Classic Glory of the Cataclysm Raider Boost

With the release of Phase 1 Cataclysm Classic raids comes the main challenge for every dedicated WoW raider: the ‘Glory of the Raider’ meta-achievement, this time labeled Glory of the Cataclysm Raider. This meta-achievement comprises all the possible accomplishments you can attain in Blackwing Descent, The Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds. It goes without saying that to complete Glory of the Cataclysm Raider, you need to go not the extra mile but ten extra miles since this meta-achievement and its Reins of the Drake of the East Wind flying mount reward can be considered the pinnacle of all your raiding efforts and a testament to your skill and perseverance.

Want everyone to be awestruck by you riding that badass dragon but feel grinding for the meta-achievement would prove too frustrating and time-consuming? Well, your fears are totally justified, which is why we’re here to help you skip the stressful part whatsoever! Buy Glory of the Cataclysm Raider Boost here at Epiccarry to get the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider meta-achievement and the Drake of the East Wind flying mount obtained for your character in a flash!

Service Includes

This boost will be completed in Classic Glory of the Cataclysm Raider Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1–7 days.
Estimated Completion Time: 2–3 hours.

Additional Options

Add 50,000 Gold — this massive heap of gold is yours to take! Use it to buy that special something you always craved.
Stream — the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievement boost is completed in piloted mode; this means the ultimate way to experience it is via the online stream. Prepare to sit back and watch your character wipe the floor with all those raid bosses without any of your input!


Level 85 Cataslysm Classic character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost if you don’t meet this boost service requirement.

How It Works

Here are five steps of the WoW Cataclysm Classic Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievements carry we’ll adhere to; take a look:

  1. While you’re on this page, customize the service however you fancy and proceed to the checkout. After the payment, wait for our service agent to contact you in 3 to 10 minutes. They will give you complete answers to all of your service-related questions and plan out the Cataclysm Raider Glory boost for you;
  2. After that, we’ll dispatch our expert team of WoW boosters to help you get Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievements;
  3. One of our boosters will take control of your character via account sharing; during this process, expect to be updated on our progress;
  4. The Glory of the Cataclysm Raider boosting itself will take several hours to complete, with 1 to 7 days of time before we can start; we’ll be sure to make it as quick as possible;
  5. Finally, once all those Heroic difficulty bosses have all the loot dropped, and all the achievements are obtained, please proceed to our Trustpilot to rate us! Having our WoW boost service rated is our own Glory achievement of sorts.
  6. This is where we part ways — hopefully not for long since Epiccarry has a great deal of helpful stuff on our website: check out our Blackwing Descent, The Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds WoW boosts. Cheers!


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider meta-achievement work in detail?

Here are the achievements comprising the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider meta-achievement, with some additional commentary.

The following achievements are earned simply by finishing a boss fight on Heroic difficulty:

Next are conditional achievements that require specific strategies to earn them:

  • Blackwing Descent:
  • The Bastion of Twilight:
  • Throne of the Four Winds:
    • Stay Chill — during the Conclave of Wind boss fight, defeat the bosses when everyone in your raid group has 7 or more Wind Chill stacks on them;
    • Four Play — during the Al’Akir boss fight, kill him while he’s affected by the Feedback debuff (it stacks); to apply it, kill his Stormling adds to get a 20-second window when you can defeat him for the achievement.
      These achievements do not affect all the loot dropped by bosses, as raid gear rewards are only affected by the loot lists and the WoW RNG system.

What other WoW Cataclysm raid and dungeon meta-achievements are present in the game?

Here is the list of all meta-achievements related to Cataclysm dungeons and raids, including the raids added later in the expansion.

How can a price match option be used for the Cataclysm Raider Boost service, if available?

You can use a price match by ensuring the boosting platform providing this service at a lower cost is credible; then, simply send us a link to this service, and we’ll match the prices.

Scam services cannot be considered, unfortunately.
