A Shadow Rises | Shadow Triumphs Seal


Here you can buy D2 A Shadow Rises | Shadow Triumphs Seal Boost;

You will get completed the chosen A Shadow Rises Triumphs;

The booster will complete for you the needed Triumphs;

Boost takes from 1 hour to 3 weeks, it depends on the particular quest and the number of Shadow Triumphs you need;

We don’t use any programs or bots, only hand work;

We will use VPN of your country;

Stream or screenshots are available on your request (without any extra fee);

Boost is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox platform;

We provide this service with account sharing.


In case “Treasure Hunt” option we will complete Werner 99-40’s weekly bounties;

In case “Like Clockwork” option we will complete a run through the Menagerie without running out of time in any encounter;

In case “Get Recked” option we will defeat powerful enemies, land precision final blows, and defeat Shadow Thrall while in the Reckoning;

In case “Prize(d) Fighter” option we will defeat Arunak, Beloved by Calus;

In case “Flair For Drama” option we will defeat Hasapiko, Beloved by Calus;

In case “Sweet and Shy” option we will defeat Pagouri, Beloved by Calus;

In case “The Hunted Becomes The…” option we will complete “The Hunted” in the Menagerie with time left on the clock;

In case “Parry, Strike, Parry” option we will complete “The Riposte” in the Menagerie with time left on the clock;

In case “Going the Distance” option we will get a perfect score in “The Gauntlet” by having all six players complete every lap before time runs out;

In case “Safe Haven” option we will defeat the Ogres in “The Mockery” in the Menagerie with all three havens preserved;

In case “Faster than Lightning” option we will complete “The Arkborn” in the Menagerie with time left on the clock;

In case “Time Manipulation” option we will complete “The Crystals” in the Menagerie with time left on the clock;

In case “Lambs to the Slaughter” option we will defeat Pagouri without allowing any fireteam member to die during Heroic Menagerie run;

In case “Break a Leg” option we will defeat Hasapiko without allowing any fireteam member to die during Heroic Menagerie run;

In case “Uncontrolled Rage” option we will defeat Arunak without allowing any fireteam member to die during Heroic Menagerie run;

In case “Crown of Ease” option we will complete the Crown of Sorrow raid with no deaths;

In case “I’m Not Superstitious” option we will complete every encounter in the Crown of Sorrow raid with no Guardian receiving the Witch’s Curse debuff;

In case “Limited Blessings” option we will complete the Limited Blessings challenge;

In case “Total Victory “ option we will complete the Total Victory challenge;

In case “With Both Hands” option we will complete the With Both Hands challenge;


Attention! Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged on your account and works only for boosts with account sharing;

Attention! Guaranteed time do not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags;


Completed Forsaken Story with Dreaming City access or you can order it using our Forsaken Story Boost offer;

Power Level 750+ or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers;

In case of account sharing, we need only your login and password, we don’t need the answer to your secret question as well as the password to your email address, that makes impossible to steal your account;

In case of account sharing please remove the authenticator from your battle.net account or cancel mode “ask code each time I login”, and provide us code.

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star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago