Destiny 2 Shadow Price Boost

The Shadow Price is an Arc Auto Rifle that was reissued in The Final Shape DLC. Players can get this weapon from the Vanguard playlists in weekly rotation, and if you go on Grandmaster Nightfalls, you have more chances to obtain Shadow Price. With good perks, it can be a very strong weapon, but you need to prepare to spend some time on farms.

Save your time and skip boring farm, buy Destiny 2 Shadow Price Boost. Our professional boosters have huge experience in game activities and are ready to help you. Shadow Price is a must-have for your collection because precision frame auto rifles are great for PvP modes. The Shadow Price Carry is the best choice if you want to get this Auto Rifle and don’t want to go thought farms of Nightfalls.

Service Includes

  • Arc Auto RifleShadow Price or Shadow Price (Adept);
  • Chance to obtain Ascendant Shards and Enhancement Prisms;
  • Chance to get Nightfall Memento and Exotic gear;
  • Vanguard Reputation;
  • All rewards that drop during the completion;
  • Boost for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1 – 2 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 3 hours – 2 days.
ETA completion time may be extended due to this new season, and mechanics can be changed.

Additional Options

  • God Roll – we will farm for you the specified Perk you need from the range of 3rd and 4th group (Please contact the customer support agent after purchase to specify 1 each Perk from the 3rd and 4th group you wish to get).
  • Stream – you can watch the Shadow Price Boost online via a Steam link.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape expansion.
Shadow Price weapon in your collection (for Normal).
2015+ Power Level for the Adept weapons version. If you want to increase your current Power Level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.

How it Works

To get Shadow Price, players need to wait a week’s rotation and go in Nightfalls. With new unique perks, you can roll the perfect weapon for your playstyle. This is a pretty strong weapon that will be a good addition to your collection. Buy Destiny 2 Shadow Price Boosting and our pro player will complete all the requirements to give you this Auto Rifle. Service is available for all platforms, but if you are a PS or Xbox player, enable the Cross Save function, and our PC booster can start making your order faster. Follow the instructions on how to order boost:

  1. Pick your platform and additional options that you want to get.
  2. Destiny 2 Shadow Price is available only in Piloted mode, just share your account data with our verified player, and he will complete all requirements. We will use the VPN of your country.
  3. Click on the Buy Now button and make transactions using your preferred payment method.
  4. In 3-10 minutes, our support will contact you, speak about service details, and set a schedule.
  5. When Shadow Price Auto Rifle will appears in your collection, we will notify you. It would be great if you could share your impressions and left a review about our work.
  6. Go in your favorite activities with your new weapon and kill enemies with bigger power.

If you have some problems or question you can always write in our online chat, the support team is available around the clock.

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  • Platform:

    Number of Guardians:



    Select Desired Perks:


Options amount
Final total


star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

What perks does Shadow Price have?

Players can roll this Arc Auto Rifle with such perks:

  • Perk 1 – Attrition Orbs, Invisible Hand, Surplus, Stats For All, and Strategist.
  • Perk 2 – Permeability, One for All, Voltshot, Demolitionist, Gutshot Straight, and Surrounded.
  • Origin Traits – Stunning Recovery and Vanguard’s Vindication

What Shadow Price God Roll for PvE?

Choose Stats For All for making better Handling and Reload Speed and this perk good peiring with Voltshot it increase damage and make synergy with Stats For All. You could also merge the Strategist and Demolitionist to make a build with incredibly high ability uptime. The strategist increases your class ability while the demolitionist regains your grenade energy.

Barrel Fluted Barrel
Magazine Appended Mag (also good: Flared Magwell)
Perk 1 Stats For All (also good: Strategist)
Perk 2 Voltshot (also good: Demolitionist)
Masterwork Handling

What Shadow Price God Roll for PvP?

The Shadow Price has good stats, it can be used in PvP if you pick Smallbore, Accurized Rounds, and a Stability or Range masterwork. As the first perk, Strategist is the best because it restores your class ability, giving versatility and allowing more purposeful use of abilities. The second slot should be Gutshot Straight since it offers some flexibility for less accurate players.

Barrel Smallbore
Magazine Accurised Rounds
Perk 1 Strategist
Perk 2 Gutshot Straight
Masterwork Stability or Range

How to buy Shadow Price Boost?

Select the platform and additional options on the right side of the page. Next, click on the Buy Now button and pay for the service using a convenient payment method. In 3-10 minutes, we will get in touch with you via your preferred communication channel to speak about details and the service schedule. When our booster completes all requirements, you get notified. It would be nice if you could share your emotions and leave feedback about our service. Don’t hesitate to buy Destiny 2 Shadow Price Boost and get a perfect weapon in your arsenal.