The Rage of the Firelands update for WoW Cataclysm Classic has seen the return of none other than Ragnaros the Firelord himself, along with his entourage. The new Firelands raid is a huge instance with seven bosses to take down; four raid modes we’re all familiar with (10-man Normal, 25-man Normal, 10-man Heroic, and 25-man Heroic); new juicy loot with item levels 378 through 397, including the renowned Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand; brand new Tier 12 class sets, mounts, achievements, titles, and more! Besides, the lion’s share of the new quest chain for obtaining the legendary Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest staff takes place in the Firelands, too! Quite a long walk to set foot on, right?
Don’t feel overwhelmed, we say! Epiccarry is an immensely experienced company setting a golden standard in helping players like you reach their desired goals in World of Warcraft and beyond! Today, we offer you to join forces with us on your Firelands Boost journey! With our help, you are guaranteed to breeze through the Firelands content in record time with all the valuable loot, achievements, mounts, or anything you fancy ending up in your collection! Our professional hand-picked boosters use all the imaginable methods to carry out your request as safely as possible, VPN connection and live stream options being one of those. Choosing Epiccarry may prove one of the best decisions in your online gaming experience!
We’ve gathered some essential info on the Firelands Boost options you may find useful. Tons of content distilled into one compact page — what could be better than this?
Cataclysm Classic Firelands Bosses
Let’s now take a closer look at Ragnaros and his minions, shall we? The first half of the Firelands raid is designed for a free-roam completion, meaning that you can choose to dispose of the first five bosses (Shannox, Lord Rhyolith, Beth’tilac, Alysrazor, and Baleroc) in any order you prefer. But the final two bosses — Majordomo Staghelm and Ragnaros — are to be slain one after another. There are no extra Heroic bosses as well: all of them are available on both difficulties, but there’s a small gimmick with Ragnaros on Heroic we’ll touch upon later. Additionally, there are no optional bosses in this raid, as all five free-roam ones have to be killed before you can engage Majordomo Staghelm. Here’s a further breakdown:
- Shannox — this boss is not present at first, and you should summon him by killing trash. Once he arrives, he starts patrolling the middle area of the raid instance; at that very instant, the bridge to Baleroc appears, so you don’t have to kill Shannox to approach Baleroc but merely summon him;
- Lord Rhyolith — this giant elemental will ignore the players at first, but you can deal damage to his legs to kite him to active volcanoes that reduce his armor;
- Beth’tilac — you have to siphon off the energy of this giant brood mother three times before she descends from the top of her web, becoming vulnerable to your attacks;
- Alysrazor — arguably one of the most epic fights in the whole raid; this firebird offers a complex four-phase boss fight with lots of tornado dodging and players flying with Wings of Flame;
- Baleroc — this fire elemental guards the gate to Ragnaros’ fortress. Has an easy strategy to wrap your head around, especially if fought after Alysrazor;
- Majordomo Staghelm — remember Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm, one of the creators of Teldrassil and a leader of Night Elves? Now, he’s the penultimate boss of the Firelands raid and a servant to Ragnaros… All because of having been corrupted by Xavius one day (you’ve read the books, right?). The boss fight with Staghelm revolves around him taking various animalistic forms as befits a druid;
- Ragnaros — here comes the big guy. DIE, INSECT! and all this stuff. Ragnaros is, naturally, the final boss of the Firelands raid, residing in a small magma lake in his fortress. The boss fight involves a lot of dealing with adds, Ragnaros submerging and hacking his Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand right and left, but the funny thing we were talking about before is that on Heroic difficulty, there’s one extra phase of this boss fight where Ragnaros gains legs and roams the arena freely! Get ready for some flame game!
And that’s it! We have the following services to offer if you’re interested in slaying the Firelands bosses: Cataclysm Firelands Normal Raid Boost and Cataclysm Firelands Heroic Raid Boost, one for each difficulty and with the loot priority option to top it off. Enjoy!
Cataclysm Classic Firelands Loot & Gear
Now’s the time to talk about the Firelands Boost loot and gear a bit. Here’s the ranked list of gear item levels dropped in WoW Cataclysm Classic Firelands:
- Normal difficulty:
- Item level 378 — all bosses except Ragnaros;
- Item level 384 — Ragnaros;
- Heroic difficulty:
- Item level 391 — all bosses except Ragnaros;
- Item level 397 — Ragnaros.
