FFXIV Hydaelyn’s Call Trial Boost

A level 90 Extreme Trial, introduced with the Endwalker Expansion and a colorful retelling of the epic battle against Haydaelyn – the guide of Warrior of Light and one of the central characters of Final Fantasy XIV, Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial is an incredibly intense piece of content, both mechanically and emotionally. Gather a team of experienced players and get a chance to obtain unique and powerful rewards such as Lynx of Divine Light mount, Umbral Totems used to acquire a Weapon of Divine Light, Tomestones of Casuallity and Comedy, as well as a possible weapon coffer!

And those lacking either emotional strength or a trusty group of skilled players to slay Mothercrystal, can always offload the entire ordeal to our reliable boosters and obtain all the rewards, including Divine Light Flute, completely hassle and stress-free, saving quite a few hours and tons of nerve cells.

Service Includes

  • Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial completed as many times as you need;
  • I Heard, I Felt, I Thought achievement unlocked;
  • Umbral Totem earned for each completed run obtained;
  • Hydaelyn’s Treasure Coffer dropped from Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial’s final boss obtained;
  • Possible Lynx of Divine Light Mount acquired;
  • Allagan Tomestones of Comedy and Causality obtained.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 10–15 minutes.
Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour per run.

Additional Options

  • Upload Parsing Logs – care to get a detailed report of our boosters performance? We’ll get you parsing logs with all the info you’ll need;
  • Add Trial Unlock – Endwalker MSQ seems a bit too stretched out and cut-scene-heavy to you? Understandable. Let us complete it for you to unlock Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial;
  • Add Guaranteed Lynx of Divine Light Mount – we’ll complete Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial as many times as necessary to obtain this gorgeous beast for you;
  • Add Extra Gil to My Order — could use some additional funds on your FFXIV character? Pick this option and we’ll deliver a specified amount of Gil to your account when we’re done with Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial;
  • Stream — watch our booster overcome impossible odds for that Umbral Totem of yours live on Twitch or YouTube for an interactive and entertaining gaming experience.


At least one level 90 job on your Final Fantasy XIV account. You might want to use our Main Job Leveling boosting offer if you don’t meet this requirement.
Character minimum item level 560+.
FFXIV Endwalker MSQ completed. Check the corresponding additional option if you don’t meet this requirement.

How It Works

Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial will test even the most experienced Final Fantasy XIV players – with all the devastating AoE attacks it will take you days to master this encounter. You don’t have to exchange your free time and enjoyment of the game for access to all the great rewards – just place an order and watch our pro complete the desired number of Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial runs completely hassle-free for you and your Hero. Do go through the walkthrough below before the proceeding, just in case:

  1. Pick the number of runs you want us to complete, check additional options and what’s included in this service to make sure you haven’t missed anything, and place an order when ready. Make sure to check if your hero qualifies for our FFXIV Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trials Boost (gear level and at least one job with the sufficient level);
  2. A customer support manager will contact you immediately to confirm the order’s particulars: the schedule, the payment, your character’s class, your FFXIV account’s region, and contact details. This is also a great moment to ask our guy whatever questions you have about your Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial Boost service. Our manager will be happy to assist;
  3. Once we’ve made sure that all the necessary info is present, a reliable and experienced booster will be assigned to your order. With dozens of successful dungeon and raid runs under his belt, he’ll make sure that this boosting service is completed in the most efficient and professional manner possible. Be advised, though, that our FFXIV Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial is performed in the Piloted Mode only, which means account sharing. There’s no reason to worry about security, though, and if you’re doubting our team – the live stream option is a great way to keep tabs on the entire process;
  4. And that’s essentially it. Once we’ve completed Minstrel’s Ballad Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial, a corresponding notification will be sent to you by our manager. Enjoy all the spoils and don’t forget to check our Discord Server for fresh deals and great content!

Thanks for sticking with our Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial Boost! Make sure to leave us some feedback so we know what to improve and adjust to provide you with even better services next time you’re around.

    Number of runs

    Additional options


Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What do I do with the Umbral Totem obtained via this Extreme Trial Boost?

Turn it in for Rewards: Head to Radz-at-Han and speak with Nesvaaz at coordinates (X:10.6, Y:10.1). You can exchange the Umbral Totem for powerful weapons and gear.

What’s required to obtain Lynx of Divine Light mount?

Defeat Hydaelyn at least a couple of dozen times. This Lynx is an extremely rare drop from the Hydaelyn herself, so all that’s required is some extensive grind, plenty of patience, and some luck.

How do I unlock this trial?

  • Finish the Main Scenario Quest: complete the quest “Endwalker”. This is the final quest in the Endwalker expansion and is necessary to unlock the trial;
  • Talk to the Wandering Minstrel: after completing “Endwalker,” speak to the Wandering Minstrel in Old Sharlayan. This NPC will unlock the trial for you;
  • Meet the Item Level Requirement: ensure your character has an item level of at least 560 and a job level of 90 to participate in the trial.

Only after that, you’ll be able to fight Hydaelyn head-on.