WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Boost

Terrace of Endless Spring is the final abode of Sha of Fear where it will ultimately meet its death. Yes, this is the very Sha that poisoned mantids and their empress sitting in the Heart of Fear raid, so here’s a chance to enact our revenge and earn some great gear of 496 to 509 item level at the same time!

Terrace of Endless Spring is not a raid to be remembered through the centuries, so you can imagine your boredom when re-running it over and over again just to get the gear you want. Fortunately, with Epiccarry’s WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Boost backing you, the chores are no longer chores! Our pro boosters will defeat all the raid bosses on either Normal or Heroic difficulty for you and let you choose the number of gear pieces you want to keep! Buy WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Carry and claim your gear right away!

Service Includes

  • Full Terrace of Endless Spring raid completion (either Normal or Heroic);
  • Ilvl 496 gear (Normal) or ilvl 509 gear (Heroic);
  • A chance to earn raid achievements;
  • You keep all the gold, resources, and reputation earned in the raid.
The more Heroic bosses we defeat for you, the more Heroic items you get. For 1 Heroic boss kill, it is 1+ Heroic item guaranteed. For 2 Heroic bosses, expect 2+ Heroic items

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1–7 days.
Estimated Completion Time: 2–3 hours.

  • Normal: ordinary completion speed;
  • Express: 30% faster;
  • Super Express: 50% faster; the highest priority and completion speed.

Additional Options

  • Add 50,000 Gold — players seeking to develop their character further after the WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Service is complete will need some extra gold in their possession. Thankfully, this gold is right here for a very special price!
  • Stream — the WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Carry is done in piloted mode as well. While this secure service is being performed, you can watch it live by selecting the Stream additional option. The YouTube or Twitch link is included.

Loot Distribution

There are two options for loot distribution for the WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Carry:

  • Guaranteed Items — simply select the guaranteed number of items you need. There’s a chance you get more than that!
  • Loot Priority — all the raid gear for your class and specialization that drops during a single run will be yours.


Level 90 Pandaria Classic character. Use our Pandaria Leveling Boost if you don’t meet this boost service requirement.

How It Works

Now, we invite you to explore the details of our WoW MoP Terrace of Endless Spring Boosting:

  1. Once you’ve purchased our boost, our manager will reach out within 3 to 7 minutes to discuss all the details with you!
  2. You’ll be kept informed every step of the way to ensure a smooth experience;
  3. Choose between piloted mode, where our boosters handle the raid for you, or self-play mode, where you can actively participate;
  4. When all preparations are complete, we’ll carry out a full raid run at lightning speed!
  5. And that’s it! We truly appreciate your trust and look forward to assisting you again. Don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot.
    • 235.60$
    • 324$
    • 640.30$
    • 788.50$


Final total


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Pandaria Terrace of Endless Spring Raid Bosses

Terrace of Endless Spring comprises only four bosses, but lore-wise, it is the final line of defense against the Sha’s corruption of Pandaria. Here, we the champions of Azeroth are to face four powerful enemies, culminating in the fight with the Sha of Fear itself (the one responsible for the corruption of the mantid and their empress). Let’s take a closer look at the boss roster of this raid:

The Terrace of the Endless Spring serves as a fitting finale to Pandaria’s struggles against the Sha, and with the loot to match, it’s a raid worth conquering!

Pandaria Terrace of Endless Spring Achievements

Glory of the Pandaria Raider is the meta-achievement that covers the Terrace of Endless Spring, Mogu’shan Vaults, and Heart of Fear raids, rewarding players with the Reins of the Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent mount. Here’s a breakdown of the Terrace of Endless Spring achievements required for this glory:

  • Power Overwhelming (Protectors of the Endless) — defeat all three bosses within 10 seconds of each other while also keeping the order of their deaths the same across three different kills;
  • Face Clutchers (Tsulong) — defeat Tsulong while ensuring that no player is ever hit by a Dread Shadow or Nightmare during the fight;
  • Who’s Got Two Green Thumbs? (Lei Shi) — defeat Lei Shi after killing three Animated Protectors within 10 seconds of each other;
  • The Mind-Killer (Sha of Fear) — defeat the Sha of Fear after no raid member gets hit by Terror Spawns from the Dread Expanse phase.

Where is the entrance to the Terrace of Endless Spring raid?

The entrance to Terrace of Endless Spring is located in The Veiled Stair, near the eastern cliffs of The Jade Forest in Pandaria. It sits atop a waterfall, overlooking the ocean.

What is the minimal average item level requirement for Terrace of Endless Spring?

To enter the LFR version of Terrace of Endless Spring, you need at least 470 average item level equipped.