Diablo 4, being a prominent representative of its genre, is all about the endless pursuit of better gear and with it, more power. One of the milestones on the road to perfection is the Uber Bosses mechanic present in the endgame portion of content. Those bosses, posing extreme challenge (and possessing valuable loot), require summoning materials to be successfully invoked and slain. And just like in the case of Diablo 4 gear, the Uber Bosses are just another instance of the game yearning for your free time and asking you to grind until breathless. To get some really good gear like Mythic Uniques and Uber Unique items, you have to kill the Uber bosses lots and lots of times since the chances for Mythic Uniques to drop are scarce. To accommodate for all the required kills, you’d have to gather tons of summoning materials all across Sanctuary.
Are you ready to spend a few dozen hours more on the tedious grind, completing even more Nightmare dungeons and killing World Bosses again and again to get only a fraction of a chance to get the coveted Uber Uniques? You may reconsider when we tell you there’s a better option for that: with Epiccarry’s army of dedicated professional boosters, you’ll easily forget the time when gathering summoning materials bothered you. Epiccarry is one of the oldest and most experienced platforms helping players around the world achieve their in-game dreams. If you consider your adventures in Diablo 4 too challenging or perhaps too boring because of all the grind, you’re welcome here to sample our Diablo 4 Summoning Materials Boost services. Our pro boosters employ all the tools for a safe and fast boosting experience like VPN, working on your order strictly manually and maintaining contact with you via online chat!
In short, if you want the desired amount of the summoning materials farmed to summon Uber Bosses, ask Epiccarry, and let’s fight those packs of demons to get the materials you need! Our ace booster will farm those and trade them to you directly in the game! Here’s what you can expect from our joined effort, in a nutshell:

Distilled Fear — used to summon the Beast in the Ice Uber boss;
Exquisite Blood — used to summon the Uber boss Lord Zir;
Living Steel — used to summon Uber boss Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint;
Malignant Hearts — used to summon Uber boss Echo of Varshan;
Mucus-Slick Eggs and Shards of Agony — used to summon Uber boss Duriel, King of Maggots;
Pincushioned Dolls and Sandscorched Shackles — used to summon Uber boss Andariel;
Stygian Stones — used to summon the Tormented versions of all the above bosses.

