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The Messenger is a Legendary Kinetic Pulse Rifle that you can get from the Trials of Osiris, or you can focus engrams at Saint-XIV to increase your chances. Also, you can get the Adept version, and for that, you need to complete the Trials flawlessly and open the Lighthouse chest or have 7 wins in the Passage of Persistence. Anyway, you will need to waste a lot of time on the farm, especially if you want to get the God Roll version.
Skip the boring farming and buy the Destiny 2 the Messenger Boost, and we will complete all instructions to unlock this Pulse Rifle. Our pro players have a lot of experience in Destiny 2 activities and events, and they know how to get the desired weapons as quickly as possible. Our carry is the best way to save your time and effort and get the desired rewards without hassle.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion Time:
Destiny 2 account with the latest expansion purchased.
You have to own Messenger in your collection.
Completed “Trials Access” Quest.
2011+ Power Level. If you want to increase your current power level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.
Completing the Trials of Osiris to get the best version of Messenger can be a really tough task, especially if you want to drop the God Roll. You will need to play into Trials of Osiris until you get the desired gun version or focus engrams and spend some legendary shards on increasing your chances of getting the normal version. If you want to get the Adept version prepare to spend some time farming the Trials of Osiris flawlessly or having 7 wins in Passage of Persistence. To unlock Messenger faster and more easily, you can buy the Destiny 2 the Messenger Carry, and we will complete all the requirements to add this Pulse Rifle to your collection. Service is available on all platforms, but if you play on PS or Xbox, you need to enable the Cross Save function, and our PC professional booster can start making your order faster. Look at the step-by-step instructions on how to place an order below:
If you have some problems or questions, you can always write to us on our Discord server or online chat, our support team is around the clock and ready to help you at any time.
Choose 2 or more weapons to get up to 30% off.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
You need to farm the Trials of Osiris and collect the engrams to focus them on the desired high caliber rounds Pulse Rifle. You can also try to complete the flawless Trials when this gun is in weekly rotation to get the Adept version or have seven wins in the Passage of Persistence. You will need to spend a lot of time on it, but the Messenger Pulse Rifle is totally worth it.
You can drop this Pulse Rifle with such random perks:
Pick the Arrowhead Break and the Appended Mag for the first two columns, which gives you more bursts. In the third column, the best choice is a Rapid-Hit for both PvE and PvP activities, which increases the reload speed and stability. For the fourth column, you need to choose between the Kinetic Tremors and Kill Clip perks. With Kinetic Tremors, you will create a shock wave that will damage all nearby enemies. The Kill Clip is good to do high damage for 5 seconds. For PvE activities, you can switch to some perks to get the best Messenger God Roll for your play style.
Select the Arrowhead Break and the Ricochet Rounds as the best perks for barrel and magazine in PvP. In the first perk slot, the Rapid-Hit is also suitable and can increase the stability and reload speed, which is important for PvP. For the second perk slot, you can choose between the Desperado or Headseeker. The Desperado will upgrade your rate of fire after precision final blows. The Headseeker will increase the precision damage and give you some aim assist. For Origin Trait, pick the Alacrity to get more stability, aim assist, and range. Also, you need stability masterwork or range to make Messenger more powerful. You can gather the best Messenger God Roll version for PvP that matches your play style.
Pick your platform, the desired weapon number for high impact frame Messenger, and additional options on the right side of the screen. Next, click on the Buy Now button and make a transaction using one of the preferred payment methods. We will get in touch with you in 3-10 minutes after payment to speak about service details and set a schedule. When the boost is completed and the Messenger appears in your collection, you will get the notification and can log in to the game to equip your new Pulse Rifles. Don’t hesitate to buy the Destiny 2 the Messenger Boosting and get the desired rewards and version of the gun without hassle.
Yes, when your order is placed, we will contact you to discuss service details and find out the most convenient schedule. You will know the exact time and date when to proceed with the carry and can play as always at the other time. When the Messenger appears in your collection, you will get the notification and can equip this Legendary Pulse Rifle for your Guardian.
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