Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall Carry

The highest difficulty level in Nightfall Strikes is Grandmaster Nightfall. Here, you can play and choose a mode of the week. In addition, you can get unique weapons and exclusive rewards, including Adept weapons. Enemies will have increased health and damage, but you can choose modifiers that will help you successfully finish and get rewards. The GM Nightfall, in a rotation, drop different weekly adept weapons.

With the Grandmaster Nightfall boost service, you can save lots of time and get all the rewards of this difficulty. Our team has a high level of skills and puts a priority on successfully completing GM Nightfalls and receiving the largest number of drops. We will complete the needed amount of Grandmaster Nightfalls with the only condition: if the Farm option is selected – our player will choose which exactly Grandmaster Nightfall to complete. Rewards are the same for any.

Service Includes

  • Guaranteed completion of Grandmaster Nightfall;
  • A high chance to get Ascendant Shards, Enhancement Prisms, and Exotic gear – Platinum Rank ensures increased chances of being awarded Exotic Armor as an additional gear drop;
  • Pinnacle Gear – your first weekly Grandmaster Nightfall completion provides a pinnacle reward;
  • Additional gear and resources during the completion;
  • Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1 – 3 hours.
Estimated Completion time:

  • Normal: 2 – 8 hours;
  • Express: 1.5  – 7 hours;
  • Super Express: 1 – 5 hours.

Additional Options

  • Add 210k Score guaranteed – we will gain 210k score points for your guardian.
  • Add Complete in Chosen Subclass – we will complete the Grandmaster Nightfall in a specific subclass for the Guardian Ranks objective.
  • Stream – watch the boosting process via the provided link online.


Destiny 2: Lightfall, Beyond Light, Forsaken, Shadowkeep, The Final Shape expansions.
2020+ Power Level. If your level is not sufficient, then you can order a Power Leveling boosting service so that our players can raise it for you.

How it Works

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall is a rather difficult activity with many nuances. If you want to get all the loot without completing the weekly nightfall activities challenge, you can order a Grandmaster Nightfall. Our professional team will use their skills and perform unique strategies to complete GM to free your time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how this will happen:

  1. Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall Boost offers 2 options to choose for service completion:
    • Weekly Grandmaster – we will complete the grandmaster nightfall of the week and you will get the Adept weapon which is in a weekly rotation;
    • Grandmaster Farm – you can get more Nightfall strikes completed for lower prices, but our booster will choose which Grandmasters will be completed, rewards are the same for any.
  2. Pick your current Power Level because it is important that you have the minimum required for the Grandmaster Nightfall Boost. 
  3. Please select the service mode, either Self-play or Piloted.
    • If you’re up for the task and your primary goal is to play GM Nightfall with professional players and get well-deserved Adept Weapons and other rewards – choose the Self-Play option and get ready for the run.
    • If you wish to avoid difficulties and your only main interest is getting the completion rewards without investing your time – choose the Piloted mode and let the pro players complete the  Grandmaster Nightfall. The only thing left for you is to enjoy the loot. Our booster will use the VPN of your country while playing. Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the “always require authenticator for login” setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service. You can watch the progress via stream.
  4. Add additional options for better rewards.
  5. Once you are ready proceed to checkout to place the order with the convenient payment method.
  6. After purchasing the Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall boost, you will receive an email confirming the payment is successful. Our support manager will contact you within 3-10 minutes from that to clarify all the details and schedule the service.
  7. Boost guarantee time starts when the booster is logged on to your account and works only for boosts with account sharing. Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.
  8. When the Grandmaster Nightfall boost is done, our customer support team will notify you. We will be glad if you share your emotions and leave a review.
  9. Congratulations, you can now enjoy your service reward.

The service is available on PC, PS, and Xbox platforms. If you play on PS or Xbox, please enable Cross Save. It will significantly help to process your order faster, as a PC player will be able to fulfill your PS or Xbox services in the Destiny 2 game.

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  • Platform:

    Completion Speed:

    Your Power Level:






Options amount
Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes are in rotation in the Episode Echoes?

There are 9 GM Nightfall Strikes that are in a weekly rotation in the Final Shape Echoes Episode:

  • Grandmaster: The Glassway;
  • Grandmaster: Warden of Nothing;
  • Grandmaster: The Disgraced;
  • Grandmaster: Fallen S.A.B.E.R.;
  • Grandmaster: Liminality;
  • Grandmaster: Exodus Crash;
  • Grandmaster: PsiOps Battlegrounds: Cosmodrome;
  • Grandmaster: The Insight Terminus;
  • Grandmaster: The Devil’s Lair.

Successfully completing all of them will reward the Guardian with the Gilded Conqueror Title.

What is the Grandmaster Nightfall schedule?

Please follow this look table to check the updated information on the Grandmaster’s rotation schedule. It provides the information which weapons players will be able to get on particular week:

Grandmaster Date
The Glassway Jun 25 – Jul 1
Warden of Nothing Jul 2 – Jul 8
The Disgraced Jul 9 – Jul 15
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. Jul 16 – Jul 22
Liminality Jul 23 – Jul 29
Exodus Crash Jul 30 – Aug 5
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. Aug 6 – Aug 12
Liminality Aug 13 – Aug 19
Exodus Crash Aug 20 – Aug 26
PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome Aug 27 – Sep 2
The Insight Terminus Sep 3 – Sep 9
The Devil’s Lair Sep 10 – Sep 16
PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome Sep 17 – Sep 23
The Insight Terminus Sep 24 – Sep 30
The Devil’s Lair Oct 1 – Oct 6

What are Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall Loadout Recommendations?

While the most important part of success in GM Nightfall is the individual skill of each member of the fireteam, there are certain weapons that you should have in your armory to make things easier.

  • Arbalest – of the best weapons to deal with Champions, dealing with Barriers in a single shot, as well as dealing great damage with the Catalyst perk. Newest Trials Bow Whistler’s Whim is a decent Legendary alternative.
  • Divinity – like an arbalest, one of the best Anti-Champion weapons, provides reliable Overload stun and is a great choice overall, ensuring extra damage on champions and the boss.
  • Thunderlord – with the newly added Catalyst, this weapon received anti-Overload capabilities, making it a great option to deal with that type of champion.
  • Gjallarhorn – one of the easiest to use and most powerful exotics with a working principle of «fire and forget».
  • Finally, in terms of DPS meta, it is best to use Linear Fusions such as Stormchaser or craftable Taipan-4ft with the Triple Tap + Firing Line combination.

Noteworthy Legendary weapons for GM Nightfalls are:

  • Whistler’s Whim Bow Trials Bow
  • Duty Bound Nightfall AutoRifle
  • Smite or Merain King’s Fall Raid Pulse Rifle
  • Piece of Mind Craftable weapon from Season 16
  • Doom of Chelchis King’s Fall Raid Scout Rifle
  • Tarnished Mettle Craftable Season 18 Scout Rifle
  • The Hothead Nightfall Rocket Launcher, currently retired from the loot pool

What are the weapons possible to get from Grandmaster Nightfall in Episode Echoes?

When a particular Grandmaster Nightfall Strike is in a weekly rotation, players are able to get those Adept weapons: