What happens if my boost takes longer with the Express and Super Express options for SOD power leveling?
We always aim to complete our efficient leveling services on time for WoW SOD and the Season of Discovery leveling. However, in rare instances, issues like connection or power cuts, especially given most of our executors are from Ukraine, may affect the leveling process.
Adhering to our principle of timely service, if a booster delays the boost by up to 1 day, we will compensate with a 50% refund of the extra option cost or 100% for delays exceeding 1 day in your WoW season of discovery power leveling. Sometimes there are some problems we cannot control. In this case we are always happy to find a solution to satisfy our customers. In case you have faced some unexpected issues, please be sure to contact our manager immediately. We will do our best to offer you the compensation for sod power leveling boost you will like.
Does server shutdown time count towards the WoW Season of Discovery power leveling completion time?
Unfortunately, server shutdowns or lags, which impact the leveling experience and quickly leveling your character to the maximum level or level cap in WoW Classic Season, are not included in the tracked completion time.
Such instances, where the booster cannot engage in the game, quests, or complete dungeons, do not count towards the overall time.
These rare occurrences are typically announced and discussed on forums, ensuring transparency in our boosting services. Our goal is to provide a seamless leveling service, allowing players to enjoy new seasons, future patches, and new abilities without delays.
We do not control server conditions and thus cannot adjust our service completion ETA according to it. But If ETA delay is our fault be sure to contact our manager. We usually offer some compensations in that case. Every case is unique though, so be ready to answer some questions and provide us with detailed information on your problem.
How will my WoW SOD power leveling process be conducted?
First and foremost, we want to assure you that none of our boosters use bots or hacks. They are wow experts and everything is accomplished through manual work, which is why we offer the streaming option absolutely free, as we have nothing to conceal. We use only human resources! No bots, cheats or third side programs. You have nothing to worry about.
All our boosters are tested monthly and all of them have proven their loyalty over years. We trust every booster because we sure they are professionals who value their job and salary. Not a single letter from your data will be leaked!
May I request a custom leveling route or strategy when I purchase WoW Season of Discovery power leveling?
Absolutely! We welcome custom order requests to ensure our service aligns with your specific needs. You can contact our support team to discuss and finalize your tailored leveling strategy. However, please be aware this may affect the leveling process speed and price.
We always ready to adjust our services and make them more flexible. This helps us to stay competitive on the boosting market and lead the way to other shops.
Can I order WoW SOD power leveling for a new character?
Of course, you are free to order the WoW Classic Season of Discovery leveling boost for a new, old, or even multiple characters.
Our experienced players are here to assist with any request, ensuring you quickly level up in the game world, access endgame content, and enjoy the benefits of our services.
What is the maximum level in World of Warcraft season of discovery classic?
The maximum level cap in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery remains the same as in the original Vanilla, at level 60. However, blizzard entertainment made the main change from Vanilla. In the Warcraft Season of Discovery, level caps are introduced phase by phase.
For example, in the first phase, players were only able to reach level 25, in the second phase level 40, and so on. With each new Season of Discovery phase, the unlocked level cap increases until it reaches level 60.
Despite these changes blizzard entertainment has made, the leveling process in the Season of Discovery remained the same: boring and time-consuming, countless hours long process.
Just buy a WoW Season of Discovery leveling boost and forget about all the grind in WoW SOD. Our different location boosters will be happy to assist with any of your WoW SOD requests.