FFXIV The Voidcast Dais Trial Boost

This 90-level Extreme Trial will have you battling Golbez – a powerful voidsent from the Thirteenth and the primary antagonist of Endwalker expansion. Liberate the great wyrm of the Source from his imprisonment and obtain prestigious and unique rewards along the way, such as not one Voidcast Weapon, two Voidcast Archfiend Totems, and even a possible Lynx of Fallen Shadow mount.

Those not enjoying the process of looking for a trusty group to complete Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial, or simply wishing to obtain all the rewards stress and grind-free, should really consider investing in our FFXIV The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial Boost – the best way to get this Extreme Trial completed with minimum effort.

Service Includes

  • The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial completed as many times as you need;
  • Unique Shadow’s Fall achievement unlocked;
  • 2x Voidcast Archfiend Totems earned for each completed run obtained;
  • Possible Voidcast Weapon Coffer dropped from The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial’s final boss obtained;
  • Possible Voidcast Diamond crafting material and Lynx of Fallen Shadow mount;
  • Gil, Allagan Tomestones of Comedy, and Allagan Tomestones of Causality acquired.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 10–15 minutes.
Estimated Completion Time: 3 hours per run.

Additional Options

  • Upload Parsing Logs – get a detailed report on our booster’s performance at the end of this FFXIV Voidcast Dais Boost Service;
  • Add Endwalker MSQ Completion – not a big fan of Final Fantasy XIV’s lengthy and monotonous style of storytelling? Understandable. Pick this option and we’ll complete Endwalker Main Scenario Quest before proceeding to your Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial Boost;
  • Add Guaranteed Lynx of Fallen Shadow Mount – we’ll complete The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial as many times as necessary to obtain this prestigious mount for you;
  • Add Extra Gil to My Order — could use a financial boost as well? Oh, we know the feeling. Pick this option and we’ll deliver the specified amount of Gil to your FFXIV character once we’re done with this Extreme Trial;
  • Stream — watch our booster overcome this challenging trial live on Twitch or YouTube for an interactive and entertaining gaming experience.


At least one level 90+ job on your Final Fantasy XIV account. You might want to use our Main Job Leveling boosting offer if you don’t meet this requirement.
Character minimum item level 630+.
FFXIV Endwalker MSQ completed. Check the corresponding additional option if you don’t meet this requirement.

How It Works

Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial will test even professional players with that steep item level requirement and a plethora of boss mechanics to learn? You better prepare yourself for some quality preparation process. And if you’re hunting for Fallen Shadow Flute, then be ready to complete Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial at least 20 times – a challenge fit not only for your character but for your mental state as well. Alternatively, allow our professional boosters to do all the work for you and obtain every reward imaginable with minimal action on your side. Before we proceed, it’s advised to go through the walkthrough below to have a better understanding of what’s ahead:

  1. Pick the number of runs you want us to complete, check additional options and what’s included in this service to make sure you haven’t missed anything, and place an order when ready. Make sure to check if your hero qualifies for our FFXIV The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial Boost (gear level and at least one job with the sufficient level);
  2. A customer support manager will contact you immediately to confirm the order’s particulars: the schedule, the payment, your character’s class, your FFXIV account’s region, and contact details. This is also a great moment to ask our guy whatever questions you have about your Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial Boost service. Our manager will be happy to assist;
  3. Once we’re ready, a reliable boosting specialist will be assigned to your Voidcast Dais Boost FFXIV. He will proceed to completely annihilate Golbez with the sheer power of his experience and expertise, obtaining not only Fallen Shadow Flute but all the Totems and crafting materials as well. Be advised, however, that this boosting service is performed in Piloted Mode only, which means account sharing. While it might seem like an inconvenience, we assure you, that the complicity of the extreme version of this trial makes it rather difficult to complete it in self-play mode, so you’re saving yourself nothing but trouble and time by trusting our specialists. And if it’s your first time, then the Live Stream additional option is a great way to ensure our boosters’ professionalism;
  4. And that’s all, folks. Once we’re done with your FFXIV The Voidcast Dais Extreme Trial Boost, a corresponding notification will be sent to you by our manager. Enjoy all the spoils and rewards and make sure to check other Extreme Trials available on our website for even more unique mounts and gear pieces.

Thanks for sticking with our Voidcast Dais Boost Service! Make sure to leave us a bit of feedback so we know what to improve and adjust to provide you with even better service next time you’re around.

    Number of runs:

    Additional options


Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What can I do with the Totems I’ve obtained with this Voidcast Dais Boost?

These totems can be exchanged for powerful rewards at Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han. Here are some of the items you can exchange them for:

  • Voidcast Weapon: requires 10 Voidcast Archfiend Totems;
    • Voidcast Sword of Fending;
    • Voidcast Greatsword of Slaying;
    • Voidcast Spear of Aiming;
    • Voidcast Polearm of Healing;
    • Voidcast Rod of Casting;
  • Lynx of Fallen Shadow Flute: requires 99 Voidcast Archfiend Totems.

These rewards are highly valuable and can significantly enhance your character’s performance.

Do I have to meet any special requirements for Trial unlock?

Nope, as long as you have Endwalker MSQ completed and general ilvl and Job level requirements met – you’re good to go.

With our services, however, you can skip even those. Our Gear Boost service, for example, can help you with ilvl req, and Main Job Leveling is great for getting your character powerful enough to handle all the boss mechanics and achieve success in this Extreme Trial.