How to access the Spire of the Watcher Dungeon?
If you want to run into SoW dungeon, the first thing you have to do is chat with Ikora in the Tower. She has this Ares Desperado quest for you that will allow you access. Load into the dungeon from the Mars location in Savathun’s Throne World.
There are two hidden chests that you can find in SoW if you explore enough.
Is Spire of the Watcher Dungeon the hardest dungeon?
Spire of the Watcher is probably the easiest dungeon in Destiny 2 game. However, you may find difficulties completing it on your own Solo or solo without deaths.
This new dungeon, is Vex-themed and seems less difficult than Duality. It has simpler mechanics and more direct boss fights, but your first run through any dungeon isn’t easy.
Is it possible to get the Spire of the Watcher dungeon completed Solo?
SoW is usually made with fireteam of 3 guardians in mind first and foremost. They can be done solo, but it’s hard. If you want to hit crits and put out damage, switch over to some rockets if you have them.
This free mission is open to all in the game. But before you can start, go through the Spire of the Watcher, go by the Tower, and take the Ares Desperado quest from Ikora Rey first.
The class that you like is the best for you in the Spirit of the Watcher, but right now, Solar’s leading the pack, more specifically, Solar Titans are probably top-tier currently.
Is loot good in the Spire of the Watcher?
Yes, beating the Spire can earn you some guns, like Terminus Horizon, a machine gun you can use in any of the encounters. There’s also Long Arm, a scout rifle from the first and last fights, and the Seventh Seraph Carbine, an auto rifle from the same encounters.
Can you farm the exotic weapons in Spire of the Watcher?
You can definitely grind for the Hierarchy of Needs exotic bow, but only when Spire is the weekly featured dungeon. The same goes for all the dungeon exotics – except the newest dungeon’s exotic since that dungeon isn’t on the weekly rotation yet.
What steps are needed to achieve the Spire of the Watcher triumph?
To get that Spire of the Watcher details triumph thing, you have got to go through the whole dungeon from start to finish without ever using the checkpoints. If your latest run shows you used a checkpoint, try again without leaving or disconnecting to earn the triumph.
What are the rewards for Spire of the Watcher dungeon?
You can get unique weapons from Spire of the Watcher dungeon:
- Terminus Horizon – Machine Gun;
- Long Arm – Scout Rifle;
- Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver – Hand Cannon;
- Liminal Vigil – Sidearm;
- Seventh Seraph Carbine – Auto Rifle;
- Wilderflight – Grenade Launcher;
- Hierarchy of Needs – Combat Bow.
Each time you clear an encounter here, you’ll get a Pinnacle drop per character each week. After that, only legendary gear will continue to drop from each encounter that is completed.
You can’t craft the guns from SoW dungeon like you could with Duality. The Exotic Bow Hierarchy of Needs is a pinnacle drop you can get once per character each week. Also, you can obtain TM Cogburn armor.
What do you get for Solo Flawless Spire of the Watcher boosting services?
When you order the Spire of the Watcher dungeon boost for Solo Flawless completion with our best players, you will receive a Dungeon Report badge, some redesigned weapons, and a new armor set as a reward.