DotA 2 Hero Tier Boost

This service is only available to Dota Plus subscribers.


  • Our player will complete enough challenges to boost your hero to the chosen level;
  • Leveling up earns shards and unlocks hero tiers.
    • Each tier comes with its own badge and unlocks hero voice lines for the Chat Wheel.
    • Badges are displayed over the hero at the beginning of each match.
    • Badges are displayed next to a hero’s name in the in-game chat.
    • Badges are displayed to teammates when pinging on the map.

Additional Options

Play Offlinewe will set your Steam friend list to Offline mode. No one can see that you’re online and able to message you via chat.

Stream   our player will live-stream for you on YouTube or Twitch.

Remove LP — our booster will win enough matches to get your account out of Low matchmaking priority.


The estimated time highly depends on your current progress and target tier, as well as other factors. Rough estimations are:

  • 1-20 — 65-75 days;
  • 1-25 — 95-105 days;
  • 1-30 — 120-125 days.

Be advised: if your account level is lower than 41 or your Behaviour score is lower than 5000, your queues will be significantly longer and will, in turn, delay the completion. In this case, we advise contacting the support team to discuss the ETA for your account specifically.


Your Dota 2 account has to be in Normal priority. If it’s in LP, please select the “Remove LP” option and choose the number of matches we’ll need to remove.

Hero Level boost is only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

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  • Region:

    Select a Hero

    Select A Hero:


    Hero Tier:

    Additional Options:

        How Many LP matches Do You Want Us To Play?

        Additional Options:


Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

Is It Safe to Give You Access to My Steam Account?

It is as safe as it can be. We only employ professional players that are result-driven and motivated to deliver the best customer experience to you. Frankly speaking, a perfectly executed service and the reputation that comes with it are worth much more to us than any possessions you might have on your account. Furthermore, with the Steam guard/authenticator safeguarding your account at all times, there is no way to take any of your items without access to your phone.

The Boost Takes Quite a While. Can I Play On My Account During the Service?

Sure, you can. Our players will log off at your request and resume the service when you let them. However, this might affect the ETA for this service.

How Long Will It Take To Start My Order?

Most orders are usually started within a couple of hours after the purchase. However, if your order is unusual, searching for a player that is able to complete it may add some additional lag to the time of start. But for the majority of orders, your booster will be in touch with you within 1 to 2 hours.

Do I Have to Disable My Steam Guard?

No, you don’t. However, our professional boosters will need a Steam Guard code to log into your account for the first time.

What Benefit Do I Get From Hero Leveling?

  • You get a ton of Shards. Shards are used to purchase RelicsToolsChat Wheel sounds, Event items, and cosmetic items, some of which are exclusive to the Plus Store.
  • The amount of shards you get from these sources is tied to the hero’s level. Consult the following table to learn the specifics.
Tier Level XP Total XP Shards Chat Wheel
Bronze Tier 1 50 50 2 lines (Team chat)
2 300 350 1,300
3 400 750 1,300
4 500 1250 1,300
5 600 1850 1,300
Silver Tier 6 900 2750 2,400 2 lines (All chat)
7 1000 3750 2,400
8 1100 4850 2,400
9 1200 6050 2,400
10 1300 7350 2,400
11 1400 8750 2,400
Gold Tier 12 1700 10450 3,200 2 lines (All chat)
13 1800 12250 3,200
14 1900 14150 3,200
15 2000 16150 3,200
16 2100 18250 3,200
17 2200 20450 3,200
Platinum Tier 18 2500 22950 4,000 1 line (All chat)
19 2600 25550 4,000
20 2700 28250 4,000
21 2800 31050 4,000
22 2900 33950 4,000
23 3000 36950 4,000
24 3100 40050 4,000
Master Tier 25 6800 46850 9,700 1 line (All chat)

Will This Service Increase my MMR?

No, it won’t. Hero progression boost should not be confused with MMR boost. The challenges that we’ll complete to get you to the chosen hero level have nothing to do with win rate or your current MMR. Nothing stops you from boosting your account’s MMR though! Please take a look at our Dota 2 MMR boost service if you would also like to reach the desired MMR.