Realmwalker Triumphs Seal | Realmwalker
Realmwalker Triumphs Seal
Here you can buy D2 Realmwalker Triumphs Seal | Realmwalker Boost.
We will complete all 10 Realmwalker Triumphs Seal or the particular ones of your choice.
ETA: from 1 day to 6 weeks.
Boost is available on the PC, PS4, and Xbox platforms.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
You will get
- All 10 triumphs for Realmwalker Seal;
- Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact level.
Options Description
- Seeker of the Lost – we will complete Wayfinder’s voyage part I – VII.
- Master Cartographer – we will upgrade Wayfinder’s Compass vendor to the max.
- Shattered Scholar – we will get all data caches within all areas in Shattered Realm.
- Mods of the Lost – we will obtain all SotL mods.
- Decorated Wayfinder – we will get the Seasonal ornaments from Crucible, Gambit, or strikes.
- Scattered by Storms – we will gather all Atlas Skew and listen to its recording.
- Unsolved Mysteries – we will solve the mysteries in the Shattered Realm with Techeum abilities.
- Instruments of the Lost – we will collect all Seasonal weapons and armor from Season of the Lost.
- Legendary Ascendant Explorer – we will finish each branch of the Shattered Realm on legendary difficulty.
- Legendary Alignment – we will make Astral Alignment on legendary difficulty.
Small delays may occur as during certain hours boosters might be having a rest or be less active. In this case, Cross Save can help significantly, as a PC player will be able to fulfill your PS4 or Xbox order. Unfortunately, there are fewer Destiny 2 players on PS4 or Xbox compared to the PC platform.
It takes only a couple of minutes to enable the Cross Save. If you have some difficulties with it, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.
Important Information
Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged in to your account. It applies only to Piloted mode services.
Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.
Power Level 1320+ is required or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.
Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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