WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Boost

The grand finale of the Mists of Pandaria campaign awaits you at the very heart of the Horde, the city of Orgrimmar itself. While Garrosh has clearly been corrupted by the influence of Y’Shaarj, the hidden chambers of Orgrimmar are filled to the brim with great rewards, namely ilvl 553–566 gear! Still, the raid is insufferably big, and getting to the best gear requires time and patience.

But not when Epiccarry is on the job! Buy WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Boost and get the full raid completion on any difficulty and decide which number of raid gear you need. With our WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Carry, not a single droplet of sweat will fall from you when raiding Orgrimmar since we’ll do the job for you!

Service Includes

  • Full Siege of Orgrimmar raid completion (either Normal or Heroic);
  • Ilvl 553 gear (Normal), ilvl 566 gear (Heroic);
  • A chance to get upgraded gear with +6 item levels;
  • A chance to earn raid achievements;
  • You keep all the gold, resources, and reputation earned in the raid.
The more Heroic bosses we defeat for you, the more Heroic items you get. For 3 Heroic boss kill, it is 1+ Heroic item guaranteed. For 11 Heroic bosses, expect 8+ Heroic items

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1–7 days.
Estimated Completion Time: 2–3 hours.

  • Normal: ordinary completion speed;
  • Express: 30% faster;
  • Super Express: 50% faster; the highest priority and completion speed.

Additional Options

  • Add 50,000 Gold — players seeking to develop their character further after the WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Service is complete will need some extra gold in their possession. Thankfully, this gold is right here for a very special price!
  • Stream — the WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Carry is done in piloted mode as well. While this secure service is being performed, you can watch it live by selecting the Stream additional option. The YouTube or Twitch link is included.

Loot Distribution

There are two options for loot distribution for the WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Carry:

  • Guaranteed Items — simply select the guaranteed number of items you need. There’s a chance you get more than that!
  • Loot Priority — all the raid gear for your class and specialization that drops during a single run will be yours.


Level 90 Pandaria Classic character. Use our Pandaria Leveling Boost if you don’t meet this boost service requirement.

How It Works

Check out the specifics of our WoW MoP Siege of Orgrimmar Boosting:

  1. After completing your purchase, expect a message from our manager within 3 to 7 minutes to coordinate the boost;
  2. You’ll be kept in the loop throughout the entire process, so you always know what’s happening;
  3. Choose piloted mode, where our pros take the reins, or self-play mode, where you fight alongside us;
  4. Once everything is set, we’ll complete the full raid efficiently and quickly!
  5. That’s it! We’re grateful for your trust and hope to assist you again soon. Don’t forget to leave us a review on Trustpilot!
    • 215.70$
    • 314.50$
    • 343.90$
    • 443.70$
    • 620.40$
    • 689.70$


Final total


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Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
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Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

Pandaria Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Bosses

Siege of Orgrimmar is a fourteen-boss raid. Being the endgame of Mists of Pandaria, it takes us from the heart of Pandaria (literally) to the gates of Orgrimmar. Garrosh Hellscream has gone mad (again, but this time much more tangibly), and it’s time to bring him down. Shall we break down the boss roster?

With its epic finale, Siege of Orgrimmar is a raid for the ages. Are you ready to bring down the tyrant Warchief?

Pandaria Siege of Orgrimmar Achievements

Siege of Orgrimmar is packed with achievements, from boss-specific challenges to the coveted Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider meta-achievement. Whether you’re after a flashy mount or just some bragging rights, here’s what you need to know for Glory of the Orgrimmar Raider. Completing all challenge-based achievements in Siege of Orgrimmar rewards you with the Reins of the Kor’kron War Wolf mount.

  • No More Tears (Immerseus) — defeat Immerseus after keeping at least 10 Corrupted Minions alive throughout the fight.
  • Go Long (Fallen Protectors) — toss the Mark of Anguish at least 200 yards between players before defeating the bosses.
  • None Shall Pass (Norushen) — defeat Norushen without any raid member touching a single orb.
  • Swallow Your Pride (Sha of Pride) — allow four Manifestations of Pride to reach the boss and be absorbed before killing it.
  • The Immortal Vanguard (Galakras) — keep all four friendly NPC leaders alive during the encounter.
  • Fire in the Hole! (Iron Juggernaut) — defeat Iron Juggernaut without allowing a Crawler Mine to explode.
  • Rescue Raiders (Kor’kron Dark Shaman) — free 10 caged prisoners before defeating the bosses.
  • Gamon Will Save Us! (General Nazgrim) — ensure Gamon survives the entire encounter and helps you defeat Nazgrim.
  • Unlimited Potential (Malkorok) — keep a Living Corruption alive throughout the entire fight and then kill it last.
  • Criss Cross (Spoils of Pandaria) — activate and defeat four different sets of artifacts in under 10 seconds.
  • Giant Dinosaur vs. Mega Snail (Thok the Bloodthirsty) — kite Thok into a Snail and have it kill him.
  • Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My! (Siegecrafter Blackfuse) — defeat him after destroying each weapon at least once.
  • Now We Are The Paragon (Paragons of the Klaxxi) — defeat each Klaxxi Paragon last in separate kills.
  • Strike! (Garrosh Hellscream) — kill 18 Kor’kron Warbringers in a single phase before defeating Garrosh.

Where is the entrance to the Siege of Orgrimmar raid?

The entrance to Siege of Orgrimmar is found at the main gates of Orgrimmar in Durotar. Horde players will recognize it immediately, while Alliance players will need to approach from Razor Hill.

What is the minimal average item level requirement for Siege of Orgrimmar?

To enter the LFR version of Siege of Orgrimmar, you need at least 496 average item level equipped.