Destiny 2 Balance of Power Boost

After Final Shape DLC is released, players can get one exotic armor after completing Final Shape Compaign, and the second you can farm in Lost Sector. It’s a random drop, so you need to prepare to spend some time on that. Also, you can buy armor in Rahool if you already have one.

Save your time and skip boring farms with our Destiny 2 Balance of Power Boost. Our team of professionals has a lot of experience in Destiny 2 activities and can help you obtain the desired piece of armor. Don’t waste your time reading guides and trying to understand new mechanics. With Destiny 2 Balance of Power Carry, we will complete all requirements and give you new exotic armor in your collection.

Service Includes

  • Exotic Leg ArmorBalance of Power;
  • Possibility of getting the Enhancement cores;
  • All rewards that drops during the boost;
  • Upgrade for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-7 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 2-18 hours.

If you don’t have the first armor in your collection, the ETA to acquire it will be 2-6 days.

Additional Options

  • I don’t have this exotic in my collection – select this option if you don’t have the first Balance of Power in your arsenal.
  • Stream – watch the Balance of Power Boost online using a personal stream link.
Check our Master Rahool Reputation Rank Boost if you wish to upgrade your Rank Level or unlock ability to Focus Exotic Engrams.


Destiny 2 account with all DLC Expansions purchased.
Current Exotic Item on your collection. If you don’t have this item in your collection, add the option “don’t have this exotic item in my collection.”
Power Level 2010+ or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.
Rank 17 Master Rahool or 1 rank reset if you don’t have the 1st gear/armor in the collection.

How it Works

If you want to get Balance of Power exotic armor, you need to go to Lost Sector and farm this activity. But first, the players need to finish the Final Shape Campaign. The Lost Sector activity can be very tough, and you need to finish this not only to get all valuable rewards. You can choose the easy way and buy a Balance of Power boost, and our pro players will fulfill all your requirements. Our carry is available for every platform, but if you play on PS and Xbox first, you need to enable Cross Save function, and our PC booster can start filling orders faster. Follow the instructions:

  1. Pick a platform and additional option that you want to get on the right side of the page.
  2. Destiny 2 Balance of Power Carry will be completed only on Piloted mode. You need to share your account data with our verified player, and he will complete the requirements to get the desired armor. We will be using the VPN of your country.
  3. Push on the Buy Now button and make transactions using your preferred payment method.
  4. Our support manager will contact you in 3-10 minutes after payment to speak about all service details and set a schedule.
  5. When the Balance of Power boost is completed, we will notify you, and you can go into the game to equip yourself with new armor. It would be a pleasure if you could share your emotions and leave a review about the service.
  6. Go in-game activities with your new exotic armor.

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to write on online chat, our support staff is ready to help you 24/7.

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  • Platform:

    Your Current Power Level:

    This service is available in Piloted mode only.


Options amount
Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What perk does Balance of Power have?

The Balance of Power Exotic Leg Armor is mainly created for Strand Hunters and improves the effectiveness of your Threaded Specter builds. It has the Double Down perk. It increases the duration and durability of your Threaded Specter, damaging it produces more Threadlings. Being near your Threaded Specter makes you invisible on the radar.

How to buy Balance of Power Boost?

Select your platform and add additional options that you want to get. Click on Buy Now and make a payment using a convenient method. We will get in touch with you in 3-10 minutes, we will speak about details and, preferred time for service. We will let you know when the boost will be completed in the selected communication channel. Don’t hesitate to buy Balance of Power carry and be among other strong Guardians.