Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost

Cataclysm Classic dungeons have brought a considerable amount of fresh content into the game, with Heroic dungeons presenting a clear way to both get the pre-raid gear and Valor points — 240 per one random Heroic dungeons run. Valor points are used to buy class Tier sets and ilvl 346 gear. But that’s not all: you get the Justice points for killing Heroic dungeons’ bosses as well!

Surely, the amount of time you need to spend grinding those Heroic dungeons for Valor points or pre-raid gear is stunning, and we don’t want you to waste the time you otherwise could’ve spent on real-life activities or more engaging World of Warcraft activities! That’s why we offer you our Cata Classic Dungeon Boosting, where our boosters will carry you through random Cataclysm Dungeons using Dungeon Finder! Buy Cata Dungeon runs today, and let us complete that Cataclysm Dungeon Boost in no time!

Service Includes

  • A desired number of random Cataclysm Heroic/Heroic+ dungeons completed;
  • 240 Valor points per random Heroic+ run (max 1600 per week);
  • 240 Valor points per first weekly Heroic run, plus 120 Valor for each following run;
  • A chance to get item level 346 gear;
  • Fissure Stone Fragments earned (to buy up to ilvl 379 gear);
  • Justice points earned for each boss kill (to buy ilvl 359 gear);
  • A chance to get certain dungeon achievements;
  • All the gold, reputation gains, and resources earned during the boost.

You can choose either Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost | Buy boostSelf-Play or Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15–30 minutes.
Estimated Completion Time: 15–30 minutes per run:

  • Normal: ordinary completion speed;
  • Express: 30% faster service completion;
  • Super Express: 50% faster service completion.

Additional Options

  • Add 50,000 Gold — this gold here is the best way to take the most out of your endgame content since gold is arguably the primary source of fun once you have a lot of it! Make your Cataclysm Classic Dungeon Boost ultimate with extra gold!
  • Stream — one of the ways we do the Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost is the piloted mode (account sharing), and you can select the Stream option to watch our boosters live via YouTube or Twitch link!


Level 85 Cataslysm Classic character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost if you don’t meet this gear boost service requirement.
Ilvl 329 gear for Heroic runs and ilvl 346 gear for Heroic+ runs.

How It Works

Our Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon adventure consists of five easy steps that we’ll gladly describe to you in more detail:

  1. On this page, you can use a slider to configure your WoW Cataclysm Dungeons carry process: select the amount of Random Cataclysm Heroic dungeons you need completed (as well as any additional options), proceed to checkout, and wait for our manager to contact you in 3 to 7 minutes. If you want more Cataclysm Classic Heroic dungeon runs completed than the slider provides, simply put more than one unit of this offer into your cart. Our service manager will answer all of your questions and help you plan out your boosting schedule;
  2. When you’re ready, our professional players will utilize their skills and knowledge to complete your WoW Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost as quickly as possible!
  3. You will be thoroughly informed on the progress of our professional team on the Random Cataclysm Heroic Dungeon runs; select Stream to watch it with your own eyes!
  4. The quick and efficient completion of our high-quality service is guaranteed but depends on the number of dungeons you select. Generally, our pro group can complete a Heroic Cataclysm dungeon in 15–30 minutes. Please remember that if you’re here for Valor points as well, any number beyond the 1600 Valor points per week limit is unobtainable until the next weekly reset;
  5. When our World of Warcraft Cataclysm dungeon gameplay is finished, all the dungeon runs completed, and all the loot and Valor points collected, we’d be humbled if you could rate us on Trustpilot. It’s quick, but it means a lot to us!

Enjoying the rewards? But there’s so much more to achieve! Epiccarry offers lots of WoW Cataclysm boosting services: consider our Cataclysm Classic Valor Points Farm Boost and Cataclysm Classic All Dungeons Bundle with every kind of specific dungeon present in Cataclysm Phase 1. Need more help in WoW Cataclysm, WoW Retail, and beyond? Explore our website to find more!


    Choose 3 Runs and Get 5% off.

    Choose 7 Runs and Get 10% off.

    Choose 14 Runs and Get 15% off.

    Choose 21 Runs and Get 20% off.

    20% Discount applied!






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How do the Cataclysm Classic dungeons work?


Let’s see what the Cataclysm Classic dungeons are and how they work according to the game Phase. Just like WotLK dungeons and TBC dungeons, the Cataclysm dungeons are available on Normal and Heroic difficulty:

  • Phase 1 dungeons boast gear with item level 346 on Heroic difficulty:
    • Blackrock Caverns — Blackrock Caverns is one the first dungeons available during the Cataclysm Classic leveling (the Normal version is available at levels 80–85). Blackrock Caverns is a system of tunnels created by Deathwing for his Twilight Hammer minions; the entrance is located inside the Blackrock Mountain, which in turn is situated between Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge; the Normal version of Blackrock Caverns loot has the 308 item level;
    • Throne of the Tides — Throne of the Tides is the second early Cataclysm dungeon: its Normal difficulty becomes available at level 80. This dungeon is located in Vashj’ir, becoming an easy target for the Naga assault. The Normal difficulty of Throne of the Tides has gear with an item level of 308, and the last boss of this dungeon is Ozumat — a kraken that sank the ship you arrived in Vashj’ir on;
    • The Vortex Pinnacle — the Vortex Pinnacle is located in Uldum, and its Normal version becomes available at level 81. It is part of the Elemental Plane of Al’Akir, with his armies gathering here among other places. Each Normal difficulty boss of The Vortex Pinnacle has a chance to drop loot with an item level of 316, and the second boss, called Altairus, drops the Reins of the Drake of the North Wind flying mount;
    • The Stonecore — the Stonecore is another early-level dungeon (the Normal difficulty is available at levels 81–85) located in Deepholm. It is another instance of Twilight Hammer taking control of the Elemental Plane. The Normal version loot has the 316 item level;
    • Halls of Origination — Halls of Origination open its Normal difficulty doors at level 83. Located in Uldum, this World of Warcraft dungeon is another example of the Titan legacy, like Ulduar, Uldaman, and Uldir. The Normal version has the pre-raid gear with an item level of 333;
    • Lost City of the Tol’vir — Lost City of the Tol’vir Normal difficulty becomes available at level 83. This dungeon is populated by Neferset — the stonelike counterparts of the Tol’vir race hell-bent on destroying their brothers of flesh and blood. The Normal version of the Lost City of the Tol’vir bosses drop rewards with an item level of 333;
    • Grim Batol — Grim Batol Normal difficulty becomes available at level 83 as well. Grim Batol is located in Twilight Highlands and obviously serves as a base for the Twilight Hammer cult. The Normal difficulty of Grim Batol has rewards with an item level of 333;
    • The Deadmines (Heroic) — this is where things become interesting. The Deadmines is originally a Vanilla dungeon that was revamped for Cataclysm, and its Heroic version is only available at level 85 as part of the endgame content, while its Normal version is of no interest for high-level characters. The extra boss available only on Heroic difficulty is Vanessa VanCleef; the dungeon is located in Westfall;
    • Shadowfang Keep (Heroic) — the story here is the same as with The Deadmines. Located in Silverpine Forest, Shadowfang Keep is a revamped version of the Vanilla dungeon. The Normal and Heroic boss rosters are identical (unlike those of The Deadmines), but the Heroic version is just another opportunity to get unique 346 ilvl gear, right?
  • Phase 2 dungeons were added in the 4.2 update (Rage of the Firelands) and sport the item level 353 gear:
    • Zul’Gurub — this was originally a raid for 20 players added back in Vanilla and re-released in Cataclysm as a 5-player Heroic-only dungeon. And boy, it is huge. The plot here revolves around the legendary god Hakkar (remember the Corrupted Blood Incident?) being taken prisoner by the troll Jin’do the Godbreaker; the instance is located in Northern Stranglethorn;
    • Zul’Aman — this instance was originally released in The Burning Crusade expansion as the 10-man raid and re-released as a 5-player Heroic-only dungeon in Cataclysm. The instance controlled by Amani trolls is located in Ghostlands, a TBC zone in Eastern Kingdoms. This instance also introduces the Amani Battle Bear mount, replacing the removed Amani War Bear;
  • Phase 3 dungeons were added in the 4.3 update (Hour of Twilight), sport the loot with ilvl 378, are available only on Heroic difficulty, and are all located in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris:
    • End Time — this dungeon provides a glimpse into a dark version of our future where Deathwing has not been stopped;
    • Well of Eternity — the name speaks for itself! Observe the pivotal moment in the Night Elf history unfolding before your eyes, with the Burning Legion assaulting Zin-Azshari;
    • Hour of Twilight — in this final Cataclysm dungeon, you will help Thrall and dragonflights in Northrend prepare for the battle with Deathwing.

Can I expect a price match option for the Cataclysm Classic Random Heroic Dungeon Boost?


Yes, totally! We will lower our price for this offer if the other boosting platform provides this same service at a lower cost, but before requesting the price match, please make sure that the other service provider is trustworthy and non-scam. You can check it by visiting their Trustpilot or profile. If they look shady and don’t have any of that, it’s the reason to become suspicious.