Destiny 2 The Final Shape Campaign Boost

The release date of The Final Shape DLC  is June 4th. Get new unique loot rewards in the shortest terms with the Final Shape Campaign Boost! Play together with professionals or rest aside while we do the work for you. The Final Shape Campaign comes in 2 difficulties – Normal and Legend. Choose the one you like on your way to the greatest rewards!

Service Includes

  • The Final Shape Campaign completed on Legend or Normal difficulty;
  • The new Prismatic Subclass, which will allow to combine the Light and Darkness Powers;
  • Access to new The Final Shape Activities;
  • Exotic for Legendary campaign completion;
  • Double loot and lots of powerful rewards if you choose Legend completion;
  • Light Level Up to 1960 Power Level;
  • Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion time:

  • Normal: 4-24 hours;
  • Express: 4-18 hours;
  • Super Express: 2-16 hours.

Estimated delivery time may increase if your order includes some additional options.

Additional Options

  • Number of Guardians– select the number of guardians for whom you wish to complete the master raid version.
  • Excision Mission – we will complete the 12-player mission. (Access to enter the Excision is required)
  • Destined Heroes Quest– we will complete the Destined Heroes quest and receive the Ergo Sum Exotic quest.
  • Salvation’s Edge Raid – we will additionally complete the Salvation’s Edge raid.
  • Stream – watch the Final Shape campaign completion live.
Exotic quests, Raid is not included in the Final Shape Campaign boost. Add an appropriate option for the raid completion if needed.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape expansion.
Unlocked access to the Excision mission if the additional option is selected.
If you want to improve your Light Level, order our Power Leveling service in advance.

How It Works

The Final Shape Campaign is going to be difficult to complete since it comes in Normal and Legendary versions. Additionally, if you also add the raid completion to your order, you will not spend days trying to defeat all the encounters. Buy the Final Shape Campaign carry and we will complete all 7 missions to gain valuable loot. Here is how to place the order for the campaign boost:

  1. We will complete the Final Shape Campaign in the selected version. 
  2. Make a decision which difficulty you want us to help you with. The service is available in Normal and Legend difficulty.
  3. Pick the service mode. The The Final Shape Campaign boost will be processed the following way:
    • Piloted (Recovery): You will need to make account sharing with our verified booster, who will work on your order to finish the campaign in the chosen difficulty. We will use VPN of your country. To start the order faster, please enable the Cross Save if your Guardian is on PS or Xbox platforms. Once it is on, we’ll be able to process your order on the PC, and you will get rewards sooner. Add Stream option if you wish to watch the process live!
    • Selfplay (Shepra): You will play together with our pro player, defeating all the enemies to receive the best rewards for your Guardian in the end!
  4. Add additional options to your cart if you wish the Final Shape raid also to be completed.
  5. Make a purchase using a convenient payment method to create the order.
  6. Congratulations on The Final Shape Campaign Boost! Soon, you will receive your desired rewards with no stress or effort!
  7. Keep an eye on your email box. We’ll contact you in 3-10 minutes to discuss the details and schedule a date and time for the order process.
  8. We will notify you when the service is completed. It would be highly appreciated if you could leave us a review of the service!

Customer Support is here for you 24/7. If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you!

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  • Platform:

    Boost Mode:

    Completion Speed:

    Number of Guardians:


    Boost Option:

    Campaign Missions:

    Campaign Missions:

    Start From:

    Start From:

    Additional Options:

    Additional Options:


Options amount
Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

Is it hard to complete the Final Shape Campaign?

We can’t know for sure how difficult it will be to complete the upcoming Final Shape Campaign. It will be introduced in 2 versions normal and legend. The second definitely will be more hard to go through. The other complexity is that you will have only 3 days to prepare your Guardian for the Final Shape raid. Gather your friends, and start working on a new story campaign as soon as it is released. Can’t find skilled players? It’s not a problem, our pros can help you to overcome challenging campaigns in both difficulties in no time!

Can I play while The Final Shape Campaign Boost is in progress?

You definitely can! Once you make the order with us it will be scheduled according to your preferences. Let us know when the Guardian is free to get boosted, all the rest of the time is just yours! For Self-Play mode you will be invited to join our skilled team at the agreed date and time to work on your order. 

Is it worth to buy the Final Shape Campaign Boost?

For most of the D2 Final Shape activities, it is required to complete the Campaign. Destiny 2 Final Shape Campaign boost with Epiccarry will help you to get it done in Normal or Legendary difficulty fast and efficiently. Our team consists of only professional players who are skilled in any game activities, experienced in solving different types of quests and puzzles as well as dealing with all raid mechanics.