Soaring Meaderbee Boost

Soaring Meaderbee is one of the amazing new mounts introduced in the War Within expansion. A great pick for nature lovers and druid role players, this buzzing insect will surely become your loyal companion on your Azeroth adventure! However, some quality Elite mob grind is required before you can add this wonderous mount to your stable.

If you have more important things to do and rather complete mythic dungeons and progress the War Within story than spend hours fighting powerful Cynderbees and Wolves of the Cinderbrew Meadery, then consider investing in our Soaring Meaderbee Boost services and obtain this gorgeous flying mount stress and grind-free!

Service Includes

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: 1 day.

Additional Options

500,000 Gold — once we’ve secured the Soaring Meaderbee for your WoW TWW character, a hefty bag of gold will be transferred to your character to boost your Azeroth adventure even further;
Stream — watch our reliable booster fight the elite mode to obtain your new flying companion live on Twitch or YouTube live for an interactive gaming experience.


Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

How it Works

There are plenty of great new flying mounts being introduced with the new expansion, with all being unique and fitting a specific class and vibe. If you’re a nature lover and want your druid or monk to showcase this deep connection with the wilderness, then Soaring Meaderbee might become your new best friend! Before you buy Soaring Meaderbee Boost, however, it’s advised to go through the walkthrough below to have a clear understanding of what’s ahead of you:

  1. Review the list of what’s included in your Soaring Meaderbee boost, the list of requirements, additional options, and place an order when ready!
  2. In a matter of minutes, one of the representatives of our customer support team will contact you to confirm the order’s details and ensure that everything is in order. Make sure to ask our manager whatever questions you have about your Soaring Meaderbee Boost – it’s the perfect moment for that;
  3. Once we’re done with all the preparations, a reliable and vigorous booster will be assigned to your order. He will slay elite Wolves and Cynderbees of Cynderbrew Meadery with unbelievable cunning and viciousness to obtain your Soaring Meaderbee in record time. You can be certain that this amazing flying mount will reach your character in record time! Be advised, however, that this service is completed in Piloted Mode only for optimal time completion and convenience, which means account sharing. There’s no reason to worry about security though, our security team will make sure that no hacker or cheater will get his slimy hands on your account data;
  4. That’s essentially it! Once we’ve obtained the Soaring Meaderbee for your character, a corresponding notification will be sent to you by our manager. Enjoy your new buzzing flying mount, we hope that he will significantly improve your gaming experience and go through the most wonderous adventures together with your hero!

Thanks for sticking with our Soaring Meaderbee Boost service! Make sure to leave us a bit of feedback so we know what to fix and improve to provide you with even better WoW boost services and become the very best on the market!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I obtain Soaring Meaderbee?

What you need is a whopping 900x units of Sizzling Cinderpollen. It’s acquired through killing all kinds of elite mobs lurking in the Cinderbrew Meadery area. These mobs are incredibly strong and can easily kill your character if you’re not careful. If you’ve decided to obtain a Soaring Meaderbee mount without the help of our boost services, then we recommend finding a group of experienced players to help you defeat all the mobs and obtain the pollen. Once you’re done collecting it, visit  Cendvin Trader located at the coordinates 74.4, and 45.2, and purchase this amazing mount right away!

Can I buy Sizzling Cinderpollen from the Auction House?

Nope, the pollen you need is warband-bound and can’t be transferred to other players. The funny thing, though, some speculators do try to sell this Sizzling Cinderpollen to the players, claiming that it’s the one required for the mount. Stay alert and don’t allow scammers to take your gold for nothing! Only this variant Sizzling Cinderpollen is used to purchase the mount. Why would two such similar items be available in the game we will never know, though.

  • Additional Options:
