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“Somewhere in the icy lands of Northrend lies the citadel of The Lich King himself; silent ice walls keep many secrets…” Perhaps one of the oldest and most popular expansions is Wrath of the Lich King and its well-known raid Icecrown Citadel, where you can get the desired mount in the history of World of Warcraft – Invincible’s Reins. This horse served Prince Arthas faithfully during his lifetime, and even in death, he is loyal to The Lich King. The probability of getting this magnificent horse is 0.78%. This mount changes depending on your riding skill and your location. The Lich King values his horse very much; since there are a lot of people who want to get it, they will have to fight with the servants and then The Lich King himself. You need to fight all the raid bosses to face the final boss of Icecrown Citadel, and the likelihood that you will get a horse from him is very small; we will help you increase your drop chance and get this one of the very rare mounts in your collection. You don’t have to be a regular guest of Icecrown Citadel and perform the same type of actions; our professionals will do this work for you. We are ready to provide you with high-quality and fast service; our services operate 24/7, without breaks or weekends.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion time: Flexible.
500,000 Gold — In addition to fulfilling the service of receiving the rare horse Invincible’s Reins, we will also send 500,000 Gold to your character;
Stream — Our experienced booster will stream on Twitch or YouTube. You will be able to follow the entire process of obtaining Invincible’s Reins for your collection, and you will not doubt or worry.
Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 80. Use our The War Within Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Only in the heroic mode for 25 players can you get this beautiful horse; he will serve you faithfully, as The Lich King served. The difficulty is that you need to fight all the Icecrown Citadel bosses before the portal to the final boss opens. This raid is considered one of the most popular among players; many interesting items and achievements can be obtained, and the most important treasure is hidden on the top floor of the citadel. We have prepared small instructions for you to review before the upcoming boosting service:
Please leave an honest review of our Invincible’s Reins Boost. We are constantly improving, and your feedback helps us improve the quality of the services we provide. Our main goal is to delight our clients by achieving the desired results.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
Unfortunately, this horse only drops in the heroic difficulty level for 25 players since this is considered the most challenging level for obtaining Invincible’s Reins. To do this, you need to destroy all the bosses so that the portal to the last floor to the final boss – The Lich King – opens. The chance of getting it is tiny, so you will have to visit the Icecrown Citadel more than once and fight again and again with the servants of The Lich King. To free you from monotony and increase your chance of a drop, our team will try to achieve success so that you are left with positive emotions and a horse in your collection.
This horse can also be found in the Black Market, Madam Goya, but keep in mind that the price will not please you much. Unfortunately, rare mounts cost exorbitant prices, and before you spend all your gold, think about whether it’s worth it. After all, the difficulty lies in the fact that you need to win a bet from other players.
According to Wowhead statistics, only 19% of players have this cool horse, which is a very small number and means that the chance of getting it is very small. Epiccarry is your chance and your hope to become the happy owner of great rarities.
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