Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost

Bungie adds a new rotation system after Season of the Haunted is released, and every week, players can go to one featured raid and one dungeon to get Pinnacle rewards. Now, you can farm raids and dungeons to have a chance to finally get the desired rewards. Knowing the schedule of rotation, you can plan for the week in which you can throw all your strength to get the pinnacle reward. You can add to your collection the weapon that you always wanted or upgrade what you already have. Prepare to spend a lot of time on farming, but the reward definitely worth it.

Choose the easiest way and buy the Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost, and we will give you the top rating drops. Our pro players have a lot of experience in Destiny 2 activities and events and know how to complete all requirements as quickly as possible. Our Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Weekly Dungeon Bundle Carry is the best option for saving time and getting the desired weapons without hassle.

Service Includes

  • Two Weekly Raids Last Boss kills;
  • Two Weekly Dungeon Last Boss kills;
  • Pinnacle rewards for the first weekly;
  • Chance to get Exotic Weapons from weekly rotation dungeon and raids;
  • Weapons and Armor pieces;
  • Experience boost for your Artifact and Season Pass level.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-6 hours.
Estimated Completion Time:

  • Normal: 4-28 hours;
  • Express: 3-22 hours;
  • Super Express: 2-18 hours.

Additional Options

  • Number of characters – pick the number of characters for the Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost.
  • Add full raid and dungeon completion – we will complete the full weekly raid and dungeon instead of just last boss kills.
  • All Secret Chests – we will collect all secret chests.
  • Stream – you can watch the Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost online via a personal stream link.


If you want to increase your power level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.

How it Works

Completing weekly dungeon and weekly raids can be a tough task, especially if you need to farm loot from them. You need to read the guides, gather an experienced team that is ready to play with you, and equip strong weapons. Skip the boring and complicated weakly rotation farming, purchase the Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost, and we will complete all requirements for you. Service is available on all platforms, but if you play on the PS or Xbox, you need to enable the Cross Save function, and our PC booster can start making your order faster. Follow the step-by-step instructions on how to place an order below:

  • Pick your platform, Guardian character, and additional option that you want to get.
  • Select mode for boosting:
    • In the Piloted mode, you don’t need to waste your time farming, just pick account sharing with one of our verified gamers, and he will complete all the hard work for you. You can be sure of the security of your data. You can also add the Stream and watch the boosting
    • progress online.
    • In the Self Play mode, you will be part of our team and play together, they will guide you, and you can personally enjoy obtaining pinnacle gear. We will use the VPN of your country during this service.
  • Tap on the Buy Now button and make a transaction using the preferred payment method.
  • Within 3-10 minutes of payment, we will contact you to discuss service details and set a perfect schedule.
  • When the desired rewards appear in your collection and the featured raid and dungeon completed you will get the notification and can log in to the account. It would be sweet if you could share your impressions and write a review about our work.
  • Equip your new weapon and go into your favorite game mode to enjoy killing enemies.

If you have some questions or problems, you can always write in our online chat or Discord Server, and our support staff works around the clock and is ready to help you at any time.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars

    Completion Speed:

    Number of Guardians:

    Boost Options:

    Other activities in this pack:

    Vesper's Host Dungeon Salvation's Edge Raid Shattered Throne Dungeon Duality Dungeon


Out of stock


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What is needed for the Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost?

Select your platform, the desired number of characters, and additional options on the right side of the page. Next, tap on the Buy Now button and pay for the service using one of the convenient payment methods to place an order. In 3-10 minutes, we will contact you to speak about service details and set a schedule for boosting. Now, you need to wait until our gamers complete all requirements, and when you get the notification, you can log in to the account and equip your new pinnacle gear. Don’t hesitate to buy the Destiny 2 Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Carry and get valuable rewards without hassle.

What will you do in Weekly Raid and Dungeon Bundle Boost?

Our experienced team will fully complete the Salvation’s Edge raid and the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon. We will open all secret chests to get you a random gear drop. And we will kill the final bosses in the weekly rotation featured raid and dungeon. You can watch for the rotation table and buy service to get the featured raid and dungeons putting priority on rewards that you want to get. If you don’t want to waste your time, choose the piloted mode, and we will complete all requirements without your presence. Also, you can watch the process online via the personal stream link if you order the Stream option.

How many secret chests in the Salvation’s Edge?

Players can find two hidden chests that you can find in the main jumping puzzles. The first one you can find after defeating Herald of Finality in the second encounter. The second chest is located in the fourth encounter before you will start the final boss fight.

What is the Destiny 2 Weekly Rotation Raid schedule?

Here is the Destiny 2 Raid table schedule:

Data Dungeon Location Week
9 July Kind’s Fall Legends Week 6
16 July Root of Nightmares Neomuna Week 7
23 July Last Wish Dreaming City Week 8
30 July Garden of Salvation Moon Week 9
6 August Deep Stone Crypt Europa Week 10
13 August Vault of Glass Legends Week 11
20 August Vow of the Disciple Throne World Week 12
27 August Kind’s Fall Legends Week 13
3 September Root of Nightmares Neomuna Week 14
10 September Last Wish Dreaming City Week 15
17 September Garden of Salvation Moon Week 16
24 September Deep Stone Crypt Europa Week 17
1 October Vault of Glass Legends Week 18

What is the Destiny 2 Weekly Rotation Dungeon schedule?

Here is the table of the rotation dungeon schedule:

Data Dungeon Location Week
9 July Grasp of Avarice Cosmodrome Week 6
16 July Ghost of the Deep H.E.L.M. Week 7
23 July Duality Moon Week 8
30 July Spire of the Watcher Mars Week 9
6 August Pit of Heresy Moon Week 10
13 August Shattered Throne Dreaming City Week 11
20 August Prophecy Legends Week 12
27 August Grasp of Avarice Cosmodrome Week 13
3 September Prophecy Legends Week 14
10 September Prophecy Legends Week 15
17 September Spire of the Watcher Mars Week 16
24 September Pit of Heresy Moon Week 17
1 October Shattered Throne Dreaming City Week 18