Do I need Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris boosting services?
The prospect of completing Flawless trials on your own is complicated by several factors. First of all, you must gather a team able to stick for at least seven games, let alone, capable of going for seven wins. Playing Trials in Freelance mode is even more chaotic and way too random. Other times you will face other players being boosted through the Trials of Osiris services.
Trials of Osiris Boost service provides the opportunity to gain all the rewards from flawless trials, including new Adept weapons, Trials of Osiris gear set, and other unique Trials rewards. Flawless boosting is your chance to play with a Professional team of players going Flawless multiple times each weekend, and complete flawless trials runs of Trials of Osiris in no time, avoiding hours of stressful gameplay. Choose self play services or piloted and to get the fast delivery of the best weekly adept weapon.
What are Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards?
There is a reason why players spend hours of their time each weekend trying to get their hands on the Trials weapon – some of the most powerful Destiny 2 weapons for both PvP and PvE are tied to the Trials of Osiris, with the new trials rewards being added in each new season.
- Trials of Osiris Weapons, with an opportunity to obtain an Adept version from your Flawless chest. Some of the Notable weapons are the Eye Of Sol, Reed’s Regret, Igneous Hammer, Aisha’s Embrace, and The Inquisitor.
- Trials of Osiris Armor Set Pieces.
- Pinnacle Weekly Rewards. There are 3 Pinnacle pieces of gear available from Trials of Osiris from the following milestones: Win 7 Matches during the Weekend, Win 50 Rounds in Trials of Osiris, and Pinnacle reward from the Lighthouse chest.
- Rare Exotic Rewards: Osiris Exotic Ship, Osiris Exotic Vehicle, and Osiris Ghost Shell. Drop only from the Trials of Osiris Flawless Chest at the Lighthouse.
- Trials Engrams – gain reputation to gain engrams and decrypt them to obtain a random piece of Trials of Osiris gear – a weapon or Trials of Osiris armor piece.
- Rare Masterwork Materials, including Enhancement Prisms and Ascendant Shards.
Active Trials weapon reward changes for each weekend – keep an eye out for the weapons you want and make sure to push the limits during the right Trials event, especially during the new season. You may contact our support team to get information on currently available Trials of Osiris Rewards.
How do the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris work?
The Trials Event is an important part of Destiny 2 PvP Endgame, which creates a high demand for the Trials of Osiris Carry services. Trials of Osiris are available every weekend, starting on Friday and going until the weekly reset on Tuesday. Trials of Osiris won’t be held during the week of Iron Banner. Make sure you have Trials access to start the flawless run.
The Lighthouse. Once you manage to complete Trials Flawless, make sure to navigate to the Lighthouse using the Director tab – it is a special zone for the winners of the Trials, with a chest containing exclusive rewards, including guaranteed Adept Mod, Adept version of the weekly weapon and rare Exotic rewards.
Saint-14 Vendor Rewards. The latest rework of the Trials removed the Trials Tokens and implemented a universal Reputation system – these days Saint 14 hands out Trials rewards for Reputation Ranks in a similar manner to all other ritual vendors. You can farm the Reputation to Max Rank and reset it to get more and more rewards – Trials of Osiris carries is the fastest way to do so.
What are Trials of Osiris Rules?
The main goal, and at the same time the most hardcore element of the event is the Trials of Osiris Flawless Run – one must achieve seven victories in a row without losing a single match to get to the Lighthouse.
As you Play Trials of Osiris you will face teams with a similar amount of wins on their passage – with each new victory, the next one becomes more and more difficult as you face skillful opponents. This is yet another strong argument in favor of Osiris Flawless Carry – Trials are way too hardcore and stressful for many players.
To participate in the Trials of Osiris players must purchase a special ticket from Saint-14 – a Trials Passage:
- Passage of Persistence – complete 7 wins with losses but still get Adept weapon;
- Passage of Mercy – forgives one loss, making it the best passage for flawless runs;
- Passage of Ferocity – third match win grants a bonus win right away;
- Passage of Wealth – bonus Trials of Osiris Rank reputation;
- Passage of Confidence – grants a bonus reward from the Trials of Osiris Flawless chest.
The Flawless pool – is the matchmaking system that goes online on Sunday, preventing those players who already went Flawless to match against Non-Flawless teams. Makes it a little easier to complete your weekly flawless runs for adept weapons!
Beware, that Power Level advantages are enabled in Trials of Osiris – you should get all the gear to at least power level 1780, while we recommend playing trials at minimum power level 1802. Bonus power from the Artifact is disabled.
When you order the Trials of Osiris services, the final price of the Trials of Osiris Carry may vary depending on your current light level.
What are the Trials Carry service requirements?
There are Power Level requirements that should be met in order to buy Trials of Osiris boosting services – the Guardian has to be 1802+ light level. In case your Power Level is lower than 1802 and does not exceed 1790 and you pick the extra option “Less than 1790” it is required to have at least 1750, otherwise our players will not be able to complete the Trials of Osiris.
If you choose the Self-Play option of Trials Carry Services, please be ready for some level of participation due to possible losses if you are AFK! This is not a service that can be realistically done in AFK mode. You will be playing with the best boosters we can offer, but they will need your participation and full attention in order to help you complete the Flawless Trials run you’re aiming for.
All the loot drop during the Trials Flawless Carry is random and we can’t guarantee any specific items drop.
How hard is completing Flawless Trials of Osiris carry?
There are different Passages you can complete in Trials of Osiris and all of them are challenging except one.
Passage Type | Description |
Passage of Persistence | Here, you do not need to make much effort to get the Adept weapon because even if you have numerous losses but a total of 7 wins, you still get the desired weapon. |
Passage of Mercy | This one is the best option on your way to get Adept weapons to acquire your best God Roll. You are allowed to have one loss in your flawless competition. |
Passage of Ferocity | After completing the third match you will have a bonus win straight, which is a huge benefit for the Flawless runs. |
Passage of Wealth | This is the best challenge to get Trials of Osiris reputation rank in the shortest terms because you will get bonus rank points for completing the Osiris flawless run. |
Passage of Confidence | To challenge it, you must complete Flawless run in the current season once before, but in return, you will obtain a bonus extra Adept reward from the Lighthouse. |