The loot of a 10-man raid is not inferior to the loot of a 25-man raid: all the loot is identical between the 10- and 25-man raid sizes of a respective difficulty, including stats and item levels.
Some of the most prominent items you can receive in a Cataclysm Classic Firelands Boosting Service are listed here (all of them have both Normal and Heroic versions, so don’t worry about choosing the wrong difficulty):
- Alysra’s Razor (1H Dagger dropped by Alysrazor) — get the pun?
- Wings of Flame (Back item dropped by Alysrazor) — to be kept as a fond memento;
- Heartstone of Rhyolith (Neck item dropped by Lord Rhyolith) — not to be confused with a certain card game;
- Fireskin Gauntlets (Plate Hands item dropped by Lord Rhyolith) — who… who named it like that…?
- Necklace of Fetishes (Neck item dropped by Shannox) — alright, we get the point;
- Scalp of the Bandit Prince (Mail Head item dropped by Shannox) — ew, gross. But looks cool!
- Shard of Torment (Shield dropped by Baleroc) — named after Baleroc’s Shards of Torment ability;
- Crown of Flame (Mail Head item dropped by Ragnaros) — looks fire!
- Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand (2H Mace dropped by Ragnaros) — the stuff of legends and an hommage to Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros;
- Crystallized Firestone — not a gear piece but a currency item dropped by all Firelands bosses with a small chance on Heroic difficulty only (an exception to our rule). Visit Lurah Wrathvine to trade this item and a 378 ilvl epic item looted from Firelands trash mobs or purchased with Valor points for an upgraded 391 ilvl epic version of that item.
Firelands Tier 12 Gear
A whole lot of players raid the Firelands for Tier 12 gear sets solely. These are class-specific sets that provide unique passive bonuses for your character. Look at the full list of Tier 12 sets here.
While Rage of the Firelands is the most current update, Tier set pieces are purchased with either Valor points or special Armor tokens (like Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher) dropped by both Normal and Heroic Firelands bosses. Normal and Heroic Tier sets are visually distinct and exist separately, but a Heroic version is superior to a Normal one in stats, item level, and (most of the time) looks.
Here’s where you can get the Tier 12 Armor tokens in the Firelands:
- Normal difficulty (ilvl 378):
- Mantle Armor tokens (traded for Shoulder items) — dropped by Normal Majordomo Staghelm (Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher, Mantle of the Fiery Conqueror, and Mantle of the Fiery Protector);
- Helm Armor tokens (traded for Head items) — dropped by Normal Ragnaros (Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher, Helm of the Fiery Conqueror, and Helm of the Fiery Protector);
- Heroic difficulty (ilvl 391):
- Gauntlet Armor tokens (traded for Hand items) — dropped by Heroic Baleroc (Gauntlets of the Fiery Vanquisher, Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror, and Gauntlets of the Fiery Protector);
- Chest Armor tokens — dropped by Heroic Alysrazor (Chest of the Fiery Vanquisher, Chest of the Fiery Conqueror, and Chest of the Fiery Protector);
- Leggings Armor tokens (traded for Legs items) — dropped by Heroic Shannox (Leggings of the Fiery Vanquisher, Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror, and Leggings of the Fiery Protector);
- Shoulders Armor tokens — dropped by Heroic Majordomo Staghelm (Shoulders of the Fiery Vanquisher, Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror, and Shoulders of the Fiery Protector);
- Crown Armor tokens (traded for Head items) — dropped by Heroic Ragnaros (Crown of the Fiery Vanquisher, Crown of the Fiery Conqueror, and Crown of the Fiery Protector).
Firelands Reputation Gear
The new faction introduced with the Rage of the Firelands update is Avengers of Hyjal. You can increase your reputation with them by killing stuff in the Firelands. Small trash mobs yield tiny amounts of rep until Friendly (inclusive). Big trash mobs like Molten Lord yield more rep until Honored (inclusive). Also, Shannox, Alysrazor, Lord Rhyolith, and Beth’tilac each give 250/500 rep on Normal/Heroic, while Baleroc, Majordomo Staghelm, and Ragnaros each give 400/800 reputation on Normal and Heroic, respectively, all the way up to Exalted. When you hit it, the Avengers of Hyjal achievement and the ‘Avenger of Hyjal’ title will be yours.
