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After the release of Shadowlands, you no longer need this achievement in order to fly. But you can still purchase this service if you want to get the achievements
Here you can buy Legion Pathfinder (Flying in Broken Isles) achievement.
You will get Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two.
Part one includes: Broken Isles Explorer, Loremaster of Legion, Variety is the Spice of Life, A Glorious Campaign, Broken Isles Diplomat.
Part two includes: Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One, Explore Broken Shore, Legionfall Commander.
Usually, the boost takes around 2-3 weeks. However, if you already have some progress towards the achievement, it may be completed faster. Please, consult with our customer support team to learn how fast can it be done in your case.
We don’t use any programs or bots, only hand work (to prove it we are able to provide screenshots or stream on your request).
In case of account sharing we will use VPN of your country.
We provide this service only with account sharing.
Journey through the Broken Isles is an interesting adventure. Here you will find a lot of new quests, monsters and treasure. To conquer these locations – wary simple work. So here it is better to fly. It is fast, convenient and safe.
In order to learn how to fly on the Broken Isles, need to do a lot of hard work. You should get the achievement – Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two. You must have the highest level of reputation with factions of the Legion, fulfill the conditions for the achievement and gain the ability to fly.Read More
But if you don’t have time to get A Glorious Campaign or Loremaster of Legion, then write to us. Here you can buy Legion Pathfinder or any needed achievements.
If you want to buy Legionfall Commander, write to us. Here you can get boost Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two, or separate parts of this achievement.
Here you can buy Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One, which is necessary for the main achievements –Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two. Award for this achievement – fly in a Legion. Write to us, and you will get a boost the achievements of the Legion.
If you want to buy fly in a Legion, then write to us. We can help you get the Legion Pathfinder carry quickly and simply. Your character learns to fly on the Broken Isles and you will find it easier to perform tasks. Write to us, and you will get a difficult achievement – Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two, or any of its parts. Buy boost flights in a Legion, and forget about the complexities with quests and adventures.
Our team consists of professionals, who perfectly know all tasks. We quickly and easily get any achievement. Don’t waste your time, and enjoy the game with your friends. We’ll do all the boring work correctly and legally. We do not use prohibited methods or programs, so each achievement will remain forever your character. Write to us and you will receive Legion Pathfinder boosting, and all that you need.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
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