Cataclysm Classic PvE BiS Gear Boost

Feeling constantly underpowered? Wish you were always on par with every possible challenge the game throws at you? Well, you’re at the right place to settle this once and for all! The best in slot gear is called so for a reason, and there’s no surprise farming best in slot items has never been an easy task. Until now, that is! Choose our WoW Cataclysm Classic PvE BiS Gear Boosting to leave all that struggle behind and breeze through the endgame content with flying colors! With our help, the endless search for high-level best in slot gear will be over, as our professional booster team will gear you up from head to foot.

Service Includes

  • Full PvE BiS set of ilvl 391 for your class & spec;
  • Four Tier 12 items included;
  • Lots of raid runs;
  • Possible outdoor activities, such as reputation farm (depends on particular BiS item);
  • A chance to get numerous achievements from raiding and outdoor activities;
  • All the gear for your class and spec, as well as gold, reputation, and resources your character gets during the service.

This boost will be completed in Cataclysm Classic PvE BiS Gear Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15–30 minutes.
Estimated Completion Time: 60 days.

Additional Options

Guaranteed Dragonwrath Staff — you’ll get the Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest staff on top of everything else included! Note that your class has to be one of these: Mage, Druid, Priest, Warlock, or Shaman.
Add 50,000 Gold
— this is our extra prize for you. Choose this hard-earned Classic Cataclysm gold to get an even greater headstart in the end-game content!
Stream — since we provide the WoW Cataclysm Classic PvE BiS Gear carry in piloted mode (meaning none of your time or handwork is needed), you may choose to have a YouTube or Twitch link to view the process firsthand!


Level 85 Cataslysm Classic character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost if you don’t meet this gear boost service requirement.

How It Works

Let us now guide you through all of the WoW Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear Carry service’s main steps. Here’s what you can expect from it:

  • We’ll use publicly available guides to assess the type of gear we need to get for you. After you’ve made the payment, wait for our service agent to contact you in 3 to 10 minutes. They will answer all the questions you have and plan out the service schedule;
  • Second, our best boosters come into play. One of them will play as your character in piloted mode, as this is how we ensure we complete the offer as fast and effectively as possible. Select Stream in additional options to oversee the whole process;
  • The most exciting part begins: as our veteran boosters dispatch on their farming routes in Classic Cataclysm, you need only wait in anticipation!
  • Expect to be constantly updated on the progress of your Cata Classic PvE BiS Gear boost;
  • It will take roughly 60 days of active farming before we can report on the completion of this Classic Cataclysm service, but the final time span depends on our luck;
  • Once we’ve helped you farm the best gear for your character and made you a number-one hero, we’ll humbly ask you to rate our services! See if your journey with us has been comfortable, and go straight to Trustpilot to share your thoughts!

This is it: the job is done! You are sporting that shiny best in slot gear, and we at Epiccarry await your return to continue our adventures on Azeroth!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which BiS-equipped classes and specs are the best at DPS, Tanking, and Healing in Classic Cataclysm?

There are several layers to the question of which spec will be king of the hill in Classic Cataclysm. First of all, with each update, the META (most effective tactics available) slightly changes due to new gear and balance changes introduced into the game, be it talent rebalancing or new gear with changes to hit rating. We use websites like to get the most accurate perspective on the best in slot gear in the current update. Here are some excerpts from the Cataclysm gear rankings according to

  • Pre-Raid:
    • DPS: Arms Warriors’ best in slot gear provides the highest damage possible; Survival Hunters and Unholy Death Knights come very close;
    • Tanking: Blood Death Knights are absolute champions here with their best in slot gear; no other class comes even close to them;
    • Healing: Holy Paladins would be proud of their healing numbers with the best in slot gear equipped; Discipline Priests fall slightly behind;
  • T11:
    • DPS: Marksmanship Hunters, it’s your time to rejoice! With best in slot gear, best in game DPS is yours! For now… However, Arms Warriors don’t fall behind too much either;
    • Tanking: Blood Death Knights keep their rank of the ultimate champions. Spoiler: this won’t change for quite some time;
    • Healing: still Holy Paladins and Discipline Priests, no changes!
  • T12:
    • DPS: Marksmanship Hunters are still the first to deal massive damage, but this time around, all Rogue specs come into play with very neat results: Combat is the 2nd, Subtlety is the 3rd, and Assassination is the 5th in the overall DPS ranking;
    • Tanking: Blood Death Knights, no alternatives;
    • Healing: nah, no changes from the previous updates still; Holy Paladins are the winners, Discipline Priests get the silver prize;
  • T13:
    • DPS: Subtlety Rogues are winning the Cataclysm race toward the best DPS! Quite unexpectedly, Marksmanship Hunters are right at the very bottom with their best in slot items now;
    • Tanking: you expected someone other than Blood Death Knights?
    • Healing: Holy Paladins with best in slot gear are still the best among the best, while Discipline Priests are ranked second.

Why is full BiS equipment not guaranteed for this service?

There’s a high chance you’ll get full BiS item equipment if you buy WoW Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear boost from us, and we are fully committed to farming those items for you until the season ends. However, due to the RNG (random) nature of the WoW loot distribution system, we can’t guarantee to fill all 16–17 item slots your character has with BiS items in a given time frame.

We will also upgrade all the gear (BiS or otherwise) with gems and enchantments where possible.

How exactly can you farm BiS gear during the Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear boost?

There are many ways to get the best in slot gear in WoW, especially during the pre-raid period (purchasing from faction vendors, crafting through professions, doing Heroic dungeon runs, purchasing for Valor points), but a chief means to do that is undoubtedly completing a lot of Heroid raid runs. That’s what we do for you as well if you buy our WoW Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear Service!

What’s the difference between PvE gear and PvP gear?

The main difference between PvE gear and PvP gear lies in the stat called resilience. The more resilience you have, the less damage you receive from other players during PvP battles. Bear in mind that you can only increase your resilience via PvP gear (best in slot PvP gear will be quite handy here), various elixirs, enchantments, and gems you place in your item sockets. It’s not your inherent attribute like strength or intelligence.

Why is Epiccarry the best choice for the WoW Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear service?

We’re the best bang for your buck simply because we’ve been in this business for more than 10 years and even managed to gather a small army of loyal customers! The Trustpilot reviews reflect our customers’ outstanding trust in our platform, and you can check it out for yourself — we won’t fail to deliver!

Does Epiccarry employ a price match policy?

Yes, we do offer a price match policy! If you were about to buy WoW Cataclysm PvE BiS Gear carry from us but found another trustworthy, non-scam boosting platform offering the same service at a lower price, we will match that price.