With each new level of reputation, new epic items can be purchased with 250–500 gold each from Naresir Stormfury:
- Friendly — Cloaks (ilvl 378);
- Honored — Belts (ilvl 378);
- Revered — Trinkets (ilvl 378);
- Exalted — Rings (ilvl 391).
We offer these Firelands raid boost options to collect the gear you want:
- Cataclysm Classic Tier Sets Boost;
- Cataclysm Classic Firelands Full Gear Boost;
- Cataclysm Classic Firelands Specific Item Boost.
Cataclysm Classic Firelands Achievements
Never forget about the WoW Cataclysm Firelands Boost raid-related achievements as well! Those yield some sweet rewards and a full cup of satisfaction!
- Glory of the Firelands Raider — the most coveted achievement of them all. Requires you to kill all the Firelands bosses except Ragnaros on Heroic and meet certain conditions during those boss fights. Rewards with a mount we’ll discuss in the next section!
- Firelands and Firelands Guild Run — simply defeat all the bosses on any difficulty (for the Guild Run achievement, your group has to include 8 or 20 guild members (including you) in a 10-man or 25-man run, respectively);
- Heroic: Ragnaros and Heroic: Ragnaros Guild Run — self-explanatory; rewards with the Firelord title;
- Realm First! Ragnaros — have you just blinked? If yes, you’re already too late for this achievement, sorry;
- Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest and Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest – Guild Edition — while not fully related to the Firelands raid, the questline for these achievements plays out primarily in the Firelands and requires a long, long grind.
We offer these services if you’re interested in the Firelands Boost raid-related achievements:
Cataclysm Classic Firelands Mounts
There are three mounts you can obtain in the Firelands raid:
- Corrupted Fire Hawk — you get this flying mount by earning the Glory of the Firelands Raider meta-achievement, which yields the Corrupted Egg of Millagazor item;
- Pureblood Fire Hawk — another flying mount from the Firelands. The Smoldering Egg of Millagazor teaching you this mount drops from Ragnaros himself on any difficulty, but here’s the catch: when Cataclysm is the current expansion, the chance of obtaining Smoldering Egg of Millagazor on Heroic difficulty is 100%! After that (at least this was the case with WoW Retail), the drop chance will… well, drop to around 1% on both difficulties. Normal Ragnaros has a 1% chance of dropping the mount regardless of the expansion, though;
- Flametalon of Alysrazor — this ground mount here is dropped by Alysrazor after her defeat on any Firelands difficulty. The drop chance is quite low, sitting at around 2–4%.
Consider the following Firelands boosting service options to make all these mounts yours:
Frequently Asked Questions
Which additional options do you offer in your Firelands Boost services? Can I expect loot priority and raid-related achievements?
We offer a wide variety of WoW additional option features to enhance your progress in the Firelands. We always offer resources like gold, additional mounts, or loot priority option when all the loot relevant for your class and spec earned by our booster team in the raids is kept by your character. Usually loot priority adds 50% to the price since loot priority means a ton of top gear for your spec, right? So, select loot priority on sight!
Generally, our WoW additional options vary with each offer, depending on how we aim to enhance your experience in raids and beyond.
Which boosting modes can I use for WoW Cataclysm Classic Firelands boost services in Firelands raid content?
We perform our World of Warcraft boost services in either self-play or piloted mode (account sharing). With self-play, you are invited into our team of pro boosters to conquer the World of Warcraft raids and other obstacles yourself, accompanied by the expert team. During piloted mode, as opposed to self-play, one of our specially trained boosters receives access to your account and character for completing the task at hand. Our team takes security measures very seriously, so you don't have to worry about your WoW account and character data. We also allow for a price match option if you find a non-scam boosting platform offering the same service for a lower price.
After the WoW Cataclysm boosting service concludes, we usually ask to rate us on Trustpilot and leave a small review.
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