert Modus.
Infos zur Lieferung
Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 10-140 hours.
Zusätzliche Optionen
Prismatic Getaway Artist PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Getaway Artist Exotic Gauntlets – a fantastic armor piece that converts your Arc grenade into Arc Soul;
- The Call Sidearm – a Strand gun with a rare Rocket-Assisted frame that devastates Major targets;
- Zaouli’s Bane Hand Cannon – a great weapon with an Adaptive frame and incredible PvE perk pool;
- Commemoration Machine Gun – an evergreen tool of death that suits any Void build;
- Chance to get other loot from the Pale Heart, King’s Fall Raid, and Deep Stone Crypt Raid.
Solar Speaker’s Sight PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Speaker’s Sight Exotic Head Armor – a unique supporting piece that transforms your healing grenade into a Restorative Turret, which can spawn Orbs of Power upon healing;
- The Call Sidearm – a Strand gun with a rare Rocket-Assisted frame that devastates Major targets;
- No Hesitation Auto Rifle – the first of its kind AR with a Support frame, which can heal your allies;
- Microcosm Exotic Trace Rifle – the only Heavy Trace Rifle in the game with insane damage and shield-destroying capabilities;
- Chance to get other loot from the Pale Heart.
Solar Sunbracers PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Sunbracers Exotic Gauntlets – an insane piece that extends the duration of Solar Grenades and grants unlimited Grenade energy after melee kills;
- Witherhoard Exotic Grenade Launcher – an extremely useful weapon that deals DoT in the area of impact. The Catalyst gives in Auto-Loading Holster;
- Zaouli’s Bane Hand Cannon – a great weapon with an Adaptive frame and incredible PvE perk pool;
- Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle – a fast gun to deal tons of damage to Bosses;
- Chance to get other loot from King’s Fall Raid and Vow of the Disciple Raid.
Solar Dawn Chorus PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Dawn Chorus Exotic Helmet – a must-have PvE piece that increases Scorch damage and restores melee ability energy when you deal Scorch damage. It also adds Scorch to your Daybreak projectiles;
- RIptide Fusion Rifle – a fantastic weapon that excels at razing ads and Bosses;
- Polaris Lance Exotic Scout Rifle – an outstanding gun that grants you an explosive Solar round with remarkable damage after every 4 Precision hits. The Catalyst creates massive explosions after Precision kills;
- Apex Predator Rocket Launcher – one of the best weapons for PvE that will increase your DPS against Bosses;
- Chance to get other loot from Crucible and Last Wish Raid.
Solar Ophidian Aspect PvP Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Intelligence;
- Ophidian Aspect Exotic Gauntlets – an easy-to-use piece, that decreases reload time and switch time of all your weapons. It also increases airborne effectiveness;
- Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun – a unique double-barrelled shotgun that deals both Solar and Stasis damage;
- Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon – an insane gun from Trials of Osiris that will help you annihilate enemy Guardians;
- Cataphract GL3 Grenade Launcher – one of the best GLs in the game to dominate in Crucible;
- Chance to get other loot from Root of Nightmares Raid and Trials of Osiris.
Void Nezarec’s Sin PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Nezarec’s Sin Exotic Helmet – an insanely effective piece that increases abilities recharge rate for every Void kill;
- Witherhoard Exotic Grenade Launcher – an extremely useful weapon that deals DoT in the area of impact. The Catalyst gives in Auto-Loading Holster;
- Vouchsafe Scout Rifle – a decent weapon with a great pool of perks to clear minions effectively;
- Commemoration Machine Gun – an evergreen tool of death that suits any Void build;
- Chance to get other loot from Season of the Wish and Deep Stone Crypt Raid.
