How to get the Vex Mythoclast?
Vex Mythoclast Exotic Fusion Rifle drops from Atheon, the final boss of the Vault of Glass. It’s a random drop, and the chances to get the weapon are very low – you have one chance per character per week, limiting you to 3 attempts on the account. That is unless the raid is active on the weekly raid rotation, making the boss farmable – you can keep on going for as long as your patience allows. Based on the community calculations, the drop rate of the fusion rifle is estimated at around 1-3% and does not have any bad luck protection to increase your chances over time.
What’s unique about Vex Mythoclast?
Vex Mythoclast is a highly versatile weapon, being the only Fusion rifle to use unlimited primary ammo and shoot in 390 RPM full auto mode, just like a heavy auto rifle. This weapon boasts two modes of shooting a first full-automatic mode and a second one, which imitates an ordinary, more typical fusion rifle by launching robust linear fusion energy bolts. By overcharging a weapon, you can activate an alternative mode of the single bolt fire, effectively turning the weapon into Linear Fusion at will. Despite the differences from classic fusion rifles, this weapon still benefits from all the fusion rifle armor mods.
What perks do Vex Mythoclast have?
This exotic fusion rifle packs a combination of unique perks that make it a versatile weapon for many activities:
- Timeless Mythoclast – in a default firing mode, Vex Mythoclast fires at 390 RPM full auto.
- Temporal Unlimiter – defeat targets to Overcharge weapon, allowing to switch to an alternative mode of Linear Fusion Rifle and fire a single bolt of energy with each trigger pull.
Is Destiny 2 Vex Mythoclast exotic fusion rifle good?
The gun was released in an overpowered state and utterly dominated both PvP and PvE, holding the top positions each Trials weekend. There were a few nerfs and balance tunings over time and yet it remains to be one of the most powerful and desired weapons in the game, providing unique capabilities, tons of damage, and great synergy with Solar 3.0 builds.
How to get Vex Mythoclast Catalyst?
To obtain the Catalyst, players must complete a special puzzle during the Vault of Glass raid. Make sure to equip Vex Mythoclast before starting the puzzle, and keep it equipped through the entire puzzle completion.
There are 5 plates hidden across the raid that you must find and stand on with the Vex Mythoclast. Once the plate is activated, a few Oracles will spawn nearby, increasing in number with each new plate. Defeat them in order of their spawn using any weapons you want; using the anti-oracles raid mods is advised. Split your fireteam to locate the Oracles around the plates and have one player with the Mythoclast standing on the Plate, activating it when necessary.
What is for the Vex Mythoclast Catalyst?
Vex Mythoclast Catalyst further improves the weapon to its absolute form. Calculated Balance Perk combined with the Timeless Mythoclast provides bonus damage and increases stability and accuracy upon each final blow in full auto mode.
How to unlock perks on Vex Mythoclast Catalyst?
After the slab puzzle, you need to start farming 700 kills with the Vex Mythoclast to upgrade the catalyst, activate the Calculated Balance perk, and unlock the full potential of the exotic weapon. The best way to quickly farm kills to upgrade the catalyst is to find the Shuro-Chi encounter checkpoint in the Last Wish raid by using LFG or by entering 4th Wish inside the raid and teleporting to the boss. There, you can repeatedly farm waves of captured slaves, getting around 80 kills in just a few minutes.
What rewards can you get from the last boss in the Last Wish raid?
Besides the Vex, loot from the last boss of the raid includes:
- Praedyth’s Revenge Kinetic Sniper Rifle;
- Corrective Measure Machine Gun;
- Hezen Vengeance Rocket Launcher;
- Helm and Chest armor.
Each weapon is the most popular one in their archetype, making it a great bonus to the exotic farm.
How is Vex Mythoclast working?
This weapon is great for any mode in the game. You need to defeat enemies and accumulate Overcharge. Then, switch the mode and kill all the enemies with one blow. You can weaken bosses and become champions. This weapon is definitely a must-have for your collection.
How does the Vex Mythoclast boost work?
You select the options you want to receive, and our pro players begin working on your order. We complete the service as quickly as possible so that you can enjoy your exotic weapon sooner. You will save time on farming and learning how to complete a raid.