Cataclysm Vortex Pinnacle Boost

The Vortex Pinnacle exists within the elemental plane of the Skywall. It is a source of powerful pre-raid gear (Biting Wind, Axe of the Eclipse or Thundercall), preparing your character for the endgame content. But the adventure through Cataclysm dungeons could be a daunting task. Are you tired of grinding and want to gear up fast, skipping all the boring stuff? Buying our WoW Cataclysm Classic Vortex Pinnacle Boost, you will get the full Cataclysm dungeon run on Normal or Heroic difficulty with all three defeated bosses (containing the second boss who drops Reins of the Drake of the North Wind), earning unique achievements, the best gear and all other loot from this conquered elemental realm of the Skywall.

Service Includes

  • full Vortex Pinnacle run;
  • Protocol Twilight and Heroic modes;
  • Chance to loot up to 390 ilvl gear on Protocol Twilight;
  • Several Obsidian Fragments on Protocol Twilight (to buy gear of ilvl 384);
  • Justice points earned (to purchase up to 378 ilvl gear);
  • A chance to get dungeon achievements;
  • Gold and all items picked up during the boost.

You can choose either Cataclysm Vortex Pinnacle Boost | Buy boostSelf-Play or Cataclysm Vortex Pinnacle Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 30-60 minutes.
Estimated Completion Time: 20-40 minutes.

Additional Options

  • Priority Start– we will start your service maximum in the nearest 30 minutes.
  • Add 50,000 Gold – we will provide you with a bulk of gold in the amount of 50000 coins for more comfortable playing.
  • Stream – we’ll provide you with a personal stream of your boosting service (please request before it starts).


Ilvl 353 gear for Protocol Twilight runs.
Level 85 Cataclysm Classic character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost if you don’t meet this gear boost service requirement.

How It Works

We have prepared a short guide to clarify the dungeon boost process:

  1. After you’ve picked out your preferred dungeon boost service option and made the payment, please check your email for a confirmation of payment receipt from Epiccary.
  2. In 3-10 minutes after your purchase, an Epiccary support agent will contact you to clarify each detail of your WoW Cataclysm Classic Vortex Pinnacle order and assign a veteran Cataclysm Classic player from our dedicated team to your dungeon boost.
  3. To log in, we will need your WoW Classic account information. Please have it ready in advance. 
  4. We’ll coordinate the timing of the playthrough to avoid interfering with your schedule and ensure that you gain the true game experience.
  5. If you wish, we can arrange a private broadcast of the run for you so that you can enjoy watching your hero complete his adventure through the Vortex Pinnacle.
  6. Once Epiccary’s booster completes our Cataclysm dungeon services, a customer support team will contact you through your preferred method so that you can log back into your account and familiarize yourself with the results of the Cataclysm classic Vortex Pinnacle dungeon boost.
  7. Congratulations! You can now freely use the best loot from our Cataclysm Classic dungeon boost, fantastic rewards and gold.

If you enjoyed the Cataclysm Vortex Pinnacle boost, please feel free to leave an honest review about all the fun time you spent with us!

    Number of Runs



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Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
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Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago
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Good customer communication.
Epiccarry never disappoints - quick responses, fast completions, and helpful support. Highly recommend!
Ashton L, 3 days ago
star star star star star
Professional and trustworthy boosting service
Top players provide excellent boosting services in WoW.
Jimbolajt, 4 days ago
star star star star star
Good boosting service
Website is easy to navigate, and customer service is great.
Christian A, 5 days ago
star star star star star
Amazing people
Amazing team! Always quick to respond and flawless in fulfilling orders.
Brandon S, 6 days ago
star star star star star
Great experience!
Worked with a pro who helped me finish something super fast. Love working with Epiccarry!
Stephen W, 6 days ago
star star star star star
Best customer service, most fun, best rewards
Epiccarry offers the best services, meets your requests, and makes the process enjoyable.
George G, 1 week ago
star star star star star
Bought a lot of their WoW Services
Never had a bad experience. Service is fast unless RNG gets in the way. Highly reliable!
Jeanne M, 1 week ago
star star star star star
Great and best of all secure.
Been with Epiccarry since 2022, and they’ve always delivered. Great communication and friendly boosters.
Grits, 1 week ago
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Consistently gave great service
Lost count of how many times I’ve used Epiccarry. Consistently great service every time. Thanks for...
Spectre, 2 weeks ago
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Exceeds expectations
Every time I use Epiccarry, I think they can’t get better - yet they always surprise...
Allen, 2 weeks ago
star star star star star
Love the Epiccarry service
As a solo player, Epiccarry lets me enjoy Destiny without the hassle of LFG. Their service...
Dominick R, 2 weeks ago
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Very polite & professional
Very polite and professional service! I’ll definitely order again and recommend to friends. 😎
Lunerva, 3 weeks ago
star star star star star
Perfect delivery every time. Used them several times and always satisfied.
Paolo M, 3 weeks ago
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Best experience i ever had in gaming services
Needed urgent help with a 24h event. They delivered quickly, customized the experience, and even gave...
Matt Peoples, 3 weeks ago
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Premium World of Warcraft Services
Great site with fast service, fair prices, and friendly staff who keep you updated on Discord.
Robert, 3 weeks ago
star star star star star
Yoo I’m first timer on Epiccarry
First time with Epiccarry - amazing service! Quick and smooth. Definitely coming back. 🔥
Darren S, 1 day ago

How do I get to the Vortex Pinnacle?

The Vortex Pinnacle dungeon entrance is situated in Uldum, a region in the southernmost reaches of Kalimdor. Specifically, it is atop one of the floating structures known as “Skywall,” which stands high in the air within the western expanse of Uldum.

What level is recommended for Vortex Pinnacle dungeon in Cataclysm Classic?

To enter the Vortex Pinnacle dungeon in Cata Classic, players must reach the 82-84 level range. However, for a smoother and more successful run, it is recommended that players enter the dungeon closer to the upper end of the level range, around level 84. For the Heroic dungeon run, your character should be at the max 85-level cap.

How do you achieve Heroic Cataclysm Classic Vortex Pinnacle?

You must defeat the fearsome elemental Asaad, Caliph of Zephyrs, in Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty to achieve Heroic Vortex Pinnacle.