Arc Fallen Sunstar PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Fallen Sunstar Exotic Helmet – with this incredible piece, you and your allies will get bonus ability energy for every Ionic Trace you collect;
- Riptide Fusion Rifle – a fantastic weapon that excels at razing ads and Bosses;
- Centrifuse Exotic Auto Rifle – a best-in-slot gun for any Arc build, which causes chain lightning and blinds targets, when you have Overcharge. The Catalyst grants you Overcharge when you are Amplified;
- Song of Ir Yut Machine Gun – one of the greatest Arc weapons to annihilate Bosses and Major targets;
- Chance to get other loot from Crucible and Crota’s End Raid.
Stasis Osmiomancy Gloves PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Osmiomancy Exotic Gloves – this piece grants you an extra Coldsnap grenade with improved seeking features and decreases its cooldown;
- Verglas Curve Exotic Bow – fire up to 4 Stasis arrows at once to freeze your enemies and deal enormous Shatter damage. The Catalyst decreases Draw Time each time you freeze or slow a target;
- Forbearance Grenade Launcher – an outstanding Wave Frame gun to clear hordes of monsters;
- Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle – a fast gun to deal tons of damage to Bosses;
- Chance to get other loot from Vow of the Disciple Raid.
Strand Swarmers PvE Build:
- A set of Armor pieces with 100 in Resilience and Discipline;
- Swarmers Exotic Leg Armor – a fantastic anti-minion piece that spawns Threadlings after destroying a Tangle and Unravels your targets;
- Monte Carlo Exotic Auto Rifle – a unique weapon, that reduces the cooldown of your melee ability. The Catalyst lets you use this gun’s bayonet to recharge the melee instantly;
- Forbearance Grenade Launcher – an outstanding Wave Frame gun to clear hordes of monsters;
- Apex Predator Rocket Launcher – one of the best weapons for PvE that will increase your DPS against Bosses;
- Chance to get other loot from Vow of the Disciple Raid and Last Wish Raid.
Stream – you can watch Destiny 2 Meta Warlock Build Boost online via a personal stream link.
Wenn Sie Ihr aktuelles Power Level erhöhen möchten, schauen Sie sich bitte den Power Leveling Boosting Service an.
Wie es funktioniert
Getting the best gear for your Guardian would be a very difficult and definitely time-consuming task, you need to read a lot of guides to find out what weapons and armor will be better for your playstyle. Be ready to waste your time farming the activities if you want to upgrade your character with Meta Builds. If you don’t have enough free time or just don’t want to farm the Meta Warlock Build personally, you can always buy Destiny 2 Meta Warlock Build Carry and rely on us, we will complete all the requirements for you. We provide our services on all platforms, but if you play on the PS or Xbox, you will need to turn on the Cross Save function and let our PC boosters start completing your order faster. Our service is the best way to save your time and effort. Follow the detailed instructions on how to place the order below:
- Pick your platform, the desired Meta Warlock build, and additional options on the right side of the screen.
- The Destiny 2 Meta Warlock Build Boosting Service can be done only in Piloted mode. You will need to use the account sharing and give your account details to one of our verified gamers, who will perform the boost on your behalf. Choosing this mode will let you go straight to enjoying the rewards without spending your personal time, we will complete all the hard work for you. Also, you can add the stream option and watch the boosting process online via a personal stream link.
- In this service we will use the VPN of your country to provide more security to your account data.
- Click on the Buy Now buttons and pay for the service using one of the available payment methods to place the order.
- In 3-10 minutes after payment our customer support team will get in touch with you to speak about service details and set a perfect schedule. Also, now you can ask any of your questions, or feel free to write in our online site chat, we work 24/7.
- When all the instructions are completed, and the Meta Warlock Build appears in your collection, you will get a notification in your email and can enjoy your rewards. It would be great if you could share your impressions and emotions and leave a review about our work.
- Congratulations, now you can log in to the account, equip the new Meta Build items, and go into your favorite game activity to test it against enemies.
If you are faced with some troubles or have questions, write to our online site or Discord server, our support staff works around the clock, and they are ready to help and assist you at any time.