WoW MoP Classic Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Boost

Meta-achievements represent the pinnacle of your dedication in World of Warcraft, and when it comes to raids, having a meta-achievement gives you enough prestige to last a lifetime! But the most important thing is, each Glory meta-achievements rewards you with a flying mountSpawn of Galakras being the specimen awarded for completing 14 raid achievements in Siege of Orgrimmar.

Want zero hassle and the cool mount on top of that? You’ve come to the right place! With our WoW MoP Classic Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Boost, you’ll see us earn the meta-achievement for you without any of your input! Care for a ride?

Service Includes

  • Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider meta-achievement earned;
  • Reins of Galakras flying mount reward;
  • Full Normal Siege of Orgrimmar achievements run;
  • A chance to obtain some raid gear;
  • All the gold, resources, and reputation gains for your character.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1–7 days.
Estimated Completion Time: 2–3 hours.

Additional Options

  • Add 50,000 Gold — lots of gold in your pockets is instrumental for a high-quality endgame experience, so why not make your Orgrimmar journey yield even better results with this gold we offer?
  • Stream — since the WoW Cataclysm Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Boosting is done in piloted mode (account sharing), you have the option to receive a YouTube or Twitch link and watch those achievements unlock live! Buy Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Boosting Service with Stream for the ultimate experience!


Level 90 Pandaria Classic character. Use our Pandaria Leveling Boost if you don’t meet this gear boost service requirement.

How It Works

The WoW Cataclysm Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Carry has five simple steps that we’re about to list here. Let’s have a look at how the Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider boost works:

  1. Expect our manager to contact you in 3 to 7 minutes after the purchase and be ready to schedule your Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider boost;
  2. Our professional boosters will be dispatched to the raid to earn all the necessary achievements!
  3. A specially trained booster from our team will take the reins of your character and use the best game tactics to complete the request!
  4. Expect to receive constant updates on our progress;
  5. Once our Orgrimmar Raider Carry is complete, we would like to ask you to spend a few moments of your time to rate us on Trustpilot!

Glory of the Orgrimmar — Yay or Nay?

With each new World of Warcraft raid content update comes the Glory of the Raider meta-achievement comprising all the top accomplishments a WoW raider can earn in the new raid content. Many players focus all of their efforts on obtaining it since not only does it bring joy to have such an honored achievement under your belt, but it rewards you with a badass flying mount to top it off! For the Siege of Orgrimmar raid, the meta-achievement is called Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider, rewarding you with the flying mount.

We don’t need to remind you that the path to this achievement will be thorny, as you’ll need to find a highly skilled raid group able to conquer the Orgrimmar raid. And that’s not all: each boss battle will have a certain condition you’ll have to meet to obtain the achievement, and many of those conditions make the fights even harder than they already are. Want to skip this part altogether and earn WoW Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider as quickly as possible? Our Orgrimmar Raider Achievement Boost is here for you! Buy WoW Cataclysm Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider Service and forget about the hassle surrounding the Orgrimmar meta-achievement!

  • Additional Options


Final total


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