Pandaria Mogu’shan Vaults Bosses
There are six bosses total in the Mogu’shan Vaults raid, all of which will be merrily disposed of during our Pandaria Classic Mogu’shan Vaults Boosting Service. Here are the bosses in question:
- The Stone Guard — the four quilen statues will come to life once you enter the Vaults, prompting your tanks to perform some coordinated work. Look out for those petrification abilities they possess! Some notable items dropping from The Stone Guard are Dagger of the Seven Stars, Sixteen-Fanged Crown, and Cape of Three Lanterns;
- Feng the Accursed — meet the spirit of the Vaults’ caretaker! He will buff himself during the fight by using the nearby statues while also consuming the spirits of the mogu champions to increase his damage output. Some of the items he drops are Feng’s Ring of Dreams, Amulet of Seven Curses, and Nullification Greathelm;
- Gara’jal the Spiritbinder — you’re not the only one hunting after the Vaults’ treasures! This Zandalari leader will utilize all of his spiritual and shadowy abilities to stall you. Drops Soulgrasp Choker, Circuit of the Frail Soul, and Eye of the Ancient Spirit among many other things;
- The Spirit Kings — here’s where the things get heated. Just as the four stone guardians you met earlier, there are four ghostly figures of the mogu rulers of the past waiting for you in these halls. Ready to fight them back with us? Their loot table contains things like Amulet of the Hidden Kings, Hood of Blind Eyes, Screaming Tiger, Qiang’s Unbreakable Polearm, and Steelskin, Qiang’s Impervious Shield;
- Elegon — here comes the spectacle! This celestial dragon is what happens when mogu meddle with titan technologies, but why would it even matter? The most important thing you need to know about Elegon is that it has a small chance to drop a magnificent flying mount called Astral Cloud Serpent. If you want it, simply select the additional option we provide!
- Will of the Emperor — the two greatest mogu warriors, Jan-xi and Qin-xi, guard the final stretch of the Mogu’shan Vaults, offering both the fair fight and fair rewards! But before that, you have to deal with a cohort of mogu Terracotta warriors. You can expect rewards such as Lei Shen’s Final Orders, Fang Kung, Spark of Titans, and Worldwaker Cabochon.
Where can I find the entrance to Mogu’shan Vaults?
The entrance to Mogu’shan Vaults is located in the northwestern part of Kun-Lai Summit, at the Mogu’shan Terrace, accessed only by flying.
What is the minimal average item level requirement for Mogu’shan Vaults?
To get to the LFR version of Mogu’shan Vaults, you need to have at least 460 average item level of gear equipped.
Is the raid progress shared between Normal and Heroic modes?
Yes, the raid progress is shared between Normal and Heroic difficulties, meaning that you can first defeat several bosses on Normal, exit the raid, and then finish the remaining bosses on Heroic difficulty within a single lockout. This is not the case for Siege of Orgrimmar, but it’s not relevant at this point.
Note that LFR always has a separate lockout.