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This service is not intended for RBG rating gain. You are not guaranteed any rating if you buy wins. In fact, you may even lose some rating in the process. If you’d like to boost your RBG rating, please use our RBG rating boost offer.
Here you can Buy RBG Wins Boost.
We will boost the specified amount of RBG wins for your character.
The RBG matches you’ll participate in will be real. You will face real opponents, therefore, we cannot guarantee that you’ll win all of them, but we will win as many matches as specified in the order.
We do not guarantee MMR you’ll be playing on. This means that we don’t guarantee any rating gain or loss as a result of this service. This means that there is no approximation of rating gain. If you’re extremely unlucky, you even may lose some rating.
The ETA on this service varies depending on the amount of RBG wins you choose.
This boost will be completed in Self-Play mode.
If you select the Raid Attendant option, you will be accompanied by a personal coach that will help you to play effectively in a team. He will coordinate you with the team and assist you in completing the Battleground objectives.
ETA starts from the point when you join our RBG group for the first time.
This is not a service that can be realistically done in AFK mode. You will be playing with the best boosters we can offer, but they will need your participation and full attention in order to help you reach the RBG rating you’re aiming for. While playing with our RBG team, you are expected to do your best, be at least competent with your class and follow the group leader’s requests as closely as possible. This especially applies to healers.
During the boost, the raid leader may or may not require you to complete some specific task on RBG. You have to understand that it may be impossible to complete your boost if your personal PvP skill is insufficient to complete this task.
If your main spec is healer or tank – please be ready to spec to DPS at the raid leader’s request.
If, for some reason, you don’t think you are able to meet these requirements or have changed your mind and decided to end the boost prematurely, the price difference between the price of the rating you paid for and the price we charge for the amount of rating you got with our help, will be compensated to you.
This service does not account for the possibility of losing the rating while playing with a third-party RBG group. In other words, we won’t restore any rating you may have lost while playing with anyone other than our team.
The completion deadlines may be postponed by us only in the following cases:
Your average gear level has to be 215+ . You can use our PvE gear boost if you don't meet this requirement.
You have to be ready to spec into DPS at the raid leader’s request.
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