Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid Boost

Times change, but the Firelands still call for champions to face their greatest foes! This time, Ragnaros has to be stopped in his realm. But not only that: he and his minions have to be stripped of all the valuable loot they possess. Even on Normal difficulty, the Firelands bosses are no trifles to deal with, so you’ll need a strong team to defeat them and conquer those encounters with your skill, but those teams are rare finds.

Luckily, one of such strong Firelands raid groups is right here! We are ready to do a full Firelands raid run for you with our WoW Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid service! Get ready to sweep through those boss encounters in our fast and neat Firelands boost!

Service Includes

  • Full Firelands Normal raid completion in any raid size you want:
    • 10-person raid size;
    • 25-person raid size;
  • A guaranteed amount of raid gear:
    • At least 2 ilvl 378 gear pieces obtained during a 10-man run;
    • At least 4 ilvl 378 gear pieces obtained during a 25-man run;
  • An opportunity to have raid-related achievements unlocked — those bring you closer to Glory of the Firelands Raider and the Corrupted Egg of Millagazor mount;
  • Gold, resources, and reputation obtained in Normal Firelands are yours.

You can choose either Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid Boost | Buy boostSelf-Play or Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1–7 days.
Estimated Completion Time: 2–3 hours.

Additional Options

Guaranteed Dragonwrath Staff — we will complete a complex quest chain to obtain that legendary staff for you.
Guaranteed Flametalon of Alysrazor — this mount will be yours if you select this option! Note that it will require a lot of runs to farm and is available only for the piloted option.
Loot Priority — this option provides you with all the gear for your character class and spec we’ll gather during the Normal Firelands raid run;
Add 50,000 Gold — never before has getting gold been so easy; pick this option to see your funds increase and buy anything you want;
Stream — one of the options for completing this boost service is piloted mode, where one of our expert players assumes the role of your character. With this additional option, you can watch the live stream of your Firelands raid boost.


Level 85 Cataslysm Classic character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost if you don’t meet this gear boost service requirement.

How It Works

Here are the five simple steps describing the WoW Cataclysm Classic Firelands Normal Raid boost to you:

  1. On this page, proceed to the service options and tune the Firelands Raid experience to your needs, be it raid size or additional options such as loot priority. After everything is settled and the purchase is made, you can expect our agent to contact you via chat in around 3–10 minutes. You’ll go through the simple process of planning out your run according to your schedule; you can ask any other questions as well;
  2. Soon after, our professional players will start working on your Firelands Boosting Service. You can either join forces with them playing by yourself or hand over your character and sit back and relax — it’s safe and sound;
  3. We’ll keep you posted on your Normal Firelands boost — more so in case you choose the piloted option;
  4. Your WoW Cataclysm Classic Firelands boost is expected to be finished in 1 to 7 days, although we’ll try to complete it even faster; the usual amount of time to finish the raid itself is 2 to 3 hours;
  5. With each boss encounter out of the way, our Firelands challenges will be officially complete, and we’ll humbly ask you to visit Trustpilot and rate our services there!

Epiccarry’s quest for helping game adventurers spans over a decade, and we’re happy to help you with raids, bosses, Firelands runs, and gathering any other rewards World of Warcraft can provide. And we’re ready to give you more! Checking out the Firelands Heroic boost will be a good way to start if you want our help with boss kills elsewhere!

Frequently Asked Questions

I would like a price match for the Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid Boost. Is it possible?


Yes, the price match option is possible for the Normal Firelands boost; however, please pay attention to the other platform providing this service at a lower price. If it’s a scam service provider, we won’t be able to match the prices. Look for trustworthy platforms and cooperate only with those ones!