Let’s take a deeper dive into how each of the summoning materials work. We’ll start with the most basic ones — the materials used to summon the easiest Uber Bosses, them being the Beast in the Ice, Lord Zir, Grigoire, and Echo of Varshan. After that, we’ll cover Andariel and Duriel since these two are higher-level Uber Bosses and require summoning materials gathered by killing the weaker Diablo 4 Uber Bosses as well. Get our Diablo 4 summoning materials and resources service and you won’t regret it!
Distilled Fear
The Distilled Fear material type is the one used to summon the Beast in the Ice in the Glassial Fissure dungeon located in Fractured Peaks. This is a challenging boss fight, requiring some focus (and maybe crafting elixirs and potions on top of that) and upgrading equipment to achieve success.
There are 9 units of the Distilled Fear material needed to summon the Uber Beast in the Ice, and 27 Distilled Fear with a Stygian stone to get a chance to tackle his Tormented version.
Distilled Fear materials drops in Tier 30+ Nightmare Dungeons, from Diablo 4 World Bosses, by opening the Tree of Whispers Caches, and during Helltide events (the Tortured gift loot, along with crafting materials and resources) in Diablo 4.
Exquisite Blood
Exquisite Blood is the material type used to summon Lord Zir in the Ancients’ Seat dungeon located in the Darkened Way dungeon in Fractured Peaks. Defeating Lord Zir allows for a drop of packs of desired equipment for your character, and our booster will be glad to provide this service for you!
Again, you’ll need to grind for 9 flasks of Exquisite Blood to summon Uber Lord Zir and 27 flasks of Exquisite Blood with a Stygian stone to summon Tormented Lord Zir (the Tormented version will drop five times more desired gear and weapons for your character but is equally as troublesome to beat).
Exquisite Blood drops during Legion Events, and during Helltide activities (such as killing a Blood Maiden). You also can get them by opening the Caches from the Tree of Whispers.
Living Steel
You have to collect Living Steel to summon Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint located in the Hall of the Penitent in Dry Steppes.
The system for summoning Grigoire is a bit different since you can summon him even on World Tier 3 (the previous two bosses were only available on World Tier 4) with 2 units of Living Steel, and 5 units on World Tier 4. For a Tormented version, you’ll need a Stygian Stone and 15 units of Living Steel.
Living Steel can be found in Helltides, Whisper Caches, and World Bosses.
Malignant Hearts
Malignant Hearts are used to summon Echo of Varshan in the Malignant Burrow in Hawezar just beneath the Tree of Whispers.
To summon Varshan, you’ll have to amass 3 Malignant Hearts on World Tier 3 and 5 Malignant Hearts on World Tier 4. For the Tormented version of Varshan you’ll need 15 Malignant Hearts and, as usual, a single Stygian Stone.
You can find Malignant Hearts by killing World Bosses, participating in Helltides, and opening Tree of Whispers caches. Also, there’s a chance you’ll come across the following items on your travels: Blackened Femur, Gurgling Head, and Trembling Hand. Those were used to summon Varshan in the past, but they are no longer viable. Still, they can be found in the game. You can trade them for Malignant Hearts at an Alchemist.
Mucus-Slick Eggs
This is where we approach the rarest materials for the hardest bosses. Mucus-Slick Eggs is one of the two materials (along with Shards of Agony) used to summon Duriel, King of Maggots, in Gaping Crevasse in Kehjistan.
You’ll have to obtain 2 Mucus-Slick Eggs items to summon Uber Duriel and 6 for the Tormented version (and the same amount of Shards of Agony, plus a Stygian stone for a Tormented version).
Mucus-Slick Eggs drop from the Echo of Varshan Uber Boss on World Tier 4, and World Bosses. Buy Diablo 4 summoning materials boost for any amount of those Eggs without a hassle!
Shard of Agony
Shard of Agony is another material (along with Mucus-Slick Eggs) used to summon Duriel, King of Maggots, in the Gaping Crevasse dungeon just near Gea Kul in Kehjistan.
You’ll need to get 2 Shards of Agony to summon Uber Duriel and 6 Shards of Agony for Tormented Duriel. The same amount of Mucus-Slick Eggs is needed for the summon, with a Stygian stone on top of that for the Tormented version of Duriel.
Shards of Agony drop from Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint, on World Tier 4, and from World Bosses.
Pincushioned Doll
We’ve approached the pair of summoning resources used to summon Andariel, Maiden of Anguish. Pincushioned Doll is needed to summon her in Hanged Man’s Hall in Kehjistan.
2 Pincushioned Dolls (along with 2 Sandscorched Shackles) are needed to summon Uber Andariel and 6 Pincushioned Dolls (and 6 Sandscorched Shackles and a Stygian Stone) for Tormented Andariel.
Pincushioned Dolls drop from World Bosses and the Beast in the Ice on World Tier 4.
Sandscorched Shackles
Sandscorched Shackles (and the equal amount of Pincushioned Dolls) are needed to Summon Andariel in the Hanged Man’s Hall dungeon in Kehjistan.
2 units of Sandscorched Shackles are needed to summon Uber Andariel and 6 Sandscorched Shackles (plus a Stygian Stone) are required for Tormented Andariel.
Sandscorched Shackles drop from World Bosses and Lord Zir on World Tier 4. Buy Diablo 4 summoning materials boost to get them fast and easy!
Stygian Stone
A single Stygian stone is essential to summoning a desired Tormented boss in the game (any of them) per one ritual. This is the rarest of the summoning materials, dropping occasionally from World Bosses on World Tier 4 or in the higher tiers in the Pit of Artificers. Buy Diablo 4 summoning materials boost to get any desired amount of those! Our booster team are true aces of their Diablo 4 service craft!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I find a Diablo 4 Summoning Materials Boost at a lower price, would you match it?

Yes, we will be glad to match the price with another platform offering the same kind of Diablo 4 Summoning Materials Boost at a lower cost, but please be sure to focus on one essential part: your safety. There are packs of platforms posing as viable boosting providers while it is not so. There are many ways to check their credibility — look at their Trustpilot / Reviews.io account or a Discord server if they have those. We aim to save your time and money, so before you make a purchase, exercise some caution. But if the platform is viable, we'll get your Diablo 4 Summoning Materials Boost service price lowered!

Enhance your character experience with Epiccarry's booster team and obtain the best rewards with us! Buy Diablo 4 Summoning Materials Boost and save time and your mental health!

Can I use my summoning materials on World Tier 1 or 2?

No, you can't use the summoning materials on Diablo 4 World Tiers 1 or 2 because the Uber Bosses require at least World Tier 3 (Nightmare) to be summoned. Besides, there are more summoning materials needed to fight the Uber Bosses on World Tier 4 than on World Tier 3. Finally, the Tormented versions of the Uber Bosses require even more of those and a rare Stygian stone on top of that.

This goes without saying, but you have to complete the Diablo 4 story campaign to be able to use your summoning materials and summon the Diablo 4 Uber bosses.

Obtain your coveted Uber uniques and crafting materials with our boosters! Buy Diablo 4 summoning materials boost and get a desired amount of summoning and crafting materials withing moment's notice after your purchase!

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