Deep Stone Crypt Carry

Introduced in the Beyond Light expansion, the Deep Stone Crypt Raid is one of the most important locations in Destiny, taking players on a journey through the mysterious secret base hidden in the depths of Europa Moon, the point of origin of all Exos, all the way to the massive space station «Morning Star». Extensive lore implications, memorable visuals, unique gameplay, and valuable loot to achieve make the Deep Stone Crypt one of the best raids in game history. Which, in turn, leads to the massive popularity of the Deep Stone Crypt boost carries. All the legendary weapons have been updated with that new Origin Trait perk.

Raid is associated with creative and pretty elaborate mechanics – completing this challenging raid requires good team coordination and individual player skills. You can find this team on Epiccarry and get all the Deep Stone Crypt rewards with the help of pro players providing a fast service.

Service Includes

  • Completed the Deep Stone Crypt raid;
  • Raid Armor pieces and Weapons for your collection;
  • A chance to get Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Rocket Launcher;
  • Extra loot from weekly challenges;
  • Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact Power.

When the Deet Stone Crypt Raid is active on the weekly rotation you will receive the pinnacle rewards from the final boss in game.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-2 hours.

Estimated Completion time:

  • Normal: 2-3 hours;
  • Express: 2 hours;
  • Super Express: 60-90 minutes.

Depending on the selected additional options delivery time may be extended.

To process the service we need at least 3 of the same orders for the Deep Stone Crypt raid, that is why the estimated start time may be slightly extended. However, we do our best to progress all the orders as fast as possible.

Additional Options

  • Number of Guardians – select the number of guardians you wish to receive the service.
  • Flawless Run – we’ll complete the raid without any deaths. ETA 1 week. Available in Piloted mode only.
  • Monthly Sub – you will subscribe for the Deep Stone Crypt raid completion for 4 weeks (the current week and three next). The option includes Secret Chests for free.
  • Retrocausality Exotic Sparrow – we will complete the required raid challenges to receive the Retrocausality Exotic Sparrow.
  • All Secret Chests – our pro player will open all the secret chests in the raid.
  • Eyes of Tomorrow Guaranteed – we’ll farm the final boss encounter with the boss checkpoint until you get the Eyes of Tomorrow Rocket Launcher.
  • Weekly Challenge – we’ll also complete the raid weekly challenge for you.
  • Stream – you can watch the boosting process online.


Destiny 2: Beyond Light expansion.

How it Works

Completing a Deep Stone Crypt raid is very difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. The Deep Stone Crypt is a challenging raid to do on your own, but with the help of pro players, you can both enjoy a full raid completion and collect the best raid rewards. Here’s how the ordering process works:

  1. Select the platform you are playing on—PC, PS, or Xbox—and add the number of Guardians for whom you wish the service to be completed for the purchase.
  2. Depending on your preferences and the aims pursued, you get to choose one of the available modes of order performance:
    • Choose the Self-Play to explore the raid with our team, dive into the atmosphere of space adventure and get one of the best gaming experiences. You will play in the fire team with some of the best Destiny 2 players.
    • Choosing the Piloted mode will save you time while our reliable booster takes care of the task at hand – the only thing left for you is to enjoy new raid loot as soon as we finish the Deep Stone Crypt recovery. Add the Stream option to watch the process online. Please note that the Flawless Run option can be provided only in Piloted mode.
  3. Customize your order with additional options and leave a note about the service preferences you expect to achieve. Any information is valuable. If you are flexible the boost speed will increase.
  4. Process payment to create the order.
  5. In 3-10 minutes, our Customer Support manager will contact you to clarify all the details and schedule the raid date and time. We will answer any questions you may have.
  6. After the service is completed, we will email you or message you in a convenient communication channel. Please leave feedback on your purchase.
  7. Congratulations, you now have all the valuable items to fully enjoy the PvE and PvP modes in Destiny 2.

Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the “always require authenticator for login” setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.

 If you wish to improve your Power level you may check our Power Leveling offers.

Contact our customer support team with any questions regarding the service process and available discounts. Website chat is available 24/7.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars

    Completion Speed:

    Number of Guardians:


Options amount
Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

How do you start the Deep Stone Crypt raid?

The Deep Stone Crypt is the first raid of the Beyond Light DLC and the eighth raid released in the Destiny 2 game lifespan.
While the Deep Stone Crypt is not the only place where the Exos are made, it is the main complex where the Clarity Control artifact is located. During the raid, Guardians will repel the Fallen invasion and prevent the House of Salvation faction from creating an army of Fallen Exo.
To launch the Deep Stone Crypt Raid, open the Europa map and navigate to the Asterion Abyss patrol zone, you will find the Raid menu right above.

What are the Deep Stone Crypt weekly challenges in Destiny 2?

There are four challenges available in the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. Each weekly challenge will be active at once when the raid is on a Weekly Rotation.

  1. Crypt Security – Red Rover. All players have to be operators and shoot the two panels on the lower level
  2. Atraks-1, Fallen Exo – Copies of Copies. Never eject a Replication debuff through the airlock.
  3. The Descent – Of All Trades. Each player must take on each role at least once during the encounter.
  4. Taniks, the Abomination – The Core Four. Deposit all four cores at once before the Damage Phase.

Don’t forget to complete your weekly challenge to obtain additional raid loot and season pass experience.

How many secret chests are in the Deep Stone Crypt raid?

There are 2 hidden chests inside the raid, containing additional pieces of the loot you have already obtained, great for farming additional weapon rolls. When you first load into the raid, there’s a tricky way to get extra loot solo without even starting an encounter. Unlock this chest to reward you with some powerful weapons or raid armor you may have before and even a few raid-specific mods.

How many players are needed for the Deep Stone Crypt raid?

Six players will be the best match to complete the raid.

How to defeat Taniks, the Abomination?

The Raid journey finally takes your fireteam to the final battle with Taniks, the Abomination. Get your loadouts ready for the final fight and use sniper rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, or linear fusions to deal enough damage to the boss from the range. Wait for the boss to become active and move to one of three positions on the map. Shoot his engines to spawn nuclear cores, grab them and move to deposit them in the active bins.

The Operator will have to make sure that core carriers reach their target safely and shoot down the slow debuff when necessary. The Suppressor must stun the boss to activate the deposit. Once the Cores are deposited, get ready for the DPS phase. Stand between the spawned debris and shoot down the boss with everything you’ve got. Best to use Divinity for the big precision bubble. Once he’s down, you’ll be able to buy more rolls for your new Deep Stone Crypt raid weapons with the Spoils of Conquest and, if you are lucky, loot the Eyes of Tomorrow exotic rocket launcher. During the active raid rotation week, you can farm only last boss to try and get the Exotic weapon.

How to get the Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Rocket Launcher?

Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Launcher is a random drop from the final encounter, the Taniks. Log in to play the Deep Stone Crypt weekly for a better chance to obtain the weapon.

What is all the loot you can get from Deep Stone Crypt Carry?

This table of possible loot drop will make it easier to gather a full set of raid armor and new raid weapons once you know which encounter can give you the missing pieces. Run the raid on multiple characters to gather all weapons faster and get the god rolls.

Crypt Security Atraks-1 The Descent Taniks, The Abomination
Eyes of Tomorrow
Class Item
Class Item
Class Item

What is the best weapon for the Deep Stone Crypt raid?

The best weapon for the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2 depends on the specific encounter and the role you play in your team. Overall, for primary weapons, well-rolled auto rifles are recommended for their versatility, with pulse rifles and SMGs also being effective depending on the range and nature of the encounter. For special weapons, shotguns, especially slug shotguns, are valuable throughout the raid, and the Divinity trace rifle is essential for the final boss battle to maximize team damage. Sniper rifles like Cloudstrike are also effective for boss DPS.

For heavy weapons, Xenophage excels universally, while swords like The Lament are particularly effective in close-quarters encounters. Anarchy stands out for final boss DPS when combined with a strong special weapon. Additionally, heavy grenade launchers with spike grenades are highly effective for the final boss DPS. Weapons should be chosen not only based on damage output but also on how they complement the abilities of your fireteam and the specific challenges of each raid encounter.

Is the Deep Stone Crypt raid difficult?

The Deep Stone Crypt raid itself requires more teamwork than the others in Destiny 2. Everyone must cooperate to get through the mechanics. It’s a bit easier than Vault of Glass but still interesting.

Can you do Solo the Deep Stone Crypt raid?

Yes, you may try to for the Deep Stone Crypt raid Solo if you have enough skills. But that would be very hard. Even with a full fireteam, finishing the raid can be tough. 

What weapons drop from Deep Stone Crypt Raid Boost?

You can expand your armory with powerful raid weapons dropped from the boss encounter, hidden raid chest, and rolled with the Spoils of Conquest at the final boss